Did you miss my teddy bear cat, Basil Farrow? Here’s tons of cute photos, and a new video where he chases a catnip ball!
Whenever I get a parcel, my Scottish Fold waddles over to inspect the goods. This time, we got to test-drive the TRIA Hair Removal Laser.
Slide the laser head across your skin — beep, beep — every two weeks. Hair will gradually reduce, and in about 6 months, be near gone.
The laser isn’t as powerful as those found in salons. But it’s much cheaper, and you can beep-beep yourself while watching TV. So the question is: does it work?
There’s a security lock and 5 settings; I used the highest one. Pain was negligible, except for the underarms. In the words of Sebastiano: “Aiyyyy! Why it hurt so much? Is beyond human pain!” (I minimized this problem by shaving closely and using ice.)
My honest finding: the Tria does work. After three treatments, there was significant reduction in the pits. Medium reduction on the limbs. I’m happy, and will keep zapping.
I recommend the device if you’re ok with the minor discomfort, and use it regularly on the highest setting. The charge only lasts 30 minutes, so allow time for multiple sessions.
The privacy and convenience are a boon, and the price is affordable ($395) — especially if you share it. The Tria’s available via Amazon and you can learn more on their website.
Now, a new Scottish Fold video! Basil got a catnip ball for Christmas. Watch as he chases and licks the treat (don’t worry, the floor is perfectly clean). He lies down and reaches out with his short paws. Aww.
View the new video on YouTube and above. I’m on an editing frenzy; you can look forward to tons of videos this year.
What are your thoughts on permanent hair removal? Have you tried it? Were you satisfied with the results?
Album of the Day: Aesthetic Perfection – All Beauty Destroyed
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I just love his ears. <33 3 ;o;!! it looks like someone smoshed his ears down with too many kisses. asdfghjk!!! <3333333333
Basil is kawaii <3
I first heard of Scottish fold because of Nekotalia <3 I love cats so much <3
i like how when he licks at the catnip ball he starts to try to bite it and it flings away and he’s all like: “damn -.-“
i love your cat! LaCarmina you are wonderful.
Looks so soft & ♥your site!
Good to know. I’ve got mixed feelings with permanent removal. From an aesthetic perspective it would be great, but I also know there are so many things that can go wrong. Not to mention having dark skin and hair makes it harder to do.
Right… the laser won’t unlock if the skin tone is too dark. Personally I never felt it was worth investing funds into laser hair removal at the salons (thousands of dollars), but this device makes it workable.
are you going to update about this device after the full six months of use?
Yes you bet!
oh, and i forgot to put that I like how basil has absolutely nothing to do with the post, but is the star the whole way through, hahah! Buying this product is a serious possibility for me because shaving leaves my skin red…even when shaved with shaving cream and warm water. My skin sucks, so please update us on this post.
Hahah yes, Basil is always the star :)
I also get so itchy :( I’ll be glad to not have to shave, after the process is over. Even if there’s a bit left, I can deal with it.
Ahaha! :D a catnip ball! La Carmina! Ur fat cat Basil is so funny and cute! :3 *purrr* ♥
Basil Farrow knows what it feels like to be a bear. lol
ha, certainly.
Brilliant, thanks for sharing
Haha xD Such a cute cat!
Basil looks like such a sweetheart! Love his pics on your blog too!
Awwww! Love the few seconds of “thinking of what to do with this catnip ball” at 1:18. And his pink paw pads kill me! :)
It´s funny how cats are different with catnip – one of my cats (Lugosi) eats it, like Basil, but Ruby and Spider just roll around in it and snort it. ;)
Aww how sweet! it’s fun to see their different personalities.
Cuteeee !
aah I love your cat! I’ve even kind of mentioned Basil whilst talking about your lovely blog! :D
thank you so much!! I visited your site and am honored to be featured :) Keep up the great work!
i’d been using this because shaving is annoying. seems to be working, albeit not to the extent it should be.
cute cat :)
Aww He’s fluffy! x3
Yes, he is the star. He’s soooooo laid back. Fuzzy bear!
Aww! :) Yes he’s the best. So sweet.
Awww…how cute!!! My cat lays with her paws out and crossed like that too! I love folding her ears down to make her look like a Scottish Fold or fold then down, let go, and hear a little popping noise…lol!
Such a nice cat.
porque ese gato es tan adorable?
So cute!! <3