Yukiro and I got kowai-kawaii (scary-cute) for the art gallery opening for Yoshitaka Amano’s latest works. The Japanese artist is best known for designing the Final Fantasy characters, as well as masterminding the designs for Vampire Hunter D, Guin Saga and Front Mission.
The themes in the newest paintings: giant round heads, multicolored eyes, pouty lips and star-stamped space helmets. “As an ode to his childhood love for American comics, culture and automobiles, Amano’s latest breathtaking and vibrant pieces are boldly coated with auto paint and metallic glitter.”
Shannon Cottrell photographed us for LA Weekly. I outlined my lips in black and added pale blue in center, dabbed bright blue eyeshadow below my eyes, and wrapped around several scarves. Yukiro’s eyebrows make him look so pitiful — don’t you want to pet the flowers on his head?
There was a great turn-out of cosplayers — many of whom dressed as Amano characters. On the downside, the guests received a miserable ration of wine (one thimbleful per person!).
Anime and pop art enthusiasts, you’ve got to stop by Yositaka Amano’s exhibit at LeBasse Projects in LA to see the claw-handed, glittery cuteness for yourself.
My latest and greatest CNNGo articles:
† Gallery of spectacular spectacles: The most stylish glasses in Asia.
† I had fun writing about superstar tutors: In Hong Kong, tutors are like slick rock stars! Cute Japan idols teach English to nerds!
† Las Vegas MAGIC clothing tradeshow: my report on Asian designers. What are the latest styles?
Thanks for your touching words about Per (Pelle), the 24-year-old Swedish Goth who was stabbed to death, most likely because of his appearance. Latest update: the fifth teenager was arrested and all are awaiting charges. I’ll keep you posted when I hear more.
Keep the Akina riddle answers coming — I’ve got your emails; sorry I can’t reply to every one! I have so much LA and Vegas coverage to sort through, as well as the NYC Tokyo Fashion Festa…
Song of the Day #311: Nega (ネガ) – Idle

Omg color me jealous I would love to go!!!!
One of my favoite designers
Did Amano have a show in New People?
The works seem familiar.
Ohh I think he did!
If I could afford it, i’d only have his paintings in my house. That and the lady who does castevania artwork. You should commisson a portait or something for your books heh”
Ha, as if I could afford that! The paintings were over $15000 each
I just got my Carmina in Wonderland tee. It looks amazing! I love the detailing on Basil’s fur! ^_^
awesome~! <3
Omg color me jealous I would love to go!!!!
One of my favoite designers
Did Amano have a show in New People?
The works seem familiar.
If I could afford it, i'd only have his paintings in my house. That and the lady who does castevania artwork. You should commisson a portait or something for your books heh”
I just got my Carmina in Wonderland tee. It looks amazing! I love the detailing on Basil's fur! ^_^
Ha, as if I could afford that! The paintings were over $15000 each
Ohh I think he did!
awesome~! <3
I love the paintings!!! Awesome colors. Looking at them makes me so happy. =D
I love the paintings!!! Awesome colors. Looking at them makes me so happy. =D
I saw this exhibit in SF awhile back, it made me smile all day
I saw this exhibit in SF awhile back, it made me smile all day