Day 3 of the NHK Japan TV shoot. Regi came to NYC to witness the cute cookery. We both happened to be wearing black and our favorite shade of blue. She refers to it as hyper-active or BAM turquoise; I call it 0099CC (since that’s its hex color for CSS and Photoshop).
My long-sleeve top with a face on it: Etnies, an action apparel brand. Random, eh? This TV segment called for “casual clothes” so I had to do my best!
Skull scarf worn as a skirt: A mall vending cart. Casual, cheap and random: check.
Black leggings: Mall vending cart again.
Blue fishnets worn on forearms: Socks from Barcelona that I wear on my arms.
Cute penguin bands worn below knees: These are actually bento box straps from Daiso, the Japanese dollar store. I’d say the overarching theme of this outfit is… random?
Just like in Food Network competitions, I had to prep a large amount of food for the next day. Believe it or not, I was going to Harlem to teach nine-year-olds how to make cute bentos! Wait til you see the photos…
Since we’re in random mode today, I thought I’d go off on some thought tangents. Digital cameras versus film: this and the previous photo are from a vintage camera Shichi bought, and the difference is perceptible. I’m determined to tinker further with toy cameras — I think the results are worth the price of processing.
And I like Regi’s armbands. Practical and stylish. They add a Goth element and work with a variety of short-sleeved tops.
Top-hatted Shichi took all the photos in this post (except the one he’s in, of course). People often ask if my hair is the result of extensions. Nope, it’s all me. For this style, I tied small bundles with black elastics to fluff up the natural volume.
There was a major kitchen clean-up after the cameras left. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a clean freak are you? I’m probably around a 9…
Two random recommendations. Patti Smith’s new book, Just Kids, is impossible to put to down. It’s a memoir of her adventures with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe; 1960s NYC bohemia is a time that has always fascinated me. Pick up a copy and share it with your partners in crime.
Second, if you’re in New York City, go to Kenka. The Japanese word means fighting…
… and it’s the name of a much-loved Japanese izakaya (bar-style restaurant) on St Mark’s Place. There’s always a lineup outside, so try to come at 6pm when the doors open. If you put down your name, don’t go away — the man in the turban skips over absentees!
Don’t order the soggy gyoza, but do get a bottle of sake and yuzu shochu. Gather a group of friends and sample the takoyaki, unagi (eel), grilled mackerel, cod roe onigiri (rice balls), miso tofu, egg and mushroom rice, okonomiyaki, yakitori… so so yummy. At the end, you get a little cup of magic to pour into the cotton candy machine outside. Then you grab a stick and swirl it around and… FAIL. (A Kanae manga for your amusement!)
My new CNNGo articles that I think you’ll like (do take a moment to peruse):
† Asia’s BEST fabric markets unraveled. Crafters, sewers, DIY cosplayers – here’s where to shop.
† 5 unusual world records set in Asia. Why do you think we chose that photo for the world’s biggest orgy? Give me your best guess in the comments, and I’ll reveal the answer tomorrow.
Song of the Day #292: Malice Mizer – Hamon / Kyosokyoku (Gackt plays the piano oh so dramatique.)

I love your article on toy cameras. I’m interested in the Superheadz Fat Lens camera, but just to verify, it’s NOT digital at all, right? If so, I’d be screwed if I buy the camera. I don’t have a darkroom anywhere in my local area to develop the 35mm film :-/ oh well.
You’re right — it’s not digital, it’s 35 mm film. I just got prints at the local pharmacy…
I love your article on toy cameras. I'm interested in the Superheadz Fat Lens camera, but just to verify, it's NOT digital at all, right? If so, I'd be screwed if I buy the camera. I don't have a darkroom anywhere in my local area to develop the 35mm film :-/ oh well.
Haha, thank you! They are actually leg warmers from Tutuana. I have about 10 in different colors and styles, from fuzzy green to the plain black you see here. ^^
Lmao cottoncandymakingfail.exe _> But Duuude you always wear the coolest shit haha *omnnoms that sammich in the last pic*
Cute cute new profile pic!
Why thank you, dollie ;D
I have 6 pics set up on my deviant art account – Check it out when you have the time~
=O Patti Smith! gotta love her. She’s just too amazing!
It’s very inspiring to read about how art was sacred for her… how committed she was to pushing further.
oh yes! and her music! first time i read about her was in “Please Kill Me. The oral History of Punk” (an amazing book, I STRONGLY recomend it. it blew my mind away), and instantly i fell in love with her. just, too goddamn amazing.
So going to try the restaurant you mentioned! I was planning my first excursion to st. marks this weekend, so what a perfect coincidence that this was mentioned! =^-^=
Ohhh that’s perfect! Also go shopping at Search and Destroy above the restaurant, and Trash + Vaudeville nearby (both floors!). And there’s Tokyo Toys around the corner
You both had great outfits, I think I’d combine Regi’s top with your scarf/skirt look though (like in your sharing clothes entry lol).
Still waiting for the Harlem shots! Sure I’m in my typical work clothes in them, but regardless! If only you had been able to make it to Pyramid/Defcon (well make it IN there lol), I had my green and black cyberlocks which looked amazing under black lights! (was my first itme wearing them to a place with black lights, I’ms o excited about how they looked and THAT THEY WORKED! lol).
Ahh amazing top hat! The boys you know have the best hats. I’ve got some good ones despite my serious plus size skull problem (although my mini lolita tophat looks even more tiny and adorable XD).
Oooookay I will post a giant feel-good slideshow video of all the Harlem photos tomorrow! And then I’ll put up my favorites on my blog. :)
How awesome that the dreads worked out! Victory! ^___^
Oh interesting — my World’s biggest orgy record in the CNNGo article was removed. hahah. I guess it wasn’t family friendly!
Haha, thank you! They are actually leg warmers from Tutuana. I have about 10 in different colors and styles, from fuzzy green to the plain black you see here. ^^
Kenka rocks! I eat there with my homies all the time. If you love TakoYaki I say go to Otafuku on 9th street. My good friend works there. Also try Decibel for Sake, also have a buddy working there hehe.
Lmao cottoncandymakingfail.exe <–yes
I'm only about a 5 or 6 on the clean freak scale (at least when it comes to actually cleaning my room). I should raise it up to a 9 or 10 though >_> But Duuude you always wear the coolest shit haha *omnnoms that sammich in the last pic*
haha I love that you mentioned kenka. I often go there with my buddies. Usually after midnight for eats and Sake!
Aughh now I’m craving Kenka food… it lives up to its reputation!
hey woman! are you still roaming around NYC? I’m there 4 times a week and was in St. Marks today for class actually. i wonder if i can still catch you somehow..hmmm
ooo and have you drank coffee at Panya? its delicious!! (its around 9th st and 3rd ave)
Heyyy I emailed you before I headed to NYC but never heard back!! >< Now I'm off to LA (with Lemon and Wes)!!
argh CRAP!!!!!! sorry i’ve been so busy..:(. and also i don’t know how to check emails on here lol. damn lemon i’m so jealous of that jerk. i will harrass him for your gmail so i don’t miss a chance to meet you in nyc again. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah im depressed now
All my contact info is on my website — write me any time!
=O Patti Smith! gotta love her. She's just too amazing!
So going to try the restaurant you mentioned! I was planning my first excursion to st. marks this weekend, so what a perfect coincidence that this was mentioned! =^-^=
random but cute. I like all the pics of Basil Farrow in your kitchen. lol
Basil Farrow is everywhere! :) I even made a sandwich that looks like him for the TV shoot…
I agree with you. Cute food girls.
You both had great outfits, I think I'd combine Regi's top with your scarf/skirt look though (like in your sharing clothes entry lol).
Still waiting for the Harlem shots! Sure I'm in my typical work clothes in them, but regardless! If only you had been able to make it to Pyramid/Defcon (well make it IN there lol), I had my green and black cyberlocks which looked amazing under black lights! (was my first itme wearing them to a place with black lights, I'ms o excited about how they looked and THAT THEY WORKED! lol).
Ahh amazing top hat! The boys you know have the best hats. I've got some good ones despite my serious plus size skull problem (although my mini lolita tophat looks even more tiny and adorable XD).
Cute cute new profile pic!
It's very inspiring to read about how art was sacred for her… how committed she was to pushing further.
Ohhh that's perfect! Also go shopping at Search and Destroy above the restaurant, and Trash + Vaudeville nearby (both floors!). And there's Tokyo Toys around the corner
You're right — it's not digital, it's 35 mm film. I just got prints at the local pharmacy…
Oooookay I will post a giant feel-good slideshow video of all the Harlem photos tomorrow! And then I'll put up my favorites on my blog. :)
How awesome that the dreads worked out! Victory! ^___^
oh yes! and her music! first time i read about her was in “Please Kill Me. The oral History of Punk” (an amazing book, I STRONGLY recomend it. it blew my mind away), and instantly i fell in love with her. just, too goddamn amazing.
Oh interesting — my World's biggest orgy record in the CNNGo article was removed. hahah. I guess it wasn't family friendly!
Kenka rocks! I eat there with my homies all the time. If you love TakoYaki I say go to Otafuku on 9th street. My good friend works there. Also try Decibel for Sake, also have a buddy working there hehe.
haha I love that you mentioned kenka. I often go there with my buddies. Usually after midnight for eats and Sake!
hey woman! are you still roaming around NYC? I'm there 4 times a week and was in St. Marks today for class actually. i wonder if i can still catch you somehow..hmmm
ooo and have you drank coffee at Panya? its delicious!! (its around 9th st and 3rd ave)
random but cute. I like all the pics of Basil Farrow in your kitchen. lol
Heyyy I emailed you before I headed to NYC but never heard back!! >< Now I'm off to LA (with Lemon and Wes)!!
Aughh now I'm craving Kenka food… it lives up to its reputation!
Basil Farrow is everywhere! :) I even made a sandwich that looks like him for the TV shoot…
Why thank you, dollie ;D
I have 6 pics set up on my deviant art account – Check it out when you have the time~
Those seafood pancake things!! YUM!! Both times I went I was with my ex and he made me cotton candy afterwards. Jerk…
Has to be the Cotton Candy! Tough to choose whats my fav eats there. Curry rice, Okonomiyaki, TakoYaki, Yakisoba, its all good!
Those seafood pancake things!! YUM!! Both times I went I was with my ex and he made me cotton candy afterwards. Jerk…
Has to be the Cotton Candy! Tough to choose whats my fav eats there. Curry rice, Okonomiyaki, TakoYaki, Yakisoba, its all good!
I love the randomness of your outfit. So cute!
argh CRAP!!!!!! sorry i've been so busy..:(. and also i don't know how to check emails on here lol. damn lemon i'm so jealous of that jerk. i will harrass him for your gmail so i don't miss a chance to meet you in nyc again. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah im depressed now
I love the randomness of your outfit. So cute!
All my contact info is on my website — write me any time!
I agree with you. Cute food girls.
Aw, this was a really quality post. In theory I’d like to write like this also – taking time and real effort to make a good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate alot and never seem to get anything done… Regards
Aw, this was a really quality post. In theory I’d like to write like this also – taking time and real effort to make a good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate alot and never seem to get anything done… Regards
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