Brace yourself for a long, decadent post — featuring poodles, DJ SiSEN, cake-throwing, and tying up innocent girls!
Last August, I hosted and coordinated (with Naomi) a Dutch Pepsi TV program in Tokyo. I took the crew to designer Kenzo’s birthday party at Decadance Bar, and EBM Industrial nightclub Midnight Mess. I haven’t been able to show you these wild photos until now…
Creepy cats Lolita dress: Innocent World, from Closet Child
Cut-out boots: Yosuke, on sale at Marui One. The very last pair, and in my size!
Blue plush poodle: Jesus Diamante, from Closet Child. Yes, I still buy stuffed toys.
Makeup: “Undead Stepford Wife.” Freaky.
At Decabar, we were welcomed by the smiling, painted faces of Coco and Preta Porco. We spoke to one of the musicians from 101A (they are wonderful live performers, as you may recall from my review).
We interviewed Kenny Creation (remember his Steampunk interview?) and Tokyo Decadance organizer Adrien le Danois.
The drink of the night, as always, was absinthe. And the food? Birthday cake — splattered into Kenzo’s face.
Mana of Moi dix Mois was there. Sort of.
I love how drinking absinthe is a necessary aspect of my job. The TV crew stumbled after me to Midnight Mess, where I reunited with my spooky family. Kana gave me a cute-faced bread charm. Every time I see Comte de Sang, he has a new tongue ring.
Backstage with DJ SiSEN, Raisu, and Midnight Mess creator Maya. The Dutch TV host, Bo, borrowed my Atelier Pierrot dress for the night. Later, Maya lent her a red corset.
Selia sang Baroque opera and played the harp — heavenly.
What goes on in the VIP room? “Hail Satan!”
Spreading the Devil’s message.
Goth girls, boys, and in between.
Bo hadn’t explored the Gothic scene before, but gets into the spirit of the evening. Rowr.
Mistress Maya and her friend put on an elegant, otherworldly rope tying performance.
Amiyu and Luke Chaos dance to DJ SiSEN’s incredible set. Even my poodle got on the dancefloor.
So many scary individuals are Leos with birthdays in August. (Me, Yukiro, Comte de Sang, Raisu, Kenzo-A…) The Midnight Mess family chipped in and got us birthday cake, flowers and champagne! We made a toast on stage and shared the food/drinks with everyone at the party.
It’s fun to introduce international TV crews to our Halloween world. If you want to hire us Pirates (as tour guides, consultants, coolhunters, TV hosts and production coordinators) — visit our site and send us a message in a bottle!
If you’re brave enough, we’ll even arrange for you to get tied up and dominated.
Daylight breaks, and the vampires scuttle home to hide under the bedsheets.
Anyone in Tokyo this XXX-mas? On December 25th, Midnight Mess is having † Nightmare After X’mas † party, featuring Chaos Royale — come and bring your friends! Tokyo Decadance also takes place at J-Pop Cafe Shibuya that night. For addresses, RSVP, maps and more, please read my Tokyo club guide.
Aren’t Tokyo Goth parties out of this world? Would you submit to Mistress Maya’s whip?
Japanese Word of the Day: Koibito = Sweetheart, loved one
Song of the Day: Kiss – I Was Made for Lovin’ You (Australian 12 inch disco version — Italo fantasy heaven!)

That night was amazing^.^ he he
So. Much. Scandal. :)
I can’t decide who I like more, Bo, You, Maya, or SiSEN. So many choices, so little time…..if only I was a vampire.
hehe if Yukiro was at the party, it would be an easy choice..
Sadly he seems far too tall.
The rope show looks so interesting.
And yes, I would submit to Mistress Maya’s whip. She is the hotness and brings da sexy. Rarr…..excuse my behavior
Mistress Maya is a pro… she can really bring it on!
i love it!
Such a good night.
oh my gossssh that looks fun! lucky, i want to go!
Awe so cute wishing I was there!
Wish you were there too!
o__o asian goths make non-asian goths look like pigs wearing wolf costumes to a wolf party. For lack of a better analogy =p
Esp. the bondage part looks really fun ^^
Hang on. There´s something major missing here. Where is…….. Dravarius????
Poodle cute. You cute. Others cute too. But Kenzo……….. KAWAIIIIIIIII! :p
I know… so sad that Dravarious was in Sweden during that time… >__<
At least we got to celebrate Halloween together!
That was The K from 101A… Basist
Awesome!! It was fun when we went to their concert. How is your Xmas and New Year’s shaping up? Got plans? Will you be in Tokyo?
amazing post, like always!!!
We had 2 TD here in Madrid but I couldn’t attend to the party because I had to work at weekends at that moment.
I hope they come back because the experince sound amazing and hot!!!
Tokyo Decadance is doing very well, and will be back soon!
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WHAT…A…PARTY. I mean wow a whole lot of things happened. If I went to such a party, I’m pretty sure I’d wake up the next morning questioning myself as to what happened the previous night. But luckily you had pictures to keep the memories. And also I doubt you’d forget such a dark party.
I would love to hear Selia’s opera skills. As for Maya’s whip…umm…well…I guess it would depend on how I feel that day. There are days when I do have sadistic intentions, masochist intentions – and then SADOMASOCHIST INTENTIONS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But if it was tonight – no…not really.
Anyway this week I had a Kim Ji-woon fest. I watched: A Tale of 2 Sisters, A Bittersweet Life, “The Good, the Bad the Weird,” and “I Saw the Devil.”
A Tale of 2 Sisters – good traditional horror…SUCKS that I unintentionally watched the damn American remake first: The Uninvited. It sort of ruined the basis of the story for me.
A Bittersweet Life – oh awesome marvelous fun, beautiful poetry
The Good, The Bad, the Weird – a bit weird, but pretty cool action scenes
I Saw the Devil – UNBELIEVABLY VIOLENT…jeese…they honestly had to have 50 gallons of chocolate syrup and red food dye on the set. But it was a pretty good revenge film which actually sent the message that “revenge is not the answer” pretty well.
And then I watched a non Kim Ji-woon film by Bong Joon-ho called Memories of Murder…which I AM going to have to call THE BEST FILM MADE BY KOREA EVER. Jeese it’s so beautiful yet tragic. You gotta see it if you haven’t already!
Keep spreading the Devil’s message!
Tale of Two Sisters still gives me the chills! I listed it as #2 in my CNNGo article about 10 scariest Asian horror movies. I’m sure you’ve seen most? http://www.cnngo.com/explorations/none/10-most-terrifying-asian-horror-movies-500121
Boog Joon-ho impressed me with The Hots. Where do you see these movies – from Netflix? It’s hard to get access to these via my usual routes — library or video store…
Actually – I guess I’m one of those lucky few who has a bit too many international friends. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, and so on… – it’s mainly because of the school I go to.
Most of my friends happen to be film majors so they have DVDs of these films with them. I guess my regular route would be Netflix. Though I wonder if Netflix has most of the ones I’ve seen and wanted to see. But
Ahh very lucky…
I hope I can see you again soon!
and cock Lollies? Heehee
So cute! I love that look! That is a great one. :)
Leo’s rule (^。^)
But when was that show broadcast? I havn’t seen it on tv here :S
I wish you yet a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! (i won’t be connected the next 2 weeks ). Have fun !
thats awesome, looks like a fun time! im heading to japan soon, excited!
feel free to Follow Me xoxo
twitter: @FASHION_ICE
Awesome! Added you. Hope you find my Shopping and Club Guides to Tokyo helpful (links on the right sidebar).
I read your blog post on nightcrawling with the Dutch pepsi crew last August and I must say…YOU’RE A LEO TOO??
you bet!
This post is Well Organized and Informative for the good party supplies and decorations solutions. Best luck of the future.