So many of you have asked… what type of cat food does Basil Farrow eat? Today, I turn the blog over to my Scottish Fold cat!
“Mommy leaves out water and some wet and dry food for me all the time. She stirs the wet food or adds new amounts during the day, to keep it fresh. If the food’s running low, I wahhhh wahhhh! her!”
“Read the cat food labels; if there are animal byproducts and filler grains in there, put it back down!”
We put the stainless steel bowls on a platform so I don’t need to bend too much. My food dishes are placed away from my litterbox (to avoid contamination). I have three bowls of water around the house — this encourages me to drink more.
Contrary to popular perception, I’m not overweight… Scottish Folds are supposed to be round, especially us boys!
I always have a fresh supply of catgrass. It gives me nutrients and helps with digestion.
Last word of advice from Basil Farrow: “Feed your animal companions the best food possible — we deserve it! You can perceive the difference in our soft fur and happy W-mouths!”
What do you think of my baby’s diet? What do you feed your kitties? (You can click on any of the links above to buy the products directly from Amazon.)
For more Scottish Fold photos and cuteness, visit Basil’s blog.
Song of the Day #193: Olivia Newton-John and ELO – Xanadu

Basil, you really are in Vancouver right now! Seeing the Tisol bag of treats :) I am in Van, too, and I’m going to come and catnap you, okay? ;)
Do you always finish your wet food every day? On some days, my kitty doesn’t care for food at all, it seems. He is a very picky cat!
Oh, and I haven’t seen that cellulose cat litter before. Do they sell it at Tisol, too? I have to try it out.
does basil have food allergies?
Basil usually eats 2 or 2.5 cans of wet food a day, along with dry food and treats… he is an eater! haha. I throw the food away when it gets down to the dregs, but he does finish most of it.
And yes, Tisol sells that litter BUT you may have to introduce it gradually. Cats are very sensitive to changes! Add a few handfuls into the old litter, and gradually increase the amount.
No, he doesn’t have food allergies. But Hill’s is a great brand for all cats because it uses a single protein source. This helps keep it simple and prevent complications. :)
Basil, you really are in Vancouver right now! Seeing the Tisol bag of treats :) I am in Van, too, and I’m going to come and catnap you, okay? ;)
Do you always finish your wet food every day? On some days, my kitty doesn’t care for food at all, it seems. He is a very picky cat!
Basil usually eats 2 or 2.5 cans of wet food a day, along with dry food and treats… he is an eater! haha. I throw the food away when it gets down to the dregs, but he does finish most of it.
Oh, and I haven’t seen that cellulose cat litter before. Do they sell it at Tisol, too? I have to try it out.
And yes, Tisol sells that litter BUT you may have to introduce it gradually. Cats are very sensitive to changes! Add a few handfuls into the old litter, and gradually increase the amount.
does basil have food allergies?
No, he doesn’t have food allergies. But Hill’s is a great brand for all cats because it uses a single protein source. This helps keep it simple and prevent complications. :)
2.5 cans?!?!! you do have an eater on your hands! aha. i be lucky if mines even finish one can
interesting about the Hill’s brand. people on forums always bash hills and science diet but i might have to give it a try b/c one of my cats has allergies. i never though of feeding that brand b/c of what people say but maybe it’ll work
I like to eat!! :)
Mommy hadn’t heard anything bad about Hill’s brand. My vet recommends it and the ingredients look good (no nasty bits) and I like it…
Happy to see Basil is well taken care of (of course there was never any doubt!)
Thanks for the post!!
Love the pics!!
(KaunisSuicide on twitter)
My Dinsdale eats only Hill's Science Diet Indoor cat food. I run water in the sink so she can drink the running water. My Dinsy is as spoiled (deservedly so) as Basil Farrow…….
That's how it should be!!!
Yay!! Yes, only the best for my Basil.
Happy to see Basil is well taken care of (of course there was never any doubt!)
Thanks for the post!!
Love the pics!!
(KaunisSuicide on twitter)
Yay!! Yes, only the best for my Basil.
My Dinsdale eats only Hill’s Science Diet Indoor cat food. I run water in the sink so she can drink the running water. My Dinsy is as spoiled (deservedly so) as Basil Farrow…….
That’s how it should be!!!
I give my two Natural Balance!
I give my two Natural Balance!
U are a very good mommy to Basil!!
My kitteh likes whitefish/tuna cans :D
U are a very good mommy to Basil!!
I agree with you. Cheer Basil.
My kitteh likes whitefish/tuna cans :D
My cat eats whatever she can get her hands on. She's 5 and skinny, but steals food off the counter and runs. Haha
My cat eats whatever she can get her hands on. She’s 5 and skinny, but steals food off the counter and runs. Haha
2.5 cans?!?!! you do have an eater on your hands! aha. i be lucky if mines even finish one can
interesting about the Hill’s brand. people on forums always bash hills and science diet but i might have to give it a try b/c one of my cats has allergies. i never though of feeding that brand b/c of what people say but maybe it’ll work
I like to eat!! :)
Mommy hadn’t heard anything bad about Hill’s brand. My vet recommends it and the ingredients look good (no nasty bits) and I like it…
La Carmina, does Basil really eat the cat grass by himself? My cat won't touch that stuff….over the past two years, I've thrown out like at least 3 of those tubs. What a waste. :(
La Carmina, does Basil really eat the cat grass by himself? My cat won’t touch that stuff….over the past two years, I’ve thrown out like at least 3 of those tubs. What a waste. :(
Haha yes, he eats it every single day…. I guess Basil is more of an eater than I expected!
I guess it depends on the cat… there are some food brands that Basil turns his nose at. Does your cat have teeth problems? That could cause your cat to avoid chewy foods.
Haha yes, he eats it every single day…. I guess Basil is more of an eater than I expected!
I guess it depends on the cat… there are some food brands that Basil turns his nose at. Does your cat have teeth problems? That could cause your cat to avoid chewy foods.
Haha yes, he eats it every single day…. I guess Basil is more of an eater than I expected!
I guess it depends on the cat… there are some food brands that Basil turns his nose at. Does your cat have teeth problems? That could cause your cat to avoid chewy foods.
ummm no carmina, hills is not a good brand :(
http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_reviews/ (this for dogs but generally good brands for dogs also makes good stuff for cats)
why dry food is bad –
i don't want to be a downer but since this post shows up in one of google's top results for cat food, i'm afraid this info will be passed on & on. the natural cat litter is great though!
ummm no carmina, hills is not a good brand :(
http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_reviews/ (this for dogs but generally good brands for dogs also makes good stuff for cats)
why dry food is bad –
i don’t want to be a downer but since this post shows up in one of google’s top results for cat food, i’m afraid this info will be passed on & on. the natural cat litter is great though!
Hi Jennalynn!
I am very glad that you shared this information with me. I am obsessive about feeding Basil only the cleanest, healthiest brands hahah. And I agree that the Hill’s dog food described in the links is never anything I’d feed him.
However, Basil eats Hill’s Sensitive RD for cats. I checked the ingredient label, and it contains rice, duck meal, rice gluten, chicken fat and vitamins. No cornmeal/soy meal/byproducts. This particular Hills a limited-ingredient brand recommended by the cat specialist he sees (no normal vets for Basil!) so it seems alright to me… what do you think?
As for why dry cat food is bad… I’ve also done a lot of research and there appear to be people who think wet had downsides too… >< I definitely agree, however, that in general, wet is better than dry (and that the most horrible cat foods are dry pellets).
As you can see above, I give Basil both options but he mostly eats wet food. He's a "healthy eater" so he'll eat 2.5 cans of Natural Balance and maybe 1-2 handfuls of dry food a day.
I appreciate the discussion because this is a topic that means a lot to me! :)
hi! yes i am sure everyone wants the best for their pets :)
i’m not too familiar with hill’s formulas and can’t seem to find the R/D food online – do you have a link to it?
just wondering – since you’re already buying natural balance and solid gold canned food from a pet specialty store i suppose since grocery stores don’t carry it, have you ever considered something like natural balance kibbles/wellness kibbles/fromm kibbles/etc?
I don’t feed my cats any dry food but that is a personal choice. what negative things have you heard about an all wet diet? you probably already seen this but have you ever checked out this site? http://www.catinfo.org/
my cats have seen a feline vet too but i found her to be TOO conventional (i.e. drugs and traditional approaches to every problem) so instead i now use a “regular” vet that incorporates holistic approaches in her practice. in fact, she has helped me solve problems that the cat vet was not able to! the feline vet also stocked up on many prescription diets but generally, i feel it better to only resort to them when there is a health issue that the food has been researched to help. otherwise, i am sure you will find inferior products in your pet stores at a lower price as well.
how long has basil farrow been eating this current diet for?
feeding them can be difficult, i know! :))
Hi Jennalynn!
I am very glad that you shared this information with me. I am obsessive about feeding Basil only the cleanest, healthiest brands hahah. And I agree that the Hill's dog food described in the links is never anything I'd feed him.
However, Basil eats Hill's Sensitive RD for cats. I checked the ingredient label, and it contains rice, duck meal, rice gluten, chicken fat and vitamins. No cornmeal/soy meal/byproducts. This particular Hills a limited-ingredient brand recommended by the cat specialist he sees (no normal vets for Basil!) so it seems alright to me… what do you think?
As for why dry cat food is bad… I've also done a lot of research and there appear to be people who think wet had downsides too… >< I definitely agree, however, that in general, wet is better than dry (and that the most horrible cat foods are dry pellets).
As you can see above, I give Basil both options but he mostly eats wet food. He's a “healthy eater” so he'll eat 2.5 cans of Natural Balance and maybe 1-2 handfuls of dry food a day.
I appreciate the discussion because this is a topic that means a lot to me! :)
hi! yes i am sure everyone wants the best for their pets :)
i'm not too familiar with hill's formulas and can't seem to find the R/D food online – do you have a link to it?
just wondering – since you're already buying natural balance and solid gold canned food from a pet specialty store i suppose since grocery stores don't carry it, have you ever considered something like natural balance kibbles/wellness kibbles/fromm kibbles/etc?
I don't feed my cats any dry food but that is a personal choice. what negative things have you heard about an all wet diet? you probably already seen this but have you ever checked out this site? http://www.catinfo.org/
my cats have seen a feline vet too but i found her to be TOO conventional (i.e. drugs and traditional approaches to every problem) so instead i now use a “regular” vet that incorporates holistic approaches in her practice. in fact, she has helped me solve problems that the cat vet was not able to! the feline vet also stocked up on many prescription diets but generally, i feel it better to only resort to them when there is a health issue that the food has been researched to help. otherwise, i am sure you will find inferior products in your pet stores at a lower price as well.
how long has basil farrow been eating this current diet for?
feeding them can be difficult, i know! :))
Hi Jennalynn!
I am very glad that you shared this information with me. I am obsessive about feeding Basil only the cleanest, healthiest brands hahah. And I agree that the Hill's dog food described in the links is never anything I'd feed him.
However, Basil eats Hill's Sensitive RD for cats. I checked the ingredient label, and it contains rice, duck meal, rice gluten, chicken fat and vitamins. No cornmeal/soy meal/byproducts. This particular Hills a limited-ingredient brand recommended by the cat specialist he sees (no normal vets for Basil!) so it seems alright to me… what do you think?
As for why dry cat food is bad… I've also done a lot of research and there appear to be people who think wet had downsides too… >< I definitely agree, however, that in general, wet is better than dry (and that the most horrible cat foods are dry pellets).
As you can see above, I give Basil both options but he mostly eats wet food. He's a “healthy eater” so he'll eat 2.5 cans of Natural Balance and maybe 1-2 handfuls of dry food a day.
I appreciate the discussion because this is a topic that means a lot to me! :)
hi! yes i am sure everyone wants the best for their pets :)
i'm not too familiar with hill's formulas and can't seem to find the R/D food online – do you have a link to it?
just wondering – since you're already buying natural balance and solid gold canned food from a pet specialty store i suppose since grocery stores don't carry it, have you ever considered something like natural balance kibbles/wellness kibbles/fromm kibbles/etc?
I don't feed my cats any dry food but that is a personal choice. what negative things have you heard about an all wet diet? you probably already seen this but have you ever checked out this site? http://www.catinfo.org/
my cats have seen a feline vet too but i found her to be TOO conventional (i.e. drugs and traditional approaches to every problem) so instead i now use a “regular” vet that incorporates holistic approaches in her practice. in fact, she has helped me solve problems that the cat vet was not able to! the feline vet also stocked up on many prescription diets but generally, i feel it better to only resort to them when there is a health issue that the food has been researched to help. otherwise, i am sure you will find inferior products in your pet stores at a lower price as well.
how long has basil farrow been eating this current diet for?
feeding them can be difficult, i know! :))
I agree with you. Cheer Basil.
For sure a spoiled cat, but I can tell it makes all the difference :)
Interesting post! I feed my 6 month Scottish Fold kitten Wellness Core dry food and one can of whichever wet food with the best ingredients. He doesn’t like fish, so it is always turkey and chicken.
I’m moving to New Zealand in 2 weeks and will have to switch brands because they don’t carry Wellness :( Debating between Royal Canin, Nutro Natural Choice, or Orijen. The last one is most recommended but we’ll see on pricing when we arrive. Any thoughts?
i get original ScottishFold at very low price huge sale: http://www.ScottishFoldSale.com
email if any questions: info@scottishfoldsale.com