

FIRENZE4EVER, LUISAVIAROMA FASHION BLOGGER EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. HOSTELBOOKERS HOTELS, VENICE & MILAN. FIRENZE 4 EVER, LUISAVIAROMA TOP FASHION BLOGGERS EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. BRYANBOY, NITROLICIOUS, STYLE BLOGS. Firenze 4Ever III, june 2011, famous style bloggers, blog conference, europe, luisa via roma, nitro licious, chiara ferragni, the blonde salad, bryan boy, wendy hung

Buon giorno! Seba and La Carmina are having a wild time at Firenze4Ever (event for 40 top fashion bloggers from around the world). Luisaviaroma boutique flew us to Florence, Italy and put us up in a gorgeous hotel near the Duomo. Despite a few travel snafus (my plane got diverted to Bologna), we managed to make it to the store in time for the opening cocktails.

With style bloggers Bryanboy, Wendy of Nitrolicious, and Mr Panconesi (the owner of Luisa Via Roma).

FIRENZE4EVER, LUISAVIAROMA FASHION BLOGGER EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. HOSTELBOOKERS HOTELS, VENICE & MILAN. FIRENZE 4 EVER, LUISAVIAROMA TOP FASHION BLOGGERS EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. BRYANBOY, NITROLICIOUS, STYLE BLOGS. Firenze 4Ever III, june 2011, famous style bloggers, blog conference, europe, luisa via roma, nitro licious, chiara ferragni, the blonde salad, bryan boy, wendy hung

After a few glasses of red wine, the masks came out of the gift bags.

Carmina’s bat dress, Horror necklace and flower hair clip are gifted from Sourpuss Clothing. Seba’s black and white shirt is gifted from Iron Fist.

FIRENZE4EVER, LUISAVIAROMA FASHION BLOGGER EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. HOSTELBOOKERS HOTELS, VENICE & MILAN. FIRENZE 4 EVER, LUISAVIAROMA TOP FASHION BLOGGERS EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. BRYANBOY, NITROLICIOUS, STYLE BLOGS. Firenze 4Ever III, june 2011, famous style bloggers, blog conference, europe, luisa via roma, nitro licious, chiara ferragni, the blonde salad, bryan boy, wendy hung

How gorgeous is Florence? This is only a tiny preview of the hijinks we’ve gotten into… Do keep your eyes peeled to my blog and Twitter for continued updates about our Italia Invasion.

Do you read many fashion blogs? Which are your favorites? What do you think of the event so far?

Song of the Day: Edoarto Bennato – Il gatto et la volpe (The cat and the fox — can you guess what we’ll wear to the Animalier closing party?)

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dnr dreams not reality, seba dnr, seba official dnr, sebastiano serafini girlfriend, sebastiano serafini wiki, versailles visual kei, DNR, DREAMS NOT REALITY & VERSAILLES: CAVACON JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERT, ITALY. SEBA, KIRA, AXIA, SIEG, ASH BAND PHOTOS. versailles dnr, italy tour, europe tour versailles, salermo, cavacon, dnr opening band for versailles, hizaki, kamijo, axia dnr, kira dnr, ash dnr, seba girlfriend, SEBA'S BAND DNR, DREAMS NOT REALITY, OPENING FOR VERSAILLES IN ITALY! VISUAL KEI JROCK BAND, EUROPE TOUR.

A fantasy came true: Seba’s band DNR — Dreams Not Reality was the first in history to open for Versailles, the Japanese Visual Kei legends!

Dying to hear what happened behind-the-scenes with DNR and Versailles, at the Cavacon Italy concert? Keep reading for the juicy details.

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As you may recall, Seba recently joined DNR, the Euro-Visual rock band, as vocals and keyboards. Incredible: his very first live performance… was right before Versailles! (Here’s how he looked before and after becoming a Dreamer.)

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The five members took a road trip to Salerno, close to Naples. There was lots of joking and fun along the way. DNR laughed when they saw this billboard for a child’s Communion, erected by an over-bearing papa and mamma.

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As soon as they arrived at the hotel, the rockers took off their clothes and jumped into the swimming pool. (Wish you were there?)

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Seba was also Versailles’ translator, so he stayed with the Jrock giants for most of the time. We can’t post the snap photos with Versailles, for privacy reasons. But Seba can assure you that Hizaki, Kamijo, Teru, Yuki and Masashi were sweet and gracious in person. He and Versailles also knew many of the same people in the Japanese music industry.

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Time to get Visual, and dress up for the concert. Do you think Seba’s pants are sufficiently tight?

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As always, DNR’s performance was full of passion and energy. The band played seven songs and won over the crowd, many of whom had lined up for hours.

Exhausted but euphoric, Seba poses with Axia (vocals) and Kira (bass) afterwards.

dnr dreams not reality, seba dnr, seba official dnr, sebastiano serafini girlfriend, sebastiano serafini wiki, versailles visual kei, DNR, DREAMS NOT REALITY & VERSAILLES: CAVACON JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERT, ITALY. SEBA, KIRA, AXIA, SIEG, ASH BAND PHOTOS. versailles dnr, italy tour, europe tour versailles, salermo, cavacon, dnr opening band for versailles, hizaki, kamijo, axia dnr, kira dnr, ash dnr, seba girlfriend, SEBA'S BAND DNR, DREAMS NOT REALITY, OPENING FOR VERSAILLES IN ITALY! VISUAL KEI JROCK BAND, EUROPE TOUR.

When the event was over, Seba’s band spent time talking to fans, and then shared pizza with Versailles. The Japanese V-rockers told them they love Italy, and are psyched to embark on a world tour this year.

dnr dreams not reality, seba dnr, seba official dnr, sebastiano serafini girlfriend, sebastiano serafini wiki, versailles visual kei, DNR, DREAMS NOT REALITY & VERSAILLES: CAVACON JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERT, ITALY. SEBA, KIRA, AXIA, SIEG, ASH BAND PHOTOS. versailles dnr, italy tour, europe tour versailles, salermo, cavacon, dnr opening band for versailles, hizaki, kamijo, axia dnr, kira dnr, ash dnr, seba girlfriend, SEBA'S BAND DNR, DREAMS NOT REALITY, OPENING FOR VERSAILLES IN ITALY! VISUAL KEI JROCK BAND, EUROPE TOUR.

Elephant-sized news: DNR and I are collaborating on a top secret musical project, taking place in Rome this month! Stay tuned for more info — we’re doing something unexpected and exciting, I promise.

What do you think DNR and La Carmina are planning? Got any questions about Versailles, or the historic concert? I welcome you to leave a comment, and share/Like this blog post.

Song of the Day: Dreams Not Reality – Breakout and Live

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