Cecil McBee, Liz Lisa & Japanese gyaru brands: pastel lace fashion. In Tokyo for a TV show!
Earless cat backpacks? My Scottish Fold kitty, Basil Farrow, approves!
Japanese fashion lovers, you can rejoice. This post is all about gyaru-kawaii clothing…
… and there’s more on the way. I’m happy to announce that I’ll be in Tokyo (late Nov to mid Dec), working on a new TV show!
The Pirates (our Japan fixing, arranging and hosting company) are once again teaming up with a German television network. We can’t reveal much about the episode, but it’ll involve the usual kooky Jpop culture, and has something to do with the “Basil in a Box” photo above.
And of course, I’ll find time to bring you reports about the latest Tokyo trends.
Since many of you enjoyed my post about Gothloli stores in Vivre, let’s continue our tour of this Yokohama youth department store. This time, we’ll focus on gyaru (gal) and kawaii brands, including Liz Lisa and Cecil McBee.
You may have noticed I’ve been wearing a lot of Liz Lisa, such as in Belgrade. I like to mix and match items, rather than wearing the brand head-to-toe (LL is too pink and girly for me). I think their aesthetic is well executed, from the swirling font to the rose-studded makeup.
How cute are the little plush lambs, with pink heart-shaped noses?
This lace-covered dress, from Liz Liza’s My Melody (Sanrio) collection, is my current favorite. (Remember I wore it in my Adone Magazine cover shoot.) I bought the light blue one because of the Alice in Wonderland vibe. It was less than $100 US — insane, for the quality and design!
Cecil McBee is another well-known gyaru brand, with a more urban vibe. A favorite of trendy Shibuya girls.
In Japan, a cute cat-face purse fits every style subgroup (Goth, Lolita, gyaru).
Elegant pastel and black shoes with metallic accents.
Blue Moon Blue has a bright, casual look.
Light, wide-neck sweaters and soft pastels are everywhere.
A lot of gyaru boutiques sell the same or similar items. Prices are quite reasonable; these “set items” are about $50.
Happy face backpack, anyone?
I love these artistic cat purses and wallets. I wish I got some at the time…
What’s new in the world of Tokyo shoes? Pastel creepers, platforms and sequins.
Colorful punk pop. I always buy shoes when I’m in Japan, as they’re very well priced and the designs are outstanding.
Not sure what’s going on with this poster.
Tokyo fashion has something for everyone. You can be a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world.
Yokohama Vivre contains a Swimmer shop. No scuba equipment here, but tons of cute accessories and homewares.
Would you choose the cat or the bear purse?
Swimmer’s a funny mix of cute and ugly. (More about Swimmer in this post.)
What do you think of Japanese gyaru and kawaii clothes? If you’d like to see more of Liz Lisa, check out my Hong Kong gyaru shop photos.
I think the only downside of going to Japan is being away from this cat-face!
Is there anything you’d like me to cover while I’m in Tokyo? Places, shops, bars?
All previous blog posts about Japan are here, and my shopping / clubbing guides are linked in the right sidebar.

The cat bags are extremely cute, but the original (Basil) is peerless. Meow!
He is!
<3 <3
Great stuff !
cannot wait!
Oooh… your entry post asks about what we’d like to see in Tokyo… I don’t know if it’s your sort of thing, but it’d be amazing to see some of the more historic live venues there. We get to see the stage with bands/artists performing on video, but never get to see what the venues themselves, or their neighborhoods are like…
will be doing coverage of koenji and kichijoji!
kawaii mai???
OMG!!! those nyan nyan bags are super kawaii!!
Gotta be honest and say that I hate Liz Lisa and I’m not a huge fan of Cecil Mac Bee, but I *LOVE* Swimmer, when I lived in Japan I was constantly going there :D. Also love the silly stuff like earless cats and happy face bags ;3
I love picking up gifts for friends at Swimmer, their designs are one of a kind! :)
I think Japanese street fashion is the best fashion ever because you can just be yourself and combine all the things you love in one look that is always unique. There is nothing better in the world then being surround by kawaii and then dressing yourself up from head to toe as such.
You said it! Love it! Lots of Tokyo fashion posts to come :)
I need one of these bags.
Cecil McBee, Liz Lisa are my favorites
love LL!
Omg Basil is so cute and all those purses are too die for!
(*^。^*) Love It #Carmina´s
Maid Cafe! Or really any theme cafe… been wanting to see more of the Ninja one or Swallowtail
just took some swallowtail pics!
awesome!!!!!! :) enjoy your site
Thank you!
This is star…
japan is the best
Three Eyed Fuzzy Monster Hood
where can we find liz lisa products?
Online on Rakuten, otherwise only in Japan and Hong Kong stores!
in south africa
Hi may i know what is the clothing brand in the photo description “Light, wide-neck sweaters and soft pastels are everywhere”? =)