

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

When Yukiro has a bottle of Dracula’s Blood in his hands… you know it’s about time to party!

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

We decided against the red liquor (blood is best consumed fresh, from the neck of young virgin emo boys). Instead, we picked from the large selection of absinthe.

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

Love Mistress Maya’s tights, marked with a Gothic decal.

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

First, we had sushi and sake at Hibari, the cheap conveyor sushi parlor in Kabuki-Cho. We’re always there in extreme outfits, chewing raw fish next to sleepy host boys (remember this and this post?)

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

Now, I must be a little vague about what came next. We congregated in someone’s hotel room — I can’t say who. But I can tell you that the absinthe flowed.

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

The spooky guests included Ako (designer of punk brand Blablahospital), Alex the magician, Maya the Midnight Mess mistress, and Luke of crunk-step Chaos Royale.

Dimmur Borgir, blood naked people, death metal cd covers, TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

Per Heimly showed us his photos of black metal band Dimmur Borgir, and bloody naked girls.

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

But the most frightening image of all… is the floppy disk that Yukiro was forced to use for a school project!

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

Vogue, vogue.

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

More guests showed up, fresh from 2-choome (the Shinjuku gay club district). Things got progressively wilder. When Maya’s in a good mood, she begins to torture boys…

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

We can’t show you everything that happened, but trust me: this lad got some Discipline and Punishment!

TOKYO JAPAN SUBCULTURES PARTY: ABSINTHE, SPANKING & DEATH METAL BANDS! JAPANESE MISTRESS, PRIVATE PARTIES. tokyo japan, ari behn, Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Per Heimly. Prince of Norway, NRK Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

Oh, the scandal that goes on behind closed doors… the secrets that never make it onto this blog!

In J-news…

♪ The Visual Kei band break-ups continue. UnsraW (above) has parted ways after vocalist Yuuki left the group. Danger Gang’s drummer Rei and bassist Thera have also announced they are leaving the band. Hopefully Danger Gang will keep going despite the departures.

♪ My friend Mai Sassy Girl has fab coverage of Asia Girl’s Explosion, the Tokyo Girls Collection fashion and music event featuring Yoshiki, Heath, Marilyn Manson and more.

♪ Yahoo recently published an article about X Japan, with a few errors. I learned Yoshiki goes grocery shopping in public!

Have you heard any exciting Jrock / J-fashion news lately? I welcome you to comment, sharing the information and your thoughts.

Japanese Word of the Day: Atomodori = Turning back
Song of the Day: UnsraW – In the Fact (RIP)

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Skingraft clothing, fashion brand, collection, skin graft, art inspired clothes, downtown la, los angeles designers, leather handmade jackets, military leather coat, gay fashion, lgbt clothing brands, skingraft designs, fashion show, runway, Jonny Cota, la fashion week, models for catwalk, lending clothes for photoshoots, los angeles young indie designers brands, cute male model, italian models, upcoming male models, the fashion spot, best mens runway models, alt modelling, SKINGRAFT: CUSTOM HANDMADE LEATHER JACKETS & COUTURE, DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES DESIGNER CLOTHING.

Thanks for your kind comments about our photos for the NOH8 Campaign! The shoot wouldn’t have been possible without our friends Toni & Guy (who did our big Visual Kei hair) and Skingraft — an LA design company that lent us leather clothing.

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Sebastiano and I went to the downtown store, and tried on various leather ensembles. Skingraft kindly loaned us the pieces for free (thank you Phyllis for putting us in touch).

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We loved the soft, handcrafted leather and silver military detail.

SKINGRAFT: CUSTOM HANDMADE LEATHER JACKETS & COUTURE, DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES DESIGNER CLOTHING. Skingraft clothing, fashion brand, collection, skin graft, art inspired clothes, downtown la, los angeles designers, leather handmade jackets, military leather coat, gay fashion, lgbt clothing brands, skingraft designs, fashion show, runway, Jonny Cota, la fashion week, models for catwalk, lending clothes for photoshoots, los angeles young indie designers brands, cute male model, italian models, upcoming male models, the fashion spot, best mens runway models, alt modelling

This work of art was hanging from the ceiling. It looks like something the Diva from The Fifth Element movie might wear.

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The Gothic meets Outer Space inspiration appeals to us.

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Sci fi leather.

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It was hard to narrow down the selection to a few items.

SKINGRAFT: CUSTOM HANDMADE LEATHER JACKETS & COUTURE, DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES DESIGNER CLOTHING. Skin graft clothing, fashion brand, collection, skin graft, art inspired clothes, downtown la, los angeles designers, leather handmade jackets, military leather coat, gay fashion, lgbt clothing brands, skingraft designs, fashion show, runway, Jonny Cota, la fashion week, models for catwalk, lending clothes for photoshoots, los angeles young indie designers brands, cute male model, italian models, upcoming male models, the fashion spot, best mens runway models, alt modelling

In NOH8 photos, the participants wear white. I ended up wearing a white leather vest.

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Simply gorgeous, the webbed necklace and scarf.

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If you’re in the hood (downtown LA), we encourage you to browse in Skingraft. The leather designs are also sold in other areas of the US and in Japan.

NOH8 photos, announcement, japanese celebrities stars famous supporters, no h8 CAMPAIGN PHOTOSHOOT IN TOKYO, JAPAN! MARCH 27, NEW LEX ROPPONGI. CELEB club hangout in japan, NOH8 CAMPAIGN IS COMING TO TOKYO, JAPAN! LA CARMINA charitable cause, Noh8 twibbon, add logo to twitter, posters video no h8, join, contact, organize a photo shoot, photo call, noh8worldwide, gay marriage protest prop 8, gay rights, sebastiano serafini, celebrity noh8 photos, adam bouska, protest proposition 8, lgbt, familiar faces, famous people in gay rights campaign, charity, noh8 events calendar, japanese noh8

Thanks for your enthusiasm about NOH8 in Tokyo, Japan. Here is the official announcement on the campaign’s website.

NOH8 photos, announcement, japanese celebrities stars famous supporters, no h8 CAMPAIGN PHOTOSHOOT IN TOKYO, JAPAN! MARCH 27, NEW LEX ROPPONGI. CELEB club hangout in japan, NOH8 CAMPAIGN IS COMING TO TOKYO, JAPAN! LA CARMINA charitable cause, Noh8 twibbon, add logo to twitter, posters video no h8, join, contact, organize a photo shoot, photo call, noh8worldwide, gay marriage protest prop 8, gay rights, sebastiano serafini, celebrity noh8 photos, adam bouska, protest proposition 8, lgbt, familiar faces, famous people in gay rights campaign, charity, noh8 events calendar, japanese noh8

Have you joined the NOH8 Facebook page yet? If not, please do, and give the NOH8 in Japan status a thumb’s up!

We hope you’ll tell your friends and blog about NOH8. If you’re in Tokyo, come take a photo for the cause (March 27th, 1-5pm at New Lex Roppongi). Everyone is welcome; here’s the info.

PS: Happy face… I’ll be spending quite a bit of time in Tokyo this spring. Lots of new gigs afoot! (TV hosting, modeling, promos, writing.) Please email me if you want to collaborate (paid jobs only, arigato).

What are your current favorite fashion brands? Got any favorite menswear sites?

Japanese Word of the Day: Hifuishoku = Skingraft
Song of the Day: Bumblebee Unlimited – Lady Bug (disco with punny lyrics that will make you cringe)

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