

HELP JAPAN WIKI: DONATION RESOURCES & FUNDRAISERS FOR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF. helpjapanwiki, TOKYO ART BENEFIT, PRINCESS GHIBLI CD. HOST CLUB boys, kabuki-cho, host hairstyles, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan, asia tv fixer, casting for movies tv films, sophia blood stain child, studio ghibli music, mp3, album, the reality filter by b jevanael, P.S. Jevanael, novel japan shinto

My “spooky friends” are the best. They’ve been working day and night on fcharity projects for Japan, as well as making waves in music, writing and fashion. Let’s salute them — starting with my Pirate First Mate, Naomi Rubin. (Above, with her boy-slave-of-the-day.)

HELP JAPAN WIKI: DONATION RESOURCES & FUNDRAISERS FOR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF. helpjapanwiki, TOKYO ART BENEFIT, PRINCESS GHIBLI CD. HOST CLUB boys, kabuki-cho, host hairstyles, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan, asia tv fixer, casting for movies tv films, sophia blood stain child, studio ghibli music, mp3, album, the reality filter by b jevanael, P.S. Jevanael, novel japan shinto

Naomi created Help Japan Wiki, an editable compendium of ways to aid Japan’s earthquake relief. Anyone can add a Donation Resource or Fundraising Event to the charmingly designed site. The Resources page includes a list of reputable charities helping Japan, with info and links. Please pass the link along — — and add your events and charities to the listings. The more hands on deck, the better we can provide info for Japanese relief.

tokyo drop, street snap, tokyo dandy, street fashion japan, japanese streets, HELP JAPAN WIKI: DONATION RESOURCES & FUNDRAISERS FOR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF. helpjapanwiki, TOKYO ART BENEFIT, PRINCESS GHIBLI CD. HOST CLUB boys, kabuki-cho, host hairstyles, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan, asia tv fixer, casting for movies tv films, sophia blood stain child, studio ghibli music, mp3, album, the reality filter by b jevanael, P.S. Jevanael, novel japan shinto

Cotton Bale and Mistress Maya (who you may remember from the Andrew Zimmern episode) are participating in ArtGigTokyo1, a series of art happenings in public places. The first event is free, and presents 15 music / performance art works that transform the club into an improvised art gallery. Art Gig will also hold a silent art auction, with proceeds to support relief efforts in Tohoku.

Come see them perform on May 8th at Bar Exit in Shinjuku, from 15:00 – 03:00 (full info here).

rick dienzo, VAMPIRE PAINTING OF LA CARMINA: DIENZO SOLO GOTH ART EXHIBIT AT HYAENA GALLERY, LOS ANGELES OPENING PARTY, carmina realizing painting, tokyo drop, street snap, tokyo dandy, street fashion japan, japanese streets, HELP JAPAN WIKI: DONATION RESOURCES & FUNDRAISERS FOR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF. helpjapanwiki, TOKYO ART BENEFIT, PRINCESS GHIBLI CD. HOST CLUB boys, kabuki-cho, host hairstyles, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan, asia tv fixer, casting for movies tv films, sophia blood stain child, studio ghibli music, mp3, album, the reality filter by b jevanael, P.S. Jevanael, novel japan shinto

Another artist friend who’s helping Japan… Dienzo, who made the “Carmina Rising” painting of me, has been fundraising. He just launched a store, which sells prints, T-shirts and canvases of his dark, Gothic artwork. If you type the discount code LACARMINA (all caps), you get 10% off.

the reality filter by b jevanael, P.S. Jevanael, novel japan shinto, superman disposition, rick dienzo, VAMPIRE PAINTING OF LA CARMINA: DIENZO SOLO GOTH ART EXHIBIT AT HYAENA GALLERY, LOS ANGELES OPENING PARTY, carmina realizing painting, tokyo drop, street snap, tokyo dandy, street fashion japan, japanese streets, HELP JAPAN WIKI: DONATION RESOURCES & FUNDRAISERS FOR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF. helpjapanwiki, TOKYO ART BENEFIT, PRINCESS GHIBLI CD. HOST CLUB boys, kabuki-cho, host hairstyles, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan, asia tv fixer, casting for movies tv films, sophia blood stain child, studio ghibli music, mp3, album

Congrats to my friend B.Jevanael, who published her first book. She gave me a sneak peak of her gripping novel, The Reality Filter. “The evidence of a murder turns up in your photography project. Evidence from your rocky-road past invades the dreams of your happy present. Your best friend is dead at your hands, and wasn’t who you thought she was from the beginning. The worst part is, you don’t remember a thing, and you’re trapped within a world you built up around reality to save yourself.”

With a Gothic horror aesthetic, and an eloquent plunge into mental delusions, it’s a read I bet you’ll enjoy. The Reality Filter is available as an e-book from Amazon and Barnes and Noble; more info here.

sophia blood stain child, Sophia Aslanidou, IMAGINARY FLYING MACHINES

Sophia, vocalist of Blood Stain Child, never ceases to inspire me. She sings on several tracks of the new Princess Ghibli CD, a collection of metal covers of Studio Ghibli. That’s right: Miyazaki meets metal. More info and song previews here. (Coming up, Blood Stain Child will perform at A-Kon in Texas, June 10-12.)

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Last but not least, thank you to Katy Kamikaze for sending me this adorable, handmade wallet. Basil Farrow loves the cute bentos and animals. There’s more cuteness on her Pineapple UK Etsy store. (The sparkly butterfly ring is gifted from Soho Hearts.)

Thanks to everyone who supported the Iron Fist auction; congrats to Rochelle for triumphing and donating to Japan! I hope you’ll pass along the HelpJapanWiki resource and contribute to it. Let’s keep putting our efforts into helping Japan.

Song of the Day: Imaginary Flying Machines, “Princess Ghibli” album trailer featuring Sophia

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GUNAS HANDBAGS & PURSES, VEGAN ECO-FRIENDLY SUSTAINABLE DESIGNER BAGS. BETTIE PAGE RETRO DRESS, FLOPPY SUNHAT. luxury bags new york, sustainable and vegan wear, clutches, eco-friendly bags, vegan bags, sustainable bags, vegan fashion, Sugandh Agrawal, vegetarian clothing, earth friendly fashion, eco fashion, runway show, outfit posts style bloggers,, hong kong street style

Let’s start off the week with a new outfit post! I’m excited to show you the GUNAS bag that designer Sugandh Agrawal sent me. Her latest collection is stunning — inspired by sci-fi and modern architecture.

To boot, every GUNAS handbag is vegan and eco-friendly. Sugandh’s motto is: “We believe that beautiful products can be made without harming animals, people and our environment.” Now I can get behind that.

GUNAS HANDBAGS & PURSES, VEGAN ECO-FRIENDLY SUSTAINABLE DESIGNER BAGS. BETTIE PAGE RETRO DRESS, FLOPPY SUNHAT. luxury bags new york, sustainable and vegan wear, clutches, eco-friendly bags, vegan bags, sustainable bags, vegan fashion, Sugandh Agrawal, vegetarian clothing, earth friendly fashion, eco fashion, runway show, outfit posts style bloggers,, hong kong street style

White 1950s dress: gifted from Bettie Page Clothing
Butterfly ring and necklace: gifted from Soho Hearts
Black floppy hat: from a Hong Kong stall
Makeup and nails: details in the Pirate Hat post
Black ankle boots: gifted from London Underground Shoes

GUNAS HANDBAGS & PURSES, VEGAN ECO-FRIENDLY SUSTAINABLE DESIGNER BAGS. BETTIE PAGE RETRO DRESS, FLOPPY SUNHAT. luxury bags new york, sustainable and vegan wear, clutches, eco-friendly bags, vegan bags, sustainable bags, vegan fashion, Sugandh Agrawal, vegetarian clothing, earth friendly fashion, eco fashion, runway show, outfit posts style bloggers,, hong kong street style

The light-as-a-feather GUNAS London tote is ideal for someone like me, who travels constantly. I love the placement of the buckles and pockets; the custom aesthetic. A bag for a classy space alien, don’t you think?

GUNAS HANDBAGS & PURSES, VEGAN ECO-FRIENDLY SUSTAINABLE DESIGNER BAGS. BETTIE PAGE RETRO DRESS, FLOPPY SUNHAT. luxury bags new york, sustainable and vegan wear, clutches, eco-friendly bags, vegan bags, sustainable bags, vegan fashion, Sugandh Agrawal, vegetarian clothing, earth friendly fashion, eco fashion, runway show, outfit posts style bloggers,, hong kong street style

No silk, fur or other animal products here. Basil Farrow approves of the luxurious textured fabric.

GUNAS HANDBAGS & PURSES, VEGAN ECO-FRIENDLY SUSTAINABLE DESIGNER BAGS. BETTIE PAGE RETRO DRESS, FLOPPY SUNHAT. luxury bags new york, sustainable and vegan wear, clutches, eco-friendly bags, vegan bags, sustainable bags, vegan fashion, Sugandh Agrawal, vegetarian clothing, earth friendly fashion, eco fashion, runway show, outfit posts style bloggers,, hong kong street style

“Wahhh! I can’t believe it’s not leather!” Eco-friendly clothing can be ultra-lux. Items are available via GUNAS website; come have a look-see.

I can’t wait to pack this bag for my upcoming travels to Italy, and a yet undisclosed location… Hint: it involves a new TV program. Announcement coming right up.

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IRON FIST clothing giveaway for Japan ends today! My apologies about the confusion over the end time. The auction ends at 5pm PT /8pm ET on Monday, March 18th (even though the widget clock says otherwise).

To bid, click the blue auction box on the upper right corner of my blog (in the sidebar). Act fast, and thanks again for taking part — and I hope you end up with the prize pack.

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Now off to the advance screening of the new Disney animal documentary, African Cats. Shall I take my lion cub? (More pics on Basil’s blog and Facebook.)

Song of the Day: Surgury – Morituri te Salutant (Goth-synth from Italy. Rather good.)

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