

DIAMANDA GALAS uppsala CONCERT REVIEW & PHOTOS, BY EVIL QUEEN YUKIRO. AVANTGARDE GOTH OPERATIC SINGER. Diamanda Galás, CONCERTS, sweden gothic, swedish goths, androgynous long blond hair male model

The Evil Queen Bitch is back! Yukiro Dravarious will be doing some guest posts, so you’ll see more of his Fashion-Forward looks on my blog. And guess what. He’s starting a Visual Gothic band in Tokyo. Can’t wait to tell you more.

Let’s begin with Yukiro’s concert review of Diamanda Galas, the witchy-woman vocalist and pianist. Take it away, my dark one. (All photos below by Yukiro, except the third by Kristofer Buckle.)

DIAMANDA GALAS STOCKHOLM CONCERT REVIEW & PHOTOS, BY EVIL QUEEN YUKIRO. AVANTGARDE GOTH OPERATIC SINGER. Diamanda Galás, CONCERTS, sweden gothic, swedish goths,  androgynous long blond hair male model

My Swedish partner in crime Linn/Johan bought tickets to the Diamanda Galas concert in excitement. We went to Uppsala by bus from Stockholm, which was a big mistake. It took twice as long as the train and was not one kronor cheaper. We noticed that we had come to the right place when “interesting” looking people started to gather. The new Konsert & Kongress hall was beautiful and big — a perfect place for a gothic Mega Queen like Diamanda.

DIAMANDA GALAS STOCKHOLM, uppsala Konsert & Kongress hall, CONCERT REVIEW & PHOTOS, BY EVIL QUEEN YUKIRO. AVANTGARDE GOTH OPERATIC SINGER. Diamanda Galás, CONCERTS, sweden gothic, swedish goths, xperimental music performances, ladyboy, androgynous long blond hair male model

We had second row tickets, so we were basically as close as we could be to Diamanda Galas. Before she entered the stage, some guy screamed HAIL! and everyone shut their traps. At first we thought it was part of the show but we soon realized it was just some random guy screaming. Awesome.

Everything turned black and then a lot of foggy smoke spread from the stage. One spotlight shone on a black classic piano standing in the center. The diva came out and the audience went crazy. She didn’t look as old as someone told me she’d be. I’d say she looked vampire-ishly fresh for her age.

DIAMANDA GALAS STOCKHOLM, sweden tickets, pianist woman, Konsert & Kongress hall, cONCERT REVIEW & PHOTOS, BY EVIL QUEEN YUKIRO. AVANTGARDE GOTH OPERATIC SINGER. Diamanda Galás, CONCERTS, sweden gothic, swedish goths, experimental music performances, ladyboy, androgynous long blond hair male model

The half-Greek, half American performer played the piano like only she can. She’s described in a Swedish paper as an undead salamander-queen out to take revenge upon the living. Serious, unlimited and frightening: Diamanda puts on an emotional show that is unique and amazing.

The concert tour was called “The Refugee.” It’s dedicated to people who have been forced to flee due to their lifestyles or ethnic backgrounds. Diamanda is a well-known fighter against homophobia and religious dogmatism. Her voice breaks all the boundaries; the piano was explosive and virtuous. With her provocative ways, she tells us not only that it’s possible to break every wall of discrimination but also to live out your inner mad world.

DIAMANDA GALAS STOCKHOLM CONCERT REVIEW & PHOTOS, BY EVIL QUEEN YUKIRO. AVANTGARDE GOTH OPERATIC SINGER. Diamanda Galás, CONCERTS, sweden gothic, swedish goths, , colorful wigs, long hair goth hairstyles, music, lyrics, mp3, downloads, songs, visual kei, visual bands, experimental music performances, ladyboy, androgynous long blond hair male model

The repertoire was mostly old Greek traditional and re-made tunes, or songs by Jacques Brel. She played both of my favorites, “Heaven Have Mercy” and “Gloomy Sunday”. They’re covers, but you can barely hear the original similarities.

Her Highness played three encores. When she finally took her flowers and thanked the audience, all of us stood up for the fabulous queen! It was an honor to see her live, and I hope she continues for a long time.

DIAMANDA GALAS STOCKHOLM CONCERT REVIEW & PHOTOS, BY EVIL QUEEN YUKIRO. AVANTGARDE GOTH OPERATIC SINGER. Diamanda Galás, CONCERTS, sweden gothic, swedish goths, , colorful wigs, long hair goth hairstyles, music, lyrics, mp3, downloads, songs, visual kei, visual bands, experimental music performances, ladyboy, androgynous long blond hair male model

Coming up… Yukiro will bring you exclusive dispatches from Tokyo Spookyville. Is there anything in particular you’d like to see?

PS: Today, Seba and I had a thrilling phone call with a Goth-cute fashion brand that I know you love. We’re working with them on a fashion design to benefit Japan! More info ASAP — as well as a giant clothing giveaway.

Song of the Day: Diamanda Galas – Gloomy Sunday

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I’m often asked: what’s it like, being on travel TV shows? What goes on behind the scenes? I’m going to attempt to answer these questions by bringing you more photos from the NRK Norway documentary shoot, which took place last October-November in Tokyo. (Photos by Naomi Rubin, my First Mate fixer.)

Every show requires weeks of planning. Naomi and I bring our ideas to the producers, and when they’re approved, we make precise arrangements with the locations and people involved.

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In this case, the producers had heard of a bar where a real-life Ariel swims in a giant tank. We found Mermaid Fusion, a hostess bar in Roppongi, and got permission to bring in our cameras at an exact date and time. (Schedules are tight and days are long, while working in the field.)

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We didn’t have time to scout out the location beforehand. Thankfully, the lighting was adequate — and what a scene! Clad in a gilded bikini and mask, a Japanese swimmer gulps air from the top of the tank

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Then she submerges herself into the abyss, gracefully flipping her limbs through the water. Beautiful.

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The Prince of Norway, host Ari Behn, wanted to be a “mer-man.” After much cajoling, we convinced the Mermaid Bar owner to let him enter the tank. The murky water and narrow but deep space is harder to swim in than you’d think.

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Ari has a magnificent tattoo of a winding snake. The tattoo artist used a meticulous dotted effect, which I’ve never seen before.

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We also cast the girl who Per is romancing (she’s a hostess at the bar). The lines aren’t scripted, but the scenes and storylines are prepared in advance.

Soon, I’ll upload clips from the Norway TV show, so you can see the action yourself!

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PS: I did a guest post for The Diplomat, an Asia-Pacific current affairs magazine. It’s about how artists can work together and get their creative juices flowing, to help Japan’s recovery. The article is after the jump and here.

Got any questions about what goes on in a travel television program? Or TV shoots in general? Leave a comment, and I’ll do my best to fill you in.

Song of the Day: Every New Dead Ghost (An underrated Goth rock / post punk band.)

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