

Basil, son of Ronan Farrow and Carmen , a Scottish fold purebred cat.
Basil and I are learning Japanese together, mainly for the purpose of deciphering the Gothic & Lolita Bible! We thought we’d share our gosurori vocab with you. You can try replicating the strokes – it’s a lot of fun.

The Japanese writing system has three components: hiragana, katakana, and kanji (derived from Chinese characters). In the examples below, the chunky, multi-stroke characters are kanji and represent concepts. The simplier, flowing scripts are katakana; each one makes up a phonetic syllable.

Asians are constantly mocked for being unable to distinguish “l” and “r” sounds (“I’m so ronery… oh so ronery…”). Alas, this is the case with “loli”, which comes out as “rori” in Japanese.

?? = Ro Ri

Add a qualifier before the “rori” and you’ve got the various style categories of Lolita fashion.

Gothic & Lolita Bible magazine cover, Japanese translation.
Above, you can see the Japanese translation of “Gothic & Lolita Bible” in an appropriately curlique script.

Hungry for more? Check out this fantastic printable guide to the Bible’s sewing patterns and instructions. The PDF includes katakana and kanji help, translations of common words (front, back, left, right, material types, etc), and size references.

Did we forget to include some key words? Was anything lost in translation? Let us know in the comments!



  1. Kk
    Posted November 26, 2008 at 9:13 pm | Permalink

    ps. visit our web.

  2. Kk
    Posted November 27, 2008 at 5:13 am | Permalink

    ps. visit our web.

  3. Kk
    Posted November 27, 2008 at 5:13 am | Permalink

    ps. visit our web.