I.T Izzue store, Hong Kong: Hyoma cute clothing, Chinese streetwear. Seby & Carmina at Anime Evolution Vancouver!
Here’s the happy news… Seby is returning to Vancouver!
The Tokyo-based model/musician and I are guests at Anime Evolution (June 27 and 28), at the University of British Columbia. We hope to meet you there!
Keep reading for the convention details, and a peek inside one of my favorite Hong Kong streetwear stores, Izzue.
Join La Carmina and Seby at Anime Evolution in Vancouver, Canada!
WHERE: University of British Columbia
WHEN: We are appearing June 27-8. The convention runs til June 30.
TICKETS: Info here.
– Thursday, June 27
7-8pm Autograph session outside the main events room
– Friday, June 28
1-2pm Fashion & Modeling panel (Main Events 2) – We’ll talk about our work in entertainment, and breaking into music & TV.
2-3pm Autograph session (Exhibitors/Vendors Hall)
4-5pm Living and Travelling in Japan (Main Events 2) – We encourage you to ask questions about visiting and moving to Tokyo.
Seby and I have traveled all over the world together, and one of our favorite stops is Hong Kong. I always look forward to shopping in the I.T Izzue boutique. Why? A picture is worth a thousand words.
The Chinese chain has locations all over Hong Kong, but only some of the Izzue shops carry the streetwear brand Hyoma.
These photos are from last fall (I’ll post the spring collection soon). Who can resist a googly-eyed pumpkin face?
Or an eye-ball purse? A snow-ball scarf?
One of my favorite branches is the I.T store in Causeway Bay. The store has its own sleek fashion line, and it’s one of my favorites for menswear. Slim fits, leather, crosses and rocker edge.
The top floor of Causeway Bay’s I.T holds international designer brands, like Alexander McQueen.
The shoe selection, oh!
Hyoma, the bunny-faced character, originated in Japan but is now produced here.
There are multiple mens and womens brands inside, but this is my favorite, for obvious reasons.
Recognize the fuzzy big-eyed purse? I have it in black.
The Babydoppy Mini Cream line is for kiddies.
Some of the coordinates are a tad over-the-top, even for me.
But a few choice pieces — a scarf, or polka dot shoes — can give you street-style spark.
I know you want bunny sneakers…
I.T and Izzue are must-visit shops in Hong Kong. The displays are always inspiring, such as this Red Riding Hood window.
This is the designer-only I.T branch in Elements, the Tsim Tsa Shui shopping center.
A Rick Owens vibe, on the mannequins.
A great place to pick up Gothic and leather wear, if you can afford it.
What do you think of Hyoma and the I.T & Izzue stores? Does Hong Kong fashion surprise you? How does it compare to Japan’s?
For more images, see my 2011 blog about this Chinese clothing chain.
Be sure to read my Hong Kong fashion category for more shopping suggestions. And add Discover Hong Kong on Facebook for peeks into local fashion boutiques.
Seby and I can’t wait to meet you at Anime Evolution Vancouver, June 27-30. Hope to see you at our panels and autograph tables — don’t be shy!

I’m probably going to regret not coming >< Because when else am I going to meet 2 of my favorite people this close to the USA?
Your blog looks great!
Too bad I don’t have an expanded license, or I would totally come see you!
I can’t wait!
I wanna be there :/
the eyeball clothes O_O
oh my gosh!
I want to meet you!
your awsome la carmina, i wish i could get clothes like yours for my gf
going to be selling a ton of my clothes soon, check back!
i love you la carmina!
i want to meet you soooooo much
Great stuff here!
Me encantan los diseños! :3
AW-have fun in Vancouver,La Carmina!! You should come to Canada more often! And bring Basil, too! Will you go to the Far East? The “far” East of Canada where I live?! We would love to see you in Halifax at Hal-Con!
Yaya Han and Chris Torres are coming. Will you-PLEASE?!!!!!
Thanks! I hope to!
New York next time please <3
So sorry I can’t be with you in Vancouver
Awesome! We look forward to sharing. Thanks, LaCarmina!
You should try to come up with a little Gothic Style Harlem Style. I bet you could come up with some real feel for that.
Very cute clothing line. I’d wear the panda shoes…they’re irresistible!
I wish !!
♡(* ̄ω ̄)ノ ☂
Love, love, love!
happy to see my dear friends
you are absolutely gorgeous and brilliant <3 <3
that’s beautiful. *-*
Very cute collection! I would love to see all of them in person!
i totally love the shop… it s so edgy
Me too, love this place so much! More photos soon, of the latest collections.
I didn’t get to see your panels and get your autograph because I was working today but I hope you come to Vancouver again some time! :)
Aww thank you!! <3 Yes I hope to do more here!
I actually have traveled everywhere in the global collectively, and one in all our favorite stops is Hong Kong. I always look ahead to shopping inside the I.T Lizzie boutique. Why? A picture is really worth a thousand phrases.