

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

V-fingers! Tokyo readers, are you ready to “danse macabre” all night long with your favorite Goths? Come to Midnight Mess, Tokyo’s longest running EBM/Gothic/Industrial/Darkwave event, this Saturday at Club Marz!

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

Don’t be intimidated by the vampire teeth: we don’t bite. Nor should you feel intimidated if you don’t know Japanese. As we said in the video, “we speak every tongue… including yours!” (Yukiro, Comte de Sang and G-suS are regulars. That’s Japanese, Swedish, German, English and Satanic between them…)

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

Midnight Mess attracts colorful characters with colorful hair. I love Kenny Creation’s blue-purple dye.

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

It’s not hard to find Club Marz (map and directions are here). Just look for the spooky kids taking photos and drinking convenience store alcohol.

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

Every event has live performances by international acts such as Covenant, Skinny Puppy, Spanking Machine. Backstage, G-suS makes a cute face before Xenophobia and Rose Noire’s performances.

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

Warning: you may encounter random shenanigans…

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

Who else might you run into? Luke Chaos, and my minion Kanae. You can see more photos of my Innocent World dress and eyelashes in this post (as well as an Evil Queen makeup tutorial).

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

The party goes from midnight to 5am, and you’re free to take a trip to the Family Mart for drinks and then re-enter. Arina squeezed G-suS’s stomach so hard that he peed his skirt. (Just keeding! Or am I… Sebastien…?)

TOKYO CLUB TRAVEL GUIDE: MIDNIGHT MESS GOTH EBM INDUSTRIAL DANCE NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN NIGHTLIFE ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES. GOTHIC LOLITA girls, egl, teen goths, gothic fashion boys, harajuku street style, japanese streets, fruits, kera magazine

Come this Saturday, June 26th to Midnight Mess at Club Marz! It costs 2500 yen if you wear dress code, 3000 yen advance (email and 3500 yen at the door. Say hi to DJ and organizer Mistress Maya for me!

For maps and other Goth/cyber/alternative club nights in Tokyo, please check out my comprehensive club guide.

Do you and friends have a regular hangout? Such as a club night or recurring event?

Japanese Word of the Day: Shakuhachi = traditional bamboo flute
Song of the Day: Theatre of Hate – Legion (I hereby declare that this shall be post punk / early Goth music week.)

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fashion blogger depop wardrobe sale

Alternative fashion blogger La Carmina is selling her clothing here!

Summer wardrobe shopping time! I’ve listed tons of new and barely-worn designer items in my Online Garage Sale: including Gothic Lolita skirts and dresses. My Spider Victorian / EGA lace skirt and Sweet Loli Bodyline dress are available…

What else is for sale? Most items are under $25!
♥ Designer clothing from Japan and Hong Kong, in all sizes.
♥ Goth and alternative fashion.
♥ Genuine Fendi and Coach purses!
♥ I’ve also slashed prices on older items.

fashion blogger closet sale, app

1) See the fashion blogger closet listings by clicking here. Newest items are listed first.
2) Email gothiccarmina {at} gmail {dotcom} with the item(s) you want. All clothing is dry-cleaned; most are new or barely worn.
3) I’ll email you a PayPal invoice. Please pay within 2 days or you’ll lose the item.
4) You’ll receive the items in 2-5 days (US/Canada) / 1-2 weeks (international).

♥ I ship worldwide!
♥ All prices in US dollars.
♥ Shipping charges are listed under each item. If you buy more than one item, I’ll reduce the cost.
Questions? Special requests? Email gothiccarmina {at} gmail {dotcom}

Items will sell out fast, especially the Goth and Lolita brands, so don’t wait. Come browse my Online Garage Sale now and please pass along the link to your friends!

Japanese Word of the Day: Waribiki = Discount
Song of the Day: UK Decay – Decadance (Post punk meets early Goth. Ah the heydays of the Batcave…)


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