Ronan Farrow’s cat & new MSNBC TV show! Tokyo fashion photographer snaps.
I’ve got two photoshoots to share with you today!
First, perhaps you have seen Basil Farrow’s father, Ronan Farrow, in the news recently. We’re excited to watch his daily talk show, premiering Feb 24th on MSNBC.
Our Scottish Fold baby rolled upside-down to get the word out on Ronan Farrow Daily. The program highlights youth activism and international issues, and encourages viewers to engage.
More photos of Basil Farrow below, but for now, we’ll hope you tune in to his dad’s daily TV show starting Feb 24, 1pm ET, on MSNBC.
Now, it’s my turn. While in Tokyo, I did a street style photoshoot with Tokyo photographer, Ray Kuchinawa (蛇-kuchinawa). He also organizes the alternative club night, Heavy Pop, where Yukiro has performed his drag queen act.
Ray’s fashion photography is seen in many leading magazines. He’s a lot of fun to work with, and has a knack for finding the light.
I had my makeup and hair done by a professional Japanese artist who works with Visual Kei bands. He gave me the “droopy eyes” look currently popular among gyaru — the sleepy effect is supposed to be youthful and cute.
My turquoise-blue-purple ombre hair is the work of Stephanie Hoy at Avant Garde Hair Vancouver.
Black draped cape jacket: Lupin, Korea Goth brand, from Closet Child Shinjuku
Kawaii Halloween tshirt: Le Petid Print, from Chatuchak Market Bangkok
Faux fur blue bag: Mercibeaucoup, from Marui Annex
Gyaru ankle boots: Liz Lisa, Shibuya 109
It only took us about 15 minutes to shoot these street snaps around a Tokyo neighborhood.
What do you think of this different look on me? For more Japanese fashion inspiration, you can check out Ray’s photo site, Heavy Snap (it features Harajuku snaps, alternative event reports and more.)
Now, back to Basil Farrow’s dad. I made this sign for him to pose with, and he rolled right on his back to be extra cute!
The info’s right beneath the paw. There are also updates on the Ronan Farrow Daily show’s Facebook.
To see more of our rotund earless cat, you can visit Basil’s blog.
He grew up with Ronan as a kitten, and now lives with me.
Basil loves to blend into the blanket.
Whenever it’s sunny out, Basil has a big smile on his face.
His grandpa recently got him a scarf from Edinburgh, to celebrate his Scottish ancestry. I think it suits him well.
Basil is so confident and sweet that he’ll roll onto his back, and let you rub his belly.
Wishing you a cat-tacular day!

Awwwww even more squee! He is the epitome of kawaii!!
haha aww!
you are so cute!
Sooo cute!!
The Tokyo episode of Schulz in the box was fantastic! Thank you!
the BEST cat
Love your style in these pics. The bag is adorable :) Oh and the cat is awesome :D
Basil sends a hug!
last picture made me sqeeeeee
Awesome pics, your cat is adorable ^_^”
Squishy furball
so squished :D
The cat already make my day
Cool hair too
love the eyes! looking forward to ronan’s show!
Beautiful La Carmina Blue is def your hair colour! You look amazing!
Thanks dear!
I love your fluffy bag! And your hair is gorg!!
Thanks Anie! <3 <3 I think I'll keep the color for now…
i want that purse!
The biggest fan ever
Love it!! Your hair is so fab as always! *^*
thats sound really cool! just add 2 to my list of places i must one day travel too!
Great!! happy to hear.