

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

While browsing the Bookoff in West Shinjuku, Seba and I found a Malice Mizer special magazine. We bought it for Yukiro… but not before snapping photos for you!

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

Boy, did Mana and Gackt look young in the early 1990s.

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

The magazine’s a dream for fans. Filled with pretty, colored drawings of the band.

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

Mana has a bit of a Sailor Moon vibe.

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

Inspired by the Gekka No Yasoukyaku PV (music video).

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

Sleek stage outfits.

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

And even a funny chibi comic!

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

Love how the band took glam rock influences and ran with them.

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

Can you guess how much this spectacular magazine cost?

MALICE MIZER MAGAZINE SCANS: GACKT & MANA CONCERT PHOTOS, VISUAL KEI COSTUMES. RARE JROCK MEMORABILIA. j rock drawings, j-rock, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, mana sama, malicemizer, gackto, kozi, famous visualkei bands, malice mizer stage outfits, hair, makeup tutorials, japanese rock music

350 yen — a measly $3.50!

Are you a Malize Mizer fanatic? What do you love best about the Visual Kei band?

Album of the Day: Mylene Farmer – L’Autre (she’s a big influence on the band)

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LADY GAGA BOW HAIRSTYLE,  PUNK PLAID DRESS & DANGLING SLEEVES GOTH JACKET. FASHIONOLOGY SILVER JEWELRY. lady gaga hair, gaga hairstyles, how to do bow hairdo, scene queen makeup, emo hair, emo hairstyles, goth makeup, goth eyeshadow tutorial, japanese girl makeup, gyaru eyes, circle color contacts, japan cosmetics, purple hair, violet hair dye, dark purple hairstyle, lip service clothing, nail art, big eyes makeup

Ho ho ho! I’m having a kick-ass time in Vancouver with Santa Seba. Lots of Christmas fun and food, along with our usual work: filmings, photoshoots, and various artistic tangents.

During the winter, there’s no need to trade style for warmth. Long skirts, velvety layers and tights are my favorite ways to beat the cold.

Punk plaid dress: gifted from Lip Service
Long trailing sleeve jacket: gifted from Lip Service
Black ankle boots: Michael Kors
Mini black purse: from my mom’s old stash of purses
White rabbit lace charm: Putumayo, from the Harajuku boutique

LADY GAGA BOW HAIRSTYLE,  PUNK PLAID DRESS & DANGLING SLEEVES GOTH JACKET. FASHIONOLOGY SILVER JEWELRY. lady gaga hair, gaga hairstyles, how to do bow hairdo, scene queen makeup, emo hair, emo hairstyles, goth makeup, goth eyeshadow tutorial, japanese girl makeup, gyaru eyes, circle color contacts, japan cosmetics, purple hair, violet hair dye, dark purple hairstyle, lip service clothing, nail art, big eyes makeup

Isolde, my lovely stylist, did my purple hair color. She put half of my hair up, in a Lady Gaga bow-style, and curled the long strands around my face.

Makeup: The usual pallor and false eyelashes from Japan. I wore purple eyeshadow with a slightly bluer tone, to match but also contrast.

LADY GAGA BOW HAIRSTYLE,  PUNK PLAID DRESS & DANGLING SLEEVES GOTH JACKET. FASHIONOLOGY SILVER JEWELRY. lady gaga hair, gaga hairstyles, how to do bow hairdo, scene queen makeup, emo hair, emo hairstyles, goth makeup, goth eyeshadow tutorial, japanese girl makeup, gyaru eyes, circle color contacts, japan cosmetics, purple hair, violet hair dye, dark purple hairstyle, lip service clothing, nail art, big eyes makeup

Silver rings and necklace gifted by Fashionlogy. I love the sleek, modern design of the crosses and bird skulls. It sets her work apart from the same-old Goth jewelry.

LADY GAGA BOW HAIRSTYLE,  PUNK PLAID DRESS & DANGLING SLEEVES GOTH JACKET. FASHIONOLOGY SILVER JEWELRY. lady gaga hair, gaga hairstyles, how to do bow hairdo, scene queen makeup, emo hair, emo hairstyles, goth makeup, goth eyeshadow tutorial, japanese girl makeup, gyaru eyes, circle color contacts, japan cosmetics, purple hair, violet hair dye, dark purple hairstyle, lip service clothing, nail art, big eyes makeup

The devil’s in the details. Glittery, blinged-out nail art. Gathered long train in the back of my dress.

LADY GAGA BOW HAIRSTYLE,  PUNK PLAID DRESS & DANGLING SLEEVES GOTH JACKET. FASHIONOLOGY SILVER JEWELRY. lady gaga hair, gaga hairstyles, how to do bow hairdo, scene queen makeup, emo hair, emo hairstyles, goth makeup, goth eyeshadow tutorial, japanese girl makeup, gyaru eyes, circle color contacts, japan cosmetics, purple hair, violet hair dye, dark purple hairstyle, lip service clothing, nail art, big eyes makeup

What types of outfits are you wearing during the Holiday season? How are you keeping warm, while staying stylish?

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Album of the Day: Mind.In.A.Box – Crossroads (techno futurepop FTW)


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