I am glad to be drag racing with RuPaul’s crew in sunny LA instead of turning into a Popsicle at NY fashion week. But I must admit my heart skipped a beat when I saw photos of the Tokyo Fashion Festa, a presentation of Harajuku street style at FIT Museum in New York. Thanks to my roving East Coast spooks, we’ve got the runway show covered. Words by Kyshah Hell; photos from Shichi of The Other East (more photos posted on his blog).
On February 19th the Museum at FIT held a large event entitled Tokyo Fashion Festa. Encompassing live music, a fashion show, and visual-kei rock videos, it was the first of its kind in New York City. Opening the event was a short greeting from Misako Aoki, Japan’s Lolita “Kawaii Ambassador” (second from left).
Next, the Visual-Kei duo VY, comprised of singer Moe and DJ Rio, made their New York debut. Moe is ethereal on stage; she is transfixing with her angelic vocals, and floating movements. As all the models proceeded to parade by, Moe, sitting at a piano clothed in h.NAOTO, stole the show. Her partner Rio kept the performance grounded in an electronic soundscape without missing a single beat.
Both Lolita and Gyaru (gal) styles were on display during the fashion show. All of the major brands were represented, including Alice and the Pirates, Amy’s Love, Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Black Peace Now, and Mielette Tautou.
In addition to the thrilling variety of Lolita styles, Gyaru brand Madame-Killer showed urban, rap music inspired street looks. (Madame-Killer has a store in NY’s Soho. Also, you can find many of the Lolita brands at Tokyo Rebel located in NY’s Alphabet City. See store photos in this post.)
After the fashion show h.NAOTO addressed the audience in a pre-recorded greeting, which led into a music video of his female Visual-Kei duo Hangry & Angry. (It reminded me of the obscure, yet amazing British due named Shampoo. Look them up, you wont be disappointed.) Another video followed with highlights from an h.NAOTO fashion show/rock stadium concert with what looked like 100,000 people in the audience. h.NAOTO is the Karl Lagerfeld of Japan. Not only does he design seven collections, but also he can fill a stadium like a rock star!
The audience included everyone from fashion muse Daphne Guinness, to both American and Asian Lolita enthusiasts, to FIT teachers and students, to journalists, bloggers and photographers. (Above: Visual kei/metal legend Morrie with Kanae.) This event was a scene not to be missed. The only critical comment I can make is that part of the unique appeal of Japanese Street Style is the way each participant combines elements to create a whole look. And even though the clothes and the models were amazing up on the FIT stage, Lolita outfits are much too intricate for viewing from thirty feet away. These clothes need to be seen up close to be appreciated to the fullest extent.
This event was a veritable who’s who of Lolita Kawaii as it currently exists in New York. It is so exciting that a Museum of FIT’s caliber is hosting subcultural fashion events, which are helping to foster creative ideas and a wider feeling of community amongst fellow fashion devotees. Stay tuned for the Japan exhibit opening at the museum in September 2010.
What do you think of the Japanese fashion show? Which outfits are your favorites?
Song of the Day #312: Check out a video of the fashion show, featuring music by VY.

I find it so awesome that the Lolita fashion is becoming a bigger hit in the US, especially with new stores opening up and then something like this. :D Pretty soon it wont be as hard to find items here in the US (and hopefully not be so expensive because we don’t have to have so much shipping!)
Thanks for the info~!
It’s great — there’s the San Fran New People World, and Tokyo Rebel in NYC… :)
Actually, h. Naoto had pretty much nothing to do with filling that stadium(which is the Tokyo Dome, making it about 50,000). It was in the middle of a X Japan concert. Yoshiki wanted to have a fashion show with his solo project Violet UK(who briefly performed in the middle of the X Japan reunion concerts as a sort of intermission).
h.Naoto was just lucky enough to be the label attached to it. It could have been any label.
I love Kanae’s style!
So do I! Japanese punk!
I find it so awesome that the Lolita fashion is becoming a bigger hit in the US, especially with new stores opening up and then something like this. :D Pretty soon it wont be as hard to find items here in the US (and hopefully not be so expensive because we don't have to have so much shipping!)
Thanks for the info~!
Actually, h. Naoto had pretty much nothing to do with filling that stadium(which is the Tokyo Dome, making it about 50,000). It was in the middle of a X Japan concert. Yoshiki wanted to have a fashion show with his solo project Violet UK(who briefly performed in the middle of the X Japan reunion concerts as a sort of intermission).
h.Naoto was just lucky enough to be the label attached to it. It could have been any label.
I love Kanae's style!
Loved the Tokyo Fashion Festa NYC article you posted ! Great photos.
Amazing! ^-^ those little kids at the top are cute. & I love all the dark ensambles plus the one close to the bottom in white with the veil & stuffed animal! <3
Misako Aoki was there!?!?! D: Gah!!! Well, I’m excited that Japanese street fashion is getting more popular in the US, but I’m still kind of glad that the only ones who wear it are the people who appreciate art and don’t wear it for the sake of trend.
It sounds like it was a lot of fun. It sucks that I missed it but dude… haha a lot seemed to have happened.
I missed it too but yeah…. every day is insane in LA!
Loved the Tokyo Fashion Festa NYC article you posted ! Great photos.
Amazing! ^-^ those little kids at the top are cute. & I love all the dark ensambles plus the one close to the bottom in white with the veil & stuffed animal! <3
Kanae met Morrie? Wow! o_o
Yeah! You’re friends on Facebook now, eh? East Coast needs to meet West Coast meets TOKYO!
Kanae met Morrie? Wow! o_o
It's great — there's the San Fran New People World, and Tokyo Rebel in NYC… :)
So do I! Japanese punk!
I missed it too but yeah…. every day is insane in LA!
Yeah! You're friends on Facebook now, eh? East Coast needs to meet West Coast meets TOKYO!
I love all the outfits, but of course, my eyes are drawn to the black ones. ^^ I’m so glad h.NAOTO is involved. Last year, I got to meet him and talk about fashion around the world. He seemed skeptical about foreign markets or at least surprised at how many of us were into J-fashion (there was another American girl in full-blown Lolita). Anyway, I’m stoked that all these brands are being showcased; here’s to hoping that they will migrate to other areas of the U.S.!
Oh wow, that’s very cool that you got to meet him!
I got really lucky, as I happened to be in Sendai the day he had an event. Next time you’re in Japan, check out S-inc’s site. They seem to have designer visits every few months.
Thanks for the tip! I will check it when I’m in Tokyo in May.
I love all the outfits, but of course, my eyes are drawn to the black ones. ^^ I'm so glad h.NAOTO is involved. Last year, I got to meet him and talk about fashion around the world. He seemed skeptical about foreign markets or at least surprised at how many of us were into J-fashion (there was another American girl in full-blown Lolita). Anyway, I'm stoked that all these brands are being showcased; here's to hoping that they will migrate to other areas of the U.S.!
It’s an awesome move for them to host that show. I loved the clothes!
Hopefully there are more shows in the US!
It's an awesome move for them to host that show. I loved the clothes!
Nice outfits!!!!!!!!! xD
Nice outfits!!!!!!!!! xD
Oh wow, that's very cool that you got to meet him!
Hopefully there are more shows in the US!
I got really lucky, as I happened to be in Sendai the day he had an event. Next time you're in Japan, check out S-inc's site. They seem to have designer visits every few months.
Thanks for the tip! I will check it when I'm in Tokyo in May.