Ladies and gentlemen, we’re taking it to the next level. As the Adventure Team would say: “Onward!”
When I started this blog in September 2007, it was a personal experiment. Trial and error. But as I got hooked on the medium and things started rolling, I realized I had to keep the momentum going. Version 2.0 began when I got my pro camera. The jump to 3.0 was a big one: I installed WordPress and transfered everything to this URL.
Because of blogging, I’ve made wonderful friends and had work/creative opportunities I never dreamed of. The status quo is a-ok. Which is exactly why I’m giving myself a kick in the pants. There are still so many possibilities out there. Adventure awaits. So let’s push on, claw upward, to version 4.0!
What’s up ahead?
† As Yukiro likes to say, outfit posts and photos will be “top quality.” I’m redoubling my efforts, and can’t wait to share a Fetish/Goth series shot by Apollo Starr with you.
† I’m going to be in Tokyo and Osaka — so you can look forward to Visual Kei concert reports (Versailles and GPKISM live!), Goth nightcrawls (including Black Veil’s 10th anniversary ball), bizarre theme cafes (butlers, gundam, kitties) and other Jpop culture amazements.
† For the first time, we’ll be streaming live video. I signed up on Blog TV; if you have an account, let’s be friends.
All in all, 4.0 means saying no to flat-lining. I think challenging oneself — exploring new and unexpected territories — is a matter of life and death. Because the minute you stop dreaming and “settle” on your laurels, you’ve essentially put out the lights on your potential.
May is going to be a big month: my Andrew Zimmern Bizarre Foods episode airs (I’ll let you know exactly when). And I’ll be guiding Antoine de Caunes (Eurotrash host) around Japanese theme restaurants for the French documentary. I’m loving the TV gigs; I’d love to do more of them. If you ever want to collaborate, brainstorm, or just say hi, shoot me an email any time. We can make it happen, I know it!
Do you ever feel the need to stir things up? What do you do to keep momentum going in your life? Everyone yell it together now… ONWARD!
Japanese Word of the Day: Creativity = Souzouryoku
Song of the Day: Army of Lovers – Obsession (one of my favorite music videos of all time. Hail Jean-Pierre Barda.)

Congrats on all the success!! Thanks for the history of your blog tour. You certainly HAVE come a long way, and remain an inspiration for me. I’m still learning to use my pro-Camera though. (And perhaps I should move to WordPress…hmm…)
One day, Gadget, we WILL be back in Japan at the same time, and I’d love to team up and join your adventures once again!
Thank you so much, dear! <3 <3 I still think back fondly at our Tokyo escapades — yess we'll do it again soon!
Congrats on all the success!! Thanks for the history of your blog tour. You certainly HAVE come a long way, and remain an inspiration for me. I'm still learning to use my pro-Camera though. (And perhaps I should move to WordPress…hmm…)
One day, Gadget, we WILL be back in Japan at the same time, and I'd love to team up and join your adventures once again!
Thank you so much, dear! <3 <3 I still think back fondly at our Tokyo escapades — yess we'll do it again soon!
Congratulations on all of your success and achievements!
Surely, you are a big inspiration to me and what I must do to get to where I want with my passions for Japanese fashion, cosplay, and J-pop culture. Thank you for creating this super-sextacular blog… YES THAT IS NOW A WORD.
Woot woot! I can’t wait to see the Andrew Zimmerman episode haha I’ll be looking forward to it.
I love that word!! <3 Thanks for being here with me!
Sounds Great! ^-^
to keep momentum in my life, It’s just the little things I guess.
have to force myself to keep rolling.
Little steps, definitely. :) I think the smallest effort per day helps a lot.
Congratulations on all of your success and achievements!
Surely, you are a big inspiration to me and what I must do to get to where I want with my passions for Japanese fashion, cosplay, and J-pop culture. Thank you for creating this super-sextacular blog… YES THAT IS NOW A WORD.
Woot woot! I can't wait to see the Andrew Zimmerman episode haha I'll be looking forward to it.
Sounds Great! ^-^
to keep momentum in my life, It's just the little things I guess.
have to force myself to keep rolling.
I love that word!! <3 Thanks for being here with me!
Little steps, definitely. :) I think the smallest effort per day helps a lot.