Waku waku shimasu… We are so excited to announce that the NOH8 Campaign is going to TOKYO, JAPAN! We hope you’ll support us, and take a photo for NOH8! (March 27th, 1-5pm at New Lex Roppongi.)
For the first time, the team is stepping outside the US and taking the message of No Hate worldwide. Beginning with the land of sushi and samurai.
From March 22 to 29th, we’ll be holding NOH8 events and photoshoots all over Tokyo. Big Japanese celebrities have already signed on — and we hope you’ll join too!
On March 27th, from 1-5pm, we’re having an open photocall at New Lex in Roppongi. If you won’t be in Japan at the time, don’t worry: there are many ways that you can still help us. Read on for the full info…
In January, two big-haired creatures beamed in from Tokyo to do NOH8 shoot. La Carmina (author, TV host, journalist) and Sebastiano Serafini (model, actor, stylist) are active in Japan’s alternative / underground scene. The message of No Hate — not judging others based on their gender, orientation, views, status — resonated strongly with them.
Here’s why La Carmina and Seba believe in NOH8’s cause…
Ever since I was a pre-teen, I’ve been drawn to alt subcultures: Goth, Punk, Visual Kei. They represented a safe space where misfits (like me) could band together, and celebrate how we were different from the rest. Today, as a TV host and writer, it’s my goal to present alt culture in a positive light. Many people dismiss Japan’s underground scene as “weird” or “extreme.” So I do my best to show we’re a family; that we’ve cultivated a vibrant environment where everyone can express themselves.
But having this support network is not enough. In everyday life, my friends and I are constantly denied rights and dignity because of our looks and lifestyle. Gay couples must leave Japan in order to get married. Goths continue to be targeted — and in the a few recent cases, killed (RIP Per Nordqvist and Sophie Lancaster).
It’s time to rise above ground. Let’s shout it out loud: Stop The Hate! In the words of X Japan:
What can I do
Will I make it through
I must be true to myself
Voiceless screaming
Calling to me inside of my heart
Voiceless screaming
Now is the time I got to speak out.
I grew up in a small town in northern Italy, a very sheltered society. My eyes opened when I was scouted as a model and began living in Milan, where I met individuals from all walks of life. Eventually, I moved to Hong Kong and Japan. I learned new languages; I immersed myself in Asian culture. To my surprise, the more people I met through my travels, the more I realized we have in common.
I believe in No Hate = Yes Love. That all individuals should be treated with kindness and respect, no matter their gender, orientation, race, religion or views.
Being of mixed race and living all over the world, I like to say that I’m “Sebastianese.” To me, NOH8 means being proud of who you are, and respecting everyone’s differences — because that’s what makes us so unique. In the words of Lady Gaga:
Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track baby
I was born this way.
NOH8 in Japan — Join Us!
Let’s speak out against inequality! The NOH8 campaign will be in Tokyo in late March, with an open photoshoot on March 27. Even if you’re not there, there are many ways you can support us:
❤ Share this announcement on Facebook, Twitter, and other social network / share sites.
❤ Tell your Tokyo friends! Please encourage them to come take a photo on March 27.
❤ Write a blog post about NOH8 coming to Tokyo. You’re welcome to use the info and photos in this post.
❤ Donate. All funds will go to NOH8, a registered nonprofit, and will help us to make the campaign a success.
❤ Help us get media / TV coverage. Are you a reporter who wishes to write a story about NOH8 in Tokyo? Please contact us at (you can write to us in English, Japanese or Chinese).
Take a photo for NOH8! Open Call – Photoshoot in Tokyo, Japan
WHEN: Sunday, March 27th from 1 to 5pm
WHERE: New Lex Edo, B1F, 3-13-14 Goto Building, Roppongi
+81 03-3401-1661 /
Please wear a plain white shirt, and be hair and makeup ready. NOH8 photos will require a minimum donation of 3000 yen per person. Adam Bouska will be working around the clock to photograph 5-10 frames for each person. The final selection he chooses will be retouched and made available to you through the website in 4-6 weeks.
Directions to New Lex (3 minutes from Roppongi Station)
– Oedo Line. From Exit 5 of Roppongi Station, take a U-turn and walk to the large intersection (Gaien Higashi-doori). Turn left, and walk straight on the left side of the street. Turn left at the second street. New Lex is on the right side of the street.
– Hibiya Line. From Exit 3, head right to the large intersection (Gaien Higashi-doori). Cross the road and turn right. Walk straight on the left side of the street. Turn left at the second street. New Lex is on the right side of the street.
We hope you can help us make the NOH8 trip to Japan a success. Please encourage your Tokyo friends to come, contact journalists, write a blog post, share this page… Let’s do our best to help the good cause!
Got questions? Want to connect? Leave a comment in this post or email us (in English, Japanese or Chinese).
General Questions:
Press Inquiries:

I think this is VERY IMPORTANT :) i do know there is a NO H8 campaign in Second Life as well :)
Thank you for your support! Please spread the word if you can!
OMG I just cant believe that you were here in japan! When are you coming again?
I’m always in Japan for TV work… check back my blog and twitter for announcements :)
it’s a very importan cause I’d love to be there too
There’s still so many ways to help from afar!! I hope you can consider joining in getting the message out :D
I always retweet your post because I think everything you do is amazing and I’ve talked about you to my friends already becasue they also suport these kind of things so I’m spreading your work around me. you’re really inspiring to me :)
Thank you dear! HUGS
I will be there^.^v
Awesome. I’m so glad this is gaining momentum.
And I didn’t know weird al was a part of NoH8. That magnifies the awesomness by 50. XD
It’s weird that he’s part of it… hence it makes sense right? haah
Although i could never afford to go to Japan,you have my support!
I love you for having quotes by Lady Gaga and X Japan on one page. and although I can’t make it to Tokyo, I can’t wait to see!!!
The NOH8 campaign is so important. I’m excited with you! When others, especially youth, see their idols standing strong, they find the strength to believe in them selves. Our diversity is what makes us beautiful.
(^-^)/ carmina… that is THE HAIR! U look fab! and yep: “believe in NOH8”;)
i wish you’d come to toronto! i’d totally be there!!
NOH8 is in NYC around May 16, and has plans to go to Canada soon… ;)
Hope you can help spread the word about the Japan campaign! XO
I love you soooo much for posting this !!! ♥
No to hate!!! Yes to Love♥
Every individual should be treated the same!!
… It irritates me on how some people can treat others differently ( in a negative way) … Just because of their style , culture … or even their sex =.=
I mean seriously .. My friend told me the other day that a gay couple (soldiers) were killed by other soldiers from the same unit …. Just because they were gay … and then they made it look like it was the Iraqis who killed them … WTF… Some people can be sick .. It sickens me on how shit like that happens …
Exuse my language ~(・・?))
I love learning about different styles .. Cultures .. Different people in general!!
Stop hate !!! More love !!! Whoo
♥ ありがとうございます Lala ♥
YES exactly!! Makes me so angry.. lets’ do something about it!!
YEs Yes , we shall my dear! Lol
i wish i could be there..
but anyways… word spreaded :)
good luck on the campaign!!
it will surely be successful <3
Thank you!! I really appreciate your help – it will make a difference.—Taped
3D Artists using Poser or DAZ Studio can use this item to create art for the campaign !
awesome! There’s also a Twibbon twitter ribbon that lets people add NOH8 to their profile pics.