

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

Let’s play Where’s Waldo. Can you spot the absinthe? Epicurean Bible? Cyber-gender-bending? Welcome to the Seileen CD release party at Decadance Bar, right above Christon Cafe Shinjuku.

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

I introduced the Australian crew to DJ SiSEN and Selia, and interviewed them for the travel TV show. The Aussies wanted to get Gothed up, so we drew crucifixes on their faces.

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

Here’s Tatsu of Gastunk and The Killing Red Addiction, with Mistress Maya (who DJ-ed a tremendous set that night). Do you like SiSEN’s new makeup? I’m envious of how much he can cinch his corset.

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

Adrien le Danois (organizer of the Tokyo Decadance party) and bartender Porco Porter (who you may recognize in white as Kengo).

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing  japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

Arr, I spot me pirates! The TV cameras captured Selia’s opera, which is like a flying dream.

eyes wide shut costumes, masks cult ritual, SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing

There’s always a wide range of fashion at Decadance Bar: Gothic Lolita, Wa (Japan) meets Eyes Wide Shut, Kigurumi. I’m in a maid outfit because we were shooting since morning (at the Cosplay Festival).

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

My adorable friends Kenny Creation and Sophia, the new vocalist of Osaka metal-electro-industrial band Blood Stain Child.

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

Maya has seen absolutely everything… but I don’t think she’s ever been interviewed by Pikachu and Keroro!

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

Sweet Decora girls and sweet baby G-suS.

SEILEEN CD RELEASE PARTY AT DECADANCE BAR, CHRISTON CAFE. DJ SISEN, SELIA, ADRIEN OF TOKYO DECADANCE CLUB PARTY. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, Cyber fashion cross-dressing japanese, goth events listings japan, gothic clothing, eyes wide shut costumes

When it comes to fashion, there are no rules here — and that’s my kind of party. For more Decadance Bar info and photos from theme nights, please read this post.

Would you feel at home at an event like this? Thoughts on the eclecticism of Japanese underground fashion?

PS: I made it to the FINAL ROUND of the Canadian Weblog Awards! Can you please take 1 second to vote for La Carmina? The poll is here. Thank you — I really appreciate your support!

Japanese Word of the Day: Karoshi = Death by overwork
Song of the Day: 9Goats – Black Out

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JROCK BANDS CONCERT REVIEWS, VISUAL KEI LIVE PERFORMANCES & SHOWS IN TOKYO, JAPAN & AMERICA. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, versailles, moi dix mois, dir en grey, miyavi, d'espairsray, deluhi, malice mizer, x japan, tickets for concerts usa and canada goth metal rock japanese

I love lists. Taking inventory. Filling out forms. Truly a disturbed individual, am I not? Enough preface: here’s a compilation of all the Visual Kei, Jrock and Goth concert reviews on my blog, from 2008 to the present. Each link leads you to a report, including exclusive photos and videos videos. You can see all my Visual Kei-related coverage in this section.

I’ll keep adding to this list, so check back. If you find my Jrock coverage helpful, please consider sending the link to your friends. And you can leave a comment, letting me know which musicians / bands you’d like me to review next!

** Click to add La Carmina on Facebook, or push the button below.

JROCK BANDS CONCERT REVIEWS, VISUAL KEI LIVE PERFORMANCES & SHOWS IN TOKYO, JAPAN & AMERICA. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, versailles, moi dix mois, dir en grey, miyavi, d'espairsray, deluhi, malice mizer, x japan, tickets for concerts usa and canada goth metal rock japanese

2011 concerts
Sugizo (Luna Sea / X Japan guitarist) (Hong Kong: December 2011)
Wave Gotik Treffen (Leipzig: June 2011)
Diamanda Galas (Uppsala, Sweden: April 2011)
Cradle of Filth (Vancouver, Canada: February 2011)

2010 concerts
Aural Vampire, Birthday Massacre, Dommin, Andy Six of Black Veil Brides (Studio Seven, Seattle: November 2010)
Black Veil Brides (Studio Seven, Seattle: November 2010)
SaTaN final live (Meguro Rockmaykan, Tokyo: Halloween 2010)
Candy Spooky Theater (Meguro Rockmaykan, Tokyo: Halloween 2010)
X Japan (Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Vancouver: October 2010)
X Japan pre-show photos
Dir en Grey (Showbox SoDo, Seattle: September 2010)
Seileen: DJ SiSEN and Selia (Decadance Bar, Tokyo: August 2010)
101 A (Tokyo: August 2010)
D’espairsRay (Showbox SoDo, Seattle: August 2010)
D’espairsRay pre-show outfit photos
Moi dix Mois / Malice Mizer reunion (Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo: July 2010)
Miyavi (Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver: June 2010)
Deluhi, Mix Speakers Inc (Shibuya-O-East, Tokyo: May 2010)
GPKISM, SaTaN, Calmando Qual, Lix (Meguro Rockmaykan, Tokyo: May 2010)
GPKISM pre-show photos
Kaya Kaleidoscope (Ikebukuro Black Hole, Tokyo: May 2010)
Kozi of Malice Mizer at Osaka Black Veil, May 2010
Versailles (JCB Hall, Tokyo: April 2010)
Versailles pre-show photos
Suicide Ali (Tekkoshocon, Pittsburgh: April 2010)
Versailles Jasmine You memorial concert (Shibuya-O-East, Tokyo: January 2010)

JROCK BANDS CONCERT REVIEWS, VISUAL KEI LIVE PERFORMANCES & SHOWS IN TOKYO, JAPAN & AMERICA. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, versailles, moi dix mois, dir en grey, miyavi, d'espairsray, deluhi, malice mizer, x japan, tickets for concerts usa and canada goth metal rock japanese

2009 concerts
Rusika and Jazzminshroom (2nd Street Jazz, Los Angeles: November 2009)
Lilac, Gurigula, Uzuhi (Webster Hall, NYC: November 2009)
V-rock Visual Kei festival report by Yukiro (Chiba Makuhari Messe, Tokyo: October 2009)
V-rock Visual Kei festival report by Count de Sang (Chiba Makuhari Messe, Tokyo: October 2009)
Moi dix Mois and Kozi (Ebisu Liquidroom, Tokyo: July 2009)
Moi dix Mois Mana cosplayers and outfit posts
Gackt (Saitama Arena, Tokyo: July 2009)
Gackt pre-show photos
Baal, 13th Moon, Demonoid 13 (Shinjuku Motion, Tokyo: July 2009)

JROCK BANDS CONCERT REVIEWS, VISUAL KEI LIVE PERFORMANCES & SHOWS IN TOKYO, JAPAN & AMERICA. Downloads mp3s j-rock music, jrockers musicians groups, versailles, moi dix mois, dir en grey, miyavi, d'espairsray, deluhi, malice mizer, x japan, tickets for concerts usa and canada goth metal rock japanese

2008 concerts
Mark Lane (MRX party, Los Angeles: December 2008)
Auto-Mod (Shinjuku Club Marz, Tokyo: November 2008)
Versailles (Shibuya-O-West, Tokyo: October 2008)
† Black and white: Laverite (Narciss Urawa, Japan: October 2008)
† Color photos: Laverite (Narciss Urawa, Japan: October 2008)
† First show: Laverite (Narciss Urawa, Japan: October 2008)
Aural Vampire (Shinjuku Club Marz, Tokyo Dark Castle: October 2008)
Kokusyoku Sumire (Christon Cafe, Tokyo: October 2008)
Kanon Wakeshima, Plastic Tree (Marui Fashion Expo at JCB Hall, Tokyo: September 2008)

I’ll keep adding to this list, so check back. If you find my Jrock coverage helpful, please consider sending the link to your friends, and adding my Facebook page. And you can leave a comment, letting me know which musicians / bands you’d like me to review next!