Oh SaTaN. Many of you sent me messages yesterday about Kagrra — the latest Visual Kei band to be pulling a Journey and going Separate Ways. After a ten year run, Kagrra is saying sayonara with a final album, Hyakkikenran, to be released February 2nd. Their final tour will start on February 13th and finish March 3rd at C.C. Lemon Hall in Tokyo.
Reader Shadowpal2 sighs, “Is this normal? I mean just looking in the year 2010…there has been countless disbandings and hiatuses…(hiati?)” Just this week, J-rock bands Valluna, nil delete heads, ALiBi, ZEST, Bi;shop and DISQLOC called it quits.
“Anyway… I call it something having to do with companies. This is just getting ridiculous. Honestly makes me want to buy a one way ticket to Japan and just head from the airport to the Ridiculous store.” What do you think?
On a happier and cuter note: Harajuku girls in Halloween costumes! After the Goth wedding, my spooky crew went to Jingubashi (the famous cosplayer bridge) in Harajuku to see and be seen.
As I mentioned before, the iconic Harajuku bridge is usually empty these days. Even on Sundays, you won’t find very many flamboyant cosplayers hanging out on Jingu-bashi (located to the right of the station).
However, on occasions such as Halloween, the ghouls come out to play…
Tourists swarmed us like paparazzi. We retaliated by shooting them back.
Also on the bridge: Heil Hitler? Not exactly. In Japan, the swastika is called manji and represents represents Dharma, universal harmony, balance.
The kawaii award goes to these two…
It’s fun spending October 31st in Harajuku. But for us spooky kids, every day is Halloween!
Thoughts on the latest round of Jrock band breakups? Who do you think is next? How about Harajuku cosplayer fashion — is it dying? I personally think it’s moved to the club scene…
Japanese Word of the Day: Housou = Broadcast
Song of the Day: Aion – Gasp For Breath (Forefathers of Visual Kei!)

Nooo not Kagrra too >_<
I saw Kagrra, live and have a signed poster :/
Why is the Harajuku bridge so empty nowadays? Is it because of the endless paparazzi?
And how do you pronounce Meishi = Business card? It would become a very important word for me!
Meeh-she. :)
I think Harajuku declined as a cosplayer gathering place after Pedestrian Heaven closed in the early 2000s (the streets are now open to traffic). It’s also much more fun to go to the clubs and see the fashion there, than hang out on a bridge in bad weather!
Ok! And thank you! (“meeh-she”!)
Btw, I saw your zombie shoes in Leiden! http://rockingdollmuseum.blogspot.com/
They didn’t have the red ones you’re giving away (Which I like more)
Awww cute!! Love the photos.
Well, people grow up. It’s not more than logic that the cosplayers move on too. And honestly, club scene isn’t bad either.
The club scene is way more fun to dress up for, I think! I wouldn’t want to hang out on the bridge in the cold or heat, and have tourists stalk me.
Indeed, showing your looks off might be more fun for younger people. Further, we must hope on new bands forming out of the clubscene. If that scene really is growing, there should be a lot of inspiration to be found there!
Yukiro Dravarious and both Sebastians are getting ready to conquer the music world!
Awesome! ^_^
That’s true, lately there have been many well-known, as you said. I also think there is some other projects waiting for them and for some bands it’s good to stop when they are on the top. Though it is quite sad.
WTF is going on with all the VK bands ? :/
Maybe it’s because there are so many of them and only the best ones “survive” in that competitive atmosphere? And I’ve heard that, usually, after breaking up the “best”and most talented band members are making new projects. I don’t know is it true but it’s possible.
Yes it’s true…it is A VERY competitive atmosphere. Going on YouTube and searching Visual Kei bands would only give you 1/150 of all the actual bands out there in my opinion. I mean hell not even the blogs I follow can cover every single band…I’m surprised that they can actually follow most though. It’s quite amazing.
As for making new projects…yes you’re also right about that, because I doubt when a group disbands most members are doing it because they just don’t want to make music…but rather so they can go with a group that can actually make a sound together…and then make music…and have that music evolve.
Take X Japan…do you know HOW MANY MEMBERS THERE WERE IN THAT before hide, Pata, and Taiji…and soon after Heath came along? Holy cow. Guitarists all over the place.
I guess if there’s anything I’m disappointed about it’s that most of these bands are actually fairly new bands – and when I say fairly new, I mean like half a year to a year old (Kagrra is obviously an exception) – to me…that’s just not enough time to actually tell when your band’s sound is coming along or so.
So yea…
._____. Cute costumes, but.. depressing… ||OTL
Like Ayabie 3:.
I can’t believe they’re disbanding. ;~;
I really want to go to Harajuku, but I don’t believe I would be deemed worthy. ; A;. and I don’t understand, I think we are hitting an Apocalypse with all of the disbanding T __ T
This is such a REALLY BAD new :( It’s so disappointing… I just can’t believe it :s
Well…at least they had an amazing time and created some beautiful pieces which I still listen to now and then. I’m just a bit scared now…about another PS Company band…the GazettE. Now I know it sounds sort of crazy. Since the GazettE’s been with each other for nearly 7.75 years. But the truth is…I feel like their sound…is just dying…very very very slowly. Now this has been a big “conspiracy/rumor” among the GazettE fans…but after they signed on to Sony Music, their music hasn’t really been the same. Their singles I mean. Their B-sides are FANTASTIC and sounds completely like the GazettE…but their recent singles sound more pop like: Shiver, Red, and most recently PLEDGE: http://edohsama.blogspot.com/2010/11/gazette-pledge-preview.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SRTheJrockUkUpdater+%28%3F+S%3F+%3A+the+JROCK+UK+UPDATER%29&utm_content=Google+ReaderDon’t get me wrong it sounds very nice. I enjoy all of the GazettE’s songs really…but I feel it’s just getting a bit popish…and repetitive. And I hope the band doesn’t have any frustrations because of them being signed to Sony Music…and one member deciding to leave to pursue his solo career. Well anyway…I pray…that I’m dead wrong and I’m just being a bit insane right now. As for the cosplayers – STORM THE BRIDGE AGAIN!!! PLEASE!!! DON’T LET SUCH A PRECIOUS BEAUTIFUL CULTURE FADE AWAY!!! Bring back the old times! But I guess with the economy and all people are just damn busy with their own lives. What can you do? But the pictures came out beautifully! Love the kid! And the girl to the right of the photo of him – …how…how…how KAWAII ^o^.It’s amazing though how most people these days just think “Swastika:HITLER!” I mean hey…it’s great that you have some history…but please just have a little bit more history such as the Swastika being a symbol of peace and tranquility in Hinduism and stuff. And for it being a sign of Buddhism as well…DHARMA. AND!!! MOST IMPORTANTLY IN HISTORY for the swastika being a piece of beautiful fashion being used by the lovely GACKT SAMA! OHHH!!!! DIDN’T SEE THAT IN YOUR HISTORY TEXTBOOKS NOW DID YOU!?
haha what do you mean?? All Japanese textbooks include a half-naked centerfold of Gackt-o Camui! :P
I was just wondering who’s leaving the GazettE? And where you heard this from?
I’ve talked to my Dad about this and his been hearing that the Government is somehow involved, there trying to be subversive. Which generally means there trying to upset the newer generation and keeping the old traditions. Look we are both not sure if its true since this is just a rumlour but who knows. . .
Well…I do know that the government is trying to build a bit of that old culture back – most recently would be the inclusion of the “Edo period” shopping area in Terminal No.1.
But as far as government trying to get companies to cause all these bands to just stop just sounds quite…well…scary to say the least. I mean it’s one thing to promote one culture – but to demote another culture? Why do such a thing?
Culture continuously evolves, it’s just a natural course, the old slowly dies away and evolves into a new culture. And later on that new culture will die away and evolve into something new. It’s just that kind of process.
Though – I do kind of miss the old part of culture, demoting or putting down another culture just sounds a bit totalitarian to me.
I so agree with you! Thats exactly what I was thinking!
VK may have become a tired icon of underground culture. I think it’s just the lousy economy; seems like VK supporters are caring less about celebrating, rebelling or escapism. These 3 perspectives could have been the former key drivers of the now rapidly-fading VK counter-cultural phenomenon ( however, this is just my view; not based on research !).
my heart is broken T-T
aww hopefully its just the weather thats keeping the cosplayers away from the bridge!