

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

Where am I? Who are these glamorous aliens?

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

Hint: despite the Asian poses, I’m in Hollywood, not Japan.

lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities. red hair girl with big boobs, MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語

Sebastiano Serafini and I are at Mr Black, the Tuesday night glam extravaganza organized by Luke Nero and hosted by Lenora Claire (the lady in red).

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

The gay club night is famous for the bare-butt servers! Seba was so angry that my head covered up the money shot.

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

It was Seba’s first night in LA, and he was treated right… Luke reserved us a VIP table, and we pirates got complimentary spiced rum.

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

The club, Bardot, has multiple rooms and nooks to explore. Sebastiano got hit on by a lot of boys…

gay club dance floor, la gay clubs, dancing, MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

Even though it was a Tuesday night, Mr Black’s dance-floor was packed and there was a long lineup outside.

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

Creatures of the night… what a hot mess they make.

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

The nightclub is known for its glitzy fashion. A dead animal scarf is not an uncommon sight.

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

A sip of a strong bellini. (Prosecco and peach puree, very popular in Italy.)

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

Mr Black takes place every Tuesday night at Bardot (Hollywood and Vine). Put on your glittery makeup and platforms, and come on down!

MR BLACK LOS ANGELES, BARDOT HOLLYWOOD: LOS ANGELES GAY LGBT CLUB NIGHT. TUESDAY NIGHTS LA CLUBS, BEST NIGHTLIFE EVENTS LISTING. LA BEST VIP celebrity PARTIES: where do famous people party, hangouts, nightlife, trendy hip bars, sebastiano serafini gay, girlfriend, dating, in a relationship,  セバスティアーノ セラフィニー luca student nihonjin no shiranai nihongo日本人の知らない日本語 lenora claire, pop tart gallery, club kids, famous clubbers, party monsters, internet celebrities

After, we went to the infamous 24-hour Fred 62 diner in Los Feliz for a delicious “La La Salad.” We snuggled into a booth with Lenora and Phyliss, who recently opened Pop Tart art gallery in LA (with works by Austin Young).

Want more photos and adventures from Mr. Black? I went last year with Yukiro and Clint Catalyst.

Would you venture into a club like this? What would you wear to be the life of the party?

Japanese Word of the Day: Okashi zukuri = Baking sweets
Song of the Day: 00tz-00tz – Death By Numbers (Thanks to the reader who introduced this band to me!)

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TERRITORY, DJ TAIKI'S OCCULT GOTH ALTERNATIVE SHOP IN OSAKA. KERA SHOP ARENA, DUTCH TRAVEL TV SHOW INTERVIEWS KENZO-A OF RITUALS. pentagram, mark of satan, satanic shop, witchcraft, wiccan, shinsaibashi store, dj taiki, black veil, osaka gothic, kansai, fetish, NEW TOKYO TV HOSTING JOB: DUTCH PEPSI WEB EPISODES ABOUT JAPAN POP CULTURE & FASHION! vkmag watkijkji TV show, pepsi pick a new address, contest, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS TRAVEL HOST. Gothic Lolita turquoise dress, rare JSK, carina e arlequin, jingu bridge harajuku street style, jingubashi, harajuku cosplayers, tokyo crazy teen fashion

Oh my Satan. While in Osaka, Yukiro and I tried to visit DJ Taiki’s occult shop, Territory. Inside, there are antiques, silver skull jewelry, tarot cards, witchcraft goodies and fetuses in jars. Unfortunately, we arrived a tad too late, and the iron gates were clamped…

dj taiki, TERRITORY, DJ TAIKI'S OCCULT GOTH ALTERNATIVE SHOP IN OSAKA. KERA SHOP ARENA, DUTCH TRAVEL TV SHOW INTERVIEWS KENZO-A OF RITUALS. pentagram, mark of satan, satanic shop, witchcraft, wiccan, shinsaibashi store, new years party, black veil, osaka gothic, kansai, fetish, NEW TOKYO TV HOSTING JOB: DUTCH PEPSI WEB EPISODES ABOUT JAPAN POP CULTURE & FASHION! vkmag watkijkji TV show, pepsi pick a new address, contest, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS TRAVEL HOST. Gothic Lolita turquoise dress, rare JSK, carina e arlequin, jingu bridge harajuku street style, jingubashi, harajuku cosplayers, tokyo crazy teen fashion

Fortunately, we were able to party with DJ Taiki at his Black Veil anniversary ball… a crazy night involving KISS makeup! You can see more dark fashion photos in this post. Don’t forget to watch my video that caused a bit of scandal.

TERRITORY, DJ TAIKI'S OCCULT GOTH ALTERNATIVE SHOP IN OSAKA. KERA SHOP ARENA, DUTCH TRAVEL TV SHOW INTERVIEWS KENZO-A OF RITUALS. pentagram, mark of satan, satanic shop, witchcraft, wiccan, shinsaibashi store, dj taiki, black veil, osaka gothic, kansai, fetish, NEW TOKYO TV HOSTING JOB: DUTCH PEPSI WEB EPISODES ABOUT JAPAN POP CULTURE & FASHION! vkmag watkijkji TV show, pepsi pick a new address, contest, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS TRAVEL HOST. Gothic Lolita turquoise dress, rare JSK, carina e arlequin, jingu bridge harajuku street style, jingubashi, harajuku cosplayers, tokyo crazy teen fashion

Since we’re in remembrance mode, here are the last of the Dutch Pepsi photos. Naomi and I arranged for the TV crew to film at Kera Shop Arena, on the top floor of Marui One Shinjuku. We asked our spookiest friends to come along.

TERRITORY, DJ TAIKI'S OCCULT GOTH ALTERNATIVE SHOP IN OSAKA. KERA SHOP ARENA, DUTCH TRAVEL TV SHOW INTERVIEWS KENZO-A OF RITUALS. pentagram, mark of satan, satanic shop, witchcraft, wiccan, shinsaibashi store, dj taiki, black veil, osaka gothic, kansai, fetish, NEW TOKYO TV HOSTING JOB: DUTCH PEPSI WEB EPISODES ABOUT JAPAN POP CULTURE & FASHION! vkmag watkijkji TV show, pepsi pick a new address, contest, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS TRAVEL HOST. Gothic Lolita turquoise dress, rare JSK, carina e arlequin, jingu bridge harajuku street style, jingubashi, harajuku cosplayers, tokyo crazy teen fashion

We dressed up Bo in Gothic fashion, and interviewed Kenzo-A about his designs. He showed her his brand, Rituals, which is sold at Kera Shop.

TERRITORY, DJ TAIKI'S OCCULT GOTH ALTERNATIVE SHOP IN OSAKA. KERA SHOP ARENA, DUTCH TRAVEL TV SHOW INTERVIEWS KENZO-A OF RITUALS. pentagram, mark of satan, satanic shop, witchcraft, wiccan, shinsaibashi store, dj taiki, black veil, osaka gothic, kansai, fetish, NEW TOKYO TV HOSTING JOB: DUTCH PEPSI WEB EPISODES ABOUT JAPAN POP CULTURE & FASHION! vkmag watkijkji TV show, pepsi pick a new address, contest, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS TRAVEL HOST. Gothic Lolita turquoise dress, rare JSK, carina e arlequin, jingu bridge harajuku street style, jingubashi, harajuku cosplayers, tokyo crazy teen fashion

She asked him some… strange questions!

If you missed it, you can see a video from the Dutch Pepsi TV show above and on YouTube (I’m now a partner, yay!)

TERRITORY, DJ TAIKI'S OCCULT GOTH ALTERNATIVE SHOP IN OSAKA. KERA SHOP ARENA, DUTCH TRAVEL TV SHOW INTERVIEWS KENZO-A OF RITUALS. pentagram, mark of satan, satanic shop, witchcraft, wiccan, shinsaibashi store, dj taiki, black veil, osaka gothic, kansai, fetish, NEW TOKYO TV HOSTING JOB: DUTCH PEPSI WEB EPISODES ABOUT JAPAN POP CULTURE & FASHION! vkmag watkijkji TV show, pepsi pick a new address, contest, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS TRAVEL HOST. Gothic Lolita turquoise dress, rare JSK, carina e arlequin, jingu bridge harajuku street style, jingubashi, harajuku cosplayers, tokyo crazy teen fashion

TV crews and Tokyo visitors, do you want to enter our dark world? La Carmina & The Pirates offers consulting, tour guiding, translation, TV scheduling and hosting… everything you need to have a Satanic time!

What are your thoughts on the occult and witchcraft? Have you been to a black magic store like Territory?

Japanese Word of the Day: Ojamajo = Magical
Song of the Day: Art Marju Duchain – Death of the Virgin (Suggested by the brilliantly incompetent minion Kanae.)

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