

NHK KAWAII TV, la carmina nhk, JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

Set your Tivos: my NHK Kawaii TV episode airs on December 17th! If you’re not in Japan, don’t worry; I’ll put up clips for you (as I always do).

My Japanese Addams family is the best; I’m grateful for their support over the years. So I brought the NHK TV crew to Midnight Mess: longest running monthly Gothic/Industrial dance club in Tokyo.

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

Yukiro spent two hours on this look, and it’s a masterpiece. But beauty doesn’t come without pain: he kept bumping his head into lights, and leaving spiderweb trails behind!

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

Red cherry swimsuit: from Pin-Up Girl clothing
Trailing Gothic vest: Gramm by Sinc, from Closet Child
Red skull tights: gifted from Artisan Socks
Cheetah print faux fur jacket: I wear this constantly. Banana Fish, from Closet Child Shinjuku
Long gem eyelashes: Amazingly, we found these in a 100 yen bin in a sporting goods store (!!). When we asked the owner why he was selling these, he laughed nervously and refused to answer. Sketchy…

lolitas kawaii tv, gothic lolita nhk, JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

The NHK cameraman has never been to an alternative event, and this was a perfect introduction. We goofed around with photos at the vampire fangs station.

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

Kenny Creation poured us absinthe. And one of my blog readers, Jonelle, introduced herself — a happy meeting that became part of show.

NHK KAWAII TV, la carmina nhk tv show, JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

The band Xenophobia performed on sailor-themed stage.

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

My lovely Gothic ladies, Raisu and Kana.

kawaii tv, lolitas nhk, JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

I went on stage with Yukiro, Selia and Mistress Maya. We thanked NHK for coming to the party’s 9th anniversary.

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

It was also Selia’s birthday. Champagne and cake for everyone. (Thanks Naomi for taking these photos.)

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

Selia’s voice soars when she sings opera. She dedicated “L’amour est un oiseau rebelle” from Carmen to me.

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

For videos and photos from the previous Midnight Mess, come revisit this post.

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

The cameraman left around 2am, but we kept dancing to resident DJs (TE2, Statik and Maya) til morning.

JAPANESE GOTH INDUSTRIAL MUSIC DJS, BANDS, CLUB NIGHT: MIDNIGHT MESS. NHK TV DOCUMENTARY FILMING, GOTHIC LIFESTYLE. tv casting, filming in tokyo japan, shinjuku club marz, goth clubs, dark culture, ebm, techno party, rave, hard rock, metal, punk, subculture style, goth fashion, japanese style, sexy fetish girls, asian mistresses, dominatrix

Want to party with these enticing Gothic creatures? Then you must attend the next Midnight Mess, held monthly at Club Marz in Shinjuku. For more club recommendations, please read my Tokyo club guide.

Don’t forget to watch NHK Kawaii TV, and keep your bloody eyes peeled for the clips. I’d really appreciate it if you could Share this post: let’s put the spotlight on Tokyo’s Gothic underground!

Have you watched this program before? What’s your current favorite Japanese cute trend?

PS: I’m trying out this Amazon widget, below (it lets you hear songs with a single click). Let me know if it doesn’t work for you, or slows down the site.

Album of the Day: Switchblade Symphony – Serpentine Gallery

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RED valentino, BACK TO ITALY! LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

Where in the World is La Carmina? Soon, the answer is: Florence, Italy! Seba and I were invited again to Luisaviaroma Firenze4Ever (January 5-7th), the international event for top fashion bloggers.

BACK TO ITALY! LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

Last June, we had the time of our lives — I felt like a princess, modeling beautiful fashion. One of our favorite memories was dropping by the RED Valentino pop-up store.

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Who says you can’t combine anime-cute with haute couture?

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Santa, please send me this Valentino dress. The big skirts, lace and bows are very La Carmina.

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Our photographer, Kristina Gi, captured the magic.

BACK TO ITALY! LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

We loved browsing the garden, and playing with the props.

BACK TO ITALY! LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

Can’t wait to be back at Luisa Via Roma. Shenanigans always take place… my poor Innocent World bunny lost his innocence to Bryanboy!

BACK TO ITALY! LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

And would you like to join us? Enter the contest to win 30,000 Euros and round-trip ticket to the Florence event (deadline is Dec 7).

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I’m looking forward to hanging with Seba and DNR, and eating nonstop.

Bloggers Do It Better t-shirt: gifted from Luisaviaroma
Sunhat: a street stall in Hong Kong
Zebra striped shirt: gifted from Lip Service

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What do you think of the Valentino Red collection? Any tips for what to do in Italy, this time around? Perhaps I’ll make some side-trips… where shall I spend New Year’s?

For a preview, see last year’s Luisa photos in this Italy and Europe section.

Song of the Day: Kill Hannah – New York City Speed

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