

MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

Did you miss Miyavi’s world tour last year? No need to cry; the talented Jrock artist is back in the USA this month. And I’m giving away two pairs of tickets for Miyavi’s NYC concert on Halloween!

Two lucky readers will get to take a guest to his October 31st performance at Irving Plaza (tickets are on sale now). How to enter the contest? It’s super easy…

MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

Simply complete these 3 steps:
1) Recommend my blog by clicking this Google Plus One button:

2) Like my Facebook Page by clicking the thumbs up below:

3) Finally, visit my Facebook Page’s Wall and comment, telling me your favorite Miyavi song.

Contest ends Monday, Oct 17th at midnight Pacific Time. Winners chosen by random selection, and must provide a first and last name so that they can pick up the tickets at the door. Arr.

CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

Speaking of Halloween… here are photos of Tokyo in spooky-mode. Like every year, Shinjuku’s Don Quixote has a colorful display.

CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

Claire’s is bursting with cat and devil ears. I can’t believe I still haven’t tried the new Pirate-themed restaurant in Odaiba…

CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

Dollar stores are the best places to pick up Halloween doo-dads.

CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

I decorated my nails with ghostly nail-art stickers and glitter.

tokyo disneyland halloween, disney halloween, Mad Hatter Mickey Mouse, tokyo disney posters, CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

Even Tokyo Disneyland is getting into the spirit, with Mad Hatter Mickey Mouse.

CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

The “crane game” machines have toy rabbits dressed up as black cats and pumpkins.

CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

Takashimaya department store has beautifully packaged spooky snacks.

CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

Halloween is the best time of the year, don’t you agree? Last year, I did blog posts about Japanese costumes and pumpkin-flavored food that are worth a revisit.

CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. tokyo decadance halloween party 2011, goth parties, halloween festivals kids, celebrations in japan, halloween food, pumpkin candies, MIYAVI WHAT'S MY NAME TOUR 2011: WIN NYC CONCERT TICKETS! CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES, FOOD & EVENTS IN TOKYO, JAPAN. MIYAVI CONCERT TICKET GIVEAWAY: WIN FREE PASSES,  jrock star miyavi, j-rock world tour, neo samurai, American concert tour, irving plaza october 31 miyavi, miyavi twitter, wiki, lyrics

And what better way to celebrate Halloween… than rocking out with Miyavi? Enter the contest to win passes, and that could be your destiny. Good luck and stay scary!

What are your plans for Halloween this year? Got a costume yet?

Song of the Day: Miyavi vs Kreva – Strong

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Behold, my new hair color! I’ve been a red-head since March, so it was time for my superb stylist (Isolde from Avant Garde Hair in Vancouver) to turn me dark purple. Note that it’s not one solid color: there’s plum and chocolate brown textures weaved in. Happy.

Here’s what I wore for the first part of my NHK Kawaii TV shoot:

Babydoll dress with key pattern: Banana Fish (so sad the brand is gone), from Closet Child Shinjuku
Lace Gothic Lolita purse: gifted from ModaRevise. More photos and info about the brand in this post.
Lace circular hair decoration: gifted from my friend Heathyr

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I wore purple eyeshadow to match my new hair. The doll eyelashes cost a meager 100 yen; gotta love Japan.
Horror necklace: gifted from Sourpuss
Blue gem ring: from Closet Child

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

The ever-transforming Yukiro Dravarious wore flaming red.

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

Our first stop: Abilletage, a recently-opened Gothic vintage and handmade corset shop in Shinjuku. The NHK cameraman filmed me meeting my spooky friends, exploring the boutique and doing my coolhunting-blogging thing.

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The lovely owner Bambi (right) is a talented corset-maker, who made outfits for Jpop stars Koda Kumi and Ayumi Hamasaki.

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

Abilletage is lushly decorated with thick red curtains, chandeliers and antiques. There’s also a coffee and tea section, popular with Tokyo’s Gothic ladies and gentlemen. (Order the ice chai, you won’t regret it.)

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

Bambi laces me into a purple-and-black lace corset that she sewed and decorated with crystals.

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

Her studded black design is perfect for Mistress Maya. On the right: “Despite all my rage, I’m still just a rat in a cage!”

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

The NHK Kawaii TV segment is about La Carmina’s world: the spooky places and people that inspire me.

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

Bambi’s accessories are lovingly scouted from vintage and foreign sources. Many of the items are handmade by her designer friends.

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

There’s currently a steampunk-fetish leather display. My first mate, Naomi, tries on a mask. (Photos by Naomi and me. Have you seen her comic series Domestic Animal, about her travels?)

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

When Yukiro gives the middle finger… deadly.

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

Abilletage is a gem of a store, created and supported by Tokyo’s vibrant Goth-steampunk-fetish subculture. Step away from the big brands and give this boutique a visit (Bambi speaks some English).

It’s located here (map) in Shinjuku, next to the AM/PM in a white building. Go up stairs and take the elevator to 3rd floor. The address is 東京都新宿区千駄ヶ谷5-32-6 大西ビル303; it opens 1:30pm.

kawaii tv, nhk, japanese television, japan national broadcaster, kawaii tv show, cute girls tv host, NEW DARK PURPLE DYED HAIR COLOR & STYLE! NHK KAWAII TV SHOOT AT ABILLETAGE, VINTAGE GOTHIC LOLITA CORSET SHOP. Tokyo corsets, handmade secondhand clothes, best vintage stores tokyo japan, vintage shopping, tokyo fashion diaries, koda kumi costumes, ayumi hamasaki outfits, dolly kei

Filming with NHK TV was a wonderful experience, and I’m excited to see the program! Coming up: reports from the next two locations we shot. And before you ask — yes, I’ll let you know when the show airs, and put up clips.

But the important question… what do you think of my new hair? Were you surprised by the color?

Song of the Day: The Smashing Pumpkins – Bullet With Butterfly Wings (“The world is a vampire”)

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