

DIR EN GREY IN SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

I hear quite a few of you recognized Rose at the Dir en Grey Seattle concert, and asked where I was. Sadly, I couldn’t make it because of travel and work overload… However, Rose submitted an A+ report and had quite the adventure, including hanging out with Dir en Grey in the flesh! It’s wonderful to hear that the famous musicians are sweethearts in person, and truly make time for their fans. (Photos by Rose, except the ones used with permission from Edge.)

fox taxidermy purse, sex pot revenge tank top, skull crossbones punk goth t-shirt, cute alternative hot girl, suicide girls models, DIR EN GREY IN SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

It took me an entire day to travel to Seattle — but it was more than worth it to see my favorite band, Dir en Grey! On September 10th (the day before the live), I rushed to get myself glam-fabulous for a nightcrawl at club Can Can (which I visited with La Carmina last month). I had just approached the front door when the owner Chris (above right) saw me, and gave me a huge warm welcome. He hooked me up with free absinthe, and the fun began. I missed the beginning of the Castaways show, but it was spectacular and totally different than the one we saw.

The next day I went down to Uwajimaya to buy some cute Rilakkuma things, then stopped in the Daiso at the train station before going back to get ready for the Dir en Grey concert.

DIR EN GREY IN SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

I got to the Showbox SoDo around 5:30pm, and received my press ticket and photo pass. Then I went into the bar, so that I could get in before the others outside. I want to say I was paying attention to their opening act but all I could think was “DIRENGREYDIRENGREY oh my God I get to take photos of Dir en Grey hurry up!” The band was Evaline, and they were all right, but honestly I am never going to remember anyone who plays before Diru.

I bought a Dir en Grey poster, made my way up to the barrier again, and waited for them to come onstage. Finally the lights dimmed and the beginning of Sa Bir began to play. I was allowed in front on the barrier, since I had a photo pass, and out they came!

DIR EN GREY IN SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

I lost my breath, as I always do when I see my favorite band in person. And this time, I was so close, just inches away from my music idols. Kyo looked very different from the last time I saw him in Seattle; his blond hair is now short and black, and he was dressed in jeans and a black shirt. Die was looking lovely; he’s got his hair longer again, as I like it. Kaoru… I think he always looks like he knows just how awesome he is. Last time, Toshiya’s hair was long and shaved on the side, and he had a little facial hair going on. This time, he has a cute short little hair cut, and a clean-shaved face; he was dressed in a black skirt and long sleeved black shirt. And then there was Shinya, lovely Shinya: white long sleeved shirt, and a similar hairstyle as last time I saw him. Beautiful hair as always.

Kyo put his heart into the songs, as always, and they all looked to be enjoying themselves on stage. Shinya, he always amazes me, tiny and beautiful, but so much energy on stage. Such amazing drumming; I don’t know how he does it.

DIR EN GREY IN SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

I’m pretty sure this is the correct Dir en Grey Seattle set list: Sa Bir, Red Soil, Agitated Screams of Maggots, Gaika, Chinmoku ga Nemuru Koro, Hageshisa to Kono Mune no Naka de Karamitsuita Shakunetsu no Yami, Obscure, Shokubeni, Rotting Root, Inward Scream, Dozing Green, Vinushka, The Final, Reiketsu Nariseba, Rasetsukoku, Encore, Kodou.

DIR EN GREY IN SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

The crowd and I went crazy when they played The Final, and went positively insane for the encore. The songs Kodou and Vinushka always get a huge approval from the crowd. I was surprised that they played Rasetsukoku (it was great live) and happy they played Dozing Green (such a beautiful song). Sadly, after they played Kodou, the show was over… As always, they could have played forever and it still wouldn’t have been long enough!

DIR EN GREY fans, audience, fan club, concert in SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

I went outside for a break, and even though I knew Apocalyptica was up next (and Kyo would most likely sing with them), I chose to stay outside. I made my way to where the staff was loading up Dir en Grey equipment, and sat down with about two dozen other Diru fans. I talked to many nice people and waited for a glimpse of the band when they would finally come out. Some fans recognized me from your blog and from the D’espairsRay and Miyavi concerts. They all wanted to know why La Carmina wasn’t there too!

DIR EN GREY fans, audience, fan club, concert in SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

After over an hour of freezing, out came Toshiya: so cute. Quite sometime later, Kyo emerged with a towel over his head and waved as he quickly went to the bus. Shinya waved and quickly disappeared. I chatted with their translator and roadie, who I had met before. They invited me to the bar across the street. I found a seat…

kaoru DIR EN GREY IN SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

… and noticed the merchandise sales guy at the bar with Kaoru and Die! So, I summoned up my courage and went over to ask for autographs. I walked up and tapped Kaoru’s shoulder, and asked him to sign something, which he did. Die asked my name, and wrote: “To Rose, I love you, Dir en Grey, Die.” I can’t tell you everything that went on behind-the-scenes, but I had so much fun and couldn’t stop laughing.

die DIR EN GREY live concert performance, stage outfits, vip tickets, SEATTLE! JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

I stayed for another hour with the band members and their friends. Then we went outside, and the drummer from Apocalyptica set up his DJ equipment in front of the buses! They had a silly DJ party with some of the members of Apocalyptica, Kaoru, Die, and some random fans. Eicca from Apocalyptica kept trying to get me to dance, but I stood around beside Kaoru most of the time. I asked their translator if there was any chance I could get a pic with Shinya. She said he was already asleep on the bus. I’ll have to wait until next time… but she kindly gave me a poster signed by every member of Dir en Grey.

Needless to say, I had the most incredible time. Dir en Grey just means so much to me, and has for ten years now. Their music has gotten me through many horrible times in my life, and I know so many others feel this way too. I’ll be counting down the days until they return to America!

Have you seen Dir en Grey in concert yet? Did you have any memorable encounters with them? How has their music impacted your life?

Japanese Word of the Day: Haiiro = Grey
Song of the Day: Dir en Grey – Kodou

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vidoll, visual kei band, disbanding, hiatus, jui vocalist throat surgery, why vidoll breaking up, VIDOLL IS ON A POSSIBLY PERMANENT HIATUS, AS VOCALIST JUI PREPARES FOR THROAT SURGERY. VISUAL KEI ALBUM CRESCENT GAZER. jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

If you’re following my Twitter, you’ll have already heard the devastating news. Jui, the vocalist of Visual Kei band Vidoll, has a blood clot in his throat and is undergoing major surgery. As a result, the group will be taking a long break. If the surgery is successful, Vidoll may be back on stage within two years. However, if the worst case scenario arises, Jui will lose his voice and the group will never get back together.

Regi, my friend and bassist in a new band in Japan, shares the following tribute to Vidoll:

vidoll, visual kei band, disbanding, hiatus, jui vocalist throat surgery, why vidoll breaking up, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

Vidoll has been one of my favorite Visual Kei bands for years, mostly because they were the first truly indie band I stumbled upon. I watched them over the years. They evolved as would an art student moving from a school gallery into the Met. I joined their fanclub as soon as I was able, and managed to see Vidoll live numerous times.

Tonight (Sept. 16th) marks their last live as Jui will be undergoing surgery. Say what you will: “Oh, it’s only two years off” or “It’s just surgery, they’ll be back soon enough” or even “I never liked them anyway.” But remember this: This surgery will make or break Jui.

VIDOLL IS ON A POSSIBLY PERMANENT HIATUS, AS VOCALIST JUI PREPARES FOR THROAT SURGERY. VISUAL KEI ALBUM CRESCENT GAZER. visual kei band, disbanding, hiatus, jui vocalist throat surgery, why vidoll breaking up, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

Right now, Jui is losing his voice. Even though he knew about the problems almost a year ago, he still continued to perform, with rapid deterioration as a result. It was quite possibly one of the most self-less/selfish things I have ever heard about, and I am eternally grateful for his sticking it through so many lives, even when I could tell he was exhausted emotionally and physically.

To take away a singer’s voice is to take away his most precious possession. It would be the equivalent of depriving La Carmina of Basil, or myself of my bass guitar and art books. This is a devastating time for him, and I can only hope that the surgery is successful. Who knows if his voice will remain the same, if he will have one at all, post-op? A surgery is still a surgery, and complications arise in even the most mundane of procedures. I wish him a speedy recovery, and really wish I could be there for the concert tonight in Tokyo — if not to watch from the audience, then to just here him sing one last time.

vidoll, visual kei band, disbanding, hiatus, jui vocalist throat surgery, why vidoll breaking up, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands

Vidoll was the first band ever signed to HearJapan, and with great sadness, the label now presents possibly their last release ever. “The band made sure their last three songs have a song for all of their fans. The first song is a medium paced rock ballad. The second song gets down and dirty. The third song is a sad farewell song.” You can support Vidoll by picking up Crescent Gazer here. (Photos courtesy HearJapan.)

Do you have any treasured memories about Vidoll, or well-wishes for Jui and the band? I encourage you to leave a comment for them in this post.

PS: in happier Jrock news… D’espairsRay approved almost all the photos I took of them at the Seattle concert, so the review will be up ASAP. And Rose got to hang out with Die and Kaoru from Dir en Grey after the Seattle concert. Her photos and report will be posted next.

Japanese Word of the Day: Mikazuki = Crescent moon
Song of the Day: Vidoll – Crescent Gazer (You can get the last release from HearJapan.)

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