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If you’re a young traveler like Seba and me, you’re probably in that Twilight Zone when it comes to accommodations. Where you can’t afford the nice hotel, but are reluctant to “rough it” in a hostel. Or worse, on someone’s tea-stained couch. Ick.

Guess what — there’s a happy medium! Roomorama lets you book short term apartment rentals, in cities all around the world. Meaning you can stay in stylish digs and experience the life of a local, with enough left over for shopping.

The Roomorama team set us up with a Hong Kong flat for three weeks. Shall we give you a tour-o-rama?

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As you can see, our apartment has a sleek, modern design. Like a hotel, the room was clean and furnished — no need to pack towels or toothbrushes.

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To our delight, there was near-endless storage space, making it easy to put away luggage and purchases. (My rose hoodie is gifted by Iron Fist.)

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Do you like Seba’s Lady Gaga look? (Crown headband and fringe dress gifted from gla.MAR.ous)

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Roomorama chooses its landlords carefully, so we were in good hands. The building had a doorperson and considerate staff (they lent us adapter plugs, and gave info about the neighborhood). There was even maid service eight times a month!

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Our air-conditioned apartment had broadband internet, a DVD player, flat screen TV, and kitchen equipment.

We got to watch local TV, and funny Chinese music videos (like Touch My Heart).

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Who can argue with the view of Hong Kong’s harbor?

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The bed was comfortable. And that’s all we’re going to say about that.

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It was fun to live like a local, in a chic apartment full of character. Seba and I can’t thank Roomorama enough for the experience. Coming up next, we’ll take you around our Causeway Bay neighborhood.

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Roomorama’s site is secure and easy to use. There’s a wide range of quality rentals (for example, I found a Hollywood studio for $55 a day), with photos and customer feedback for each listing. A gem for mid-range and business travelers: I hope you remember Roomorama the next time you need a place to stay!

(As Teknicolor Dahlia commented, “For around the same price as a 3-night stay in some places we could stay for a whole week! Extra days of exploring cities and shopping? I’m all for that.”)

Have you ever stayed in a furnished apartment, or short-term rental? Did you enjoy it more than a hotel? What do you think of Roomorama’s services and rates?

Song of the Day: Fred Ventura – Open Your Eyes (In a few days, I’ll be in Italia…)

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DEATH DISCO FUNERAL: GOTH DEATHROCK CLUB, TOKYO DJS & BANDS. JAPAN CONCERT PARTY & EVENT LISTINGS, SHINJUKU. club marz GOTH PARTY, 13th moon, drop dead festival, deathrock festivals, tokyo decay, death rock, nAo12xu, hardcore clubs, industrial goth NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN GOTHIC & LOLITA SUBCULTURE, FASHION.  japan youth fashion, street style, tokyo fashion, streetwear, industrial djs, darkwave, ebm, gothic culture, japanese subcultures, weird japan, tokyo best shopping, alternative blog, fashion blogs, trendy hip clubs

Off to Italy in a few days! Who would have thought that this little blog would turn international? Dreams do become reality — like Seba’s band, DNR, opening for Versailles tonight. (Keep reading for the story.)

While La Carmina blog has spread its wings, we’re staying true to our roots: firsthand reports from Japan’s Gothic underground. I’ll hope you will enjoy upcoming posts from my trusted friends, including a concert review of Moi dix Mois in Tokyo.

Perhaps you remember Cotton Bale’s Tokyo birthday party from last year (sushi, purikura and karaoke in Shinjuku). This year, she went to the event Death Disco Funeral: Tokyo Mutant Wave. Here’s her review.

DEATH DISCO FUNERAL: GOTH DEATHROCK CLUB, TOKYO DJS & BANDS. JAPAN CONCERT PARTY & EVENT LISTINGS, SHINJUKU. club marz GOTH PARTY, 13th moon, drop dead festival, deathrock festivals, tokyo decay, death rock, nAo12xu, hardcore clubs, industrial goth NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN GOTHIC & LOLITA SUBCULTURE, FASHION.  japan youth fashion, street style, tokyo fashion, streetwear, industrial djs, darkwave, ebm, gothic culture, japanese subcultures, weird japan, tokyo best shopping, alternative blog, fashion blogs, trendy hip clubs

Tokyo Decay is the Tokyo branch of Decay Promotions, the company that organizes the deathrock festival, Drop Dead. (The lovely lady is Miwa, who provided these photos. And I’m sure you recognize the infamous Kenzo-A.)

DEATH DISCO FUNERAL: GOTH DEATHROCK CLUB, TOKYO DJS & BANDS. JAPAN CONCERT PARTY & EVENT LISTINGS, SHINJUKU. club marz GOTH PARTY, 13th moon, drop dead festival, deathrock festivals, tokyo decay, death rock, nAo12xu, hardcore clubs, industrial goth NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN GOTHIC & LOLITA SUBCULTURE, FASHION.  japan youth fashion, street style, tokyo fashion, streetwear, industrial djs, darkwave, ebm, gothic culture, japanese subcultures, weird japan, tokyo best shopping, alternative blog, fashion blogs, trendy hip clubs

Death Disco Funeral was mainly a live music event, with DJ sets between the bands. Gothic trip-hop band *microscope* had a stand-out percussionist. She played a xylophone, a cymbal with saw, and a saw with a violin bow.

DEATH DISCO FUNERAL: GOTH DEATHROCK CLUB, TOKYO DJS & BANDS. JAPAN CONCERT PARTY & EVENT LISTINGS, SHINJUKU. club marz GOTH PARTY, 13th moon, drop dead festival, deathrock festivals, tokyo decay, death rock, nAo12xu, hardcore clubs, industrial goth NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN GOTHIC & LOLITA SUBCULTURE, FASHION.  japan youth fashion, street style, tokyo fashion, streetwear, industrial djs, darkwave, ebm, gothic culture, japanese subcultures, weird japan, tokyo best shopping, alternative blog, fashion blogs, trendy hip clubs

New Wave three piece Nu-coordinator totally rocked. They wore visor shades, and the singer had a vocoder. They reminded me a lot of the Talking Heads.

DEATH DISCO FUNERAL: GOTH DEATHROCK CLUB, TOKYO DJS & BANDS. JAPAN CONCERT PARTY & EVENT LISTINGS, SHINJUKU. club marz GOTH PARTY, 13th moon, drop dead festival, deathrock festivals, tokyo decay, death rock, nAo12xu, hardcore clubs, industrial goth NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN GOTHIC & LOLITA SUBCULTURE, FASHION.  japan youth fashion, street style, tokyo fashion, streetwear, industrial djs, darkwave, ebm, gothic culture, japanese subcultures, weird japan, tokyo best shopping, alternative blog, fashion blogs, trendy hip clubs

As always, 13th Moon put on an amusing show. I can never quite tell if they are being serious or not. Sometimes they seem like a death rock parody band. Their guitar player Amuck-A is super-adorable, though. (That’s charismatic frontman nAo12xu on the right.)

DEATH DISCO FUNERAL: GOTH DEATHROCK CLUB, TOKYO DJS & BANDS. JAPAN CONCERT PARTY & EVENT LISTINGS, SHINJUKU. club marz GOTH PARTY, 13th moon, drop dead festival, deathrock festivals, tokyo decay, death rock, nAo12xu, hardcore clubs, industrial goth NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN GOTHIC & LOLITA SUBCULTURE, FASHION.  japan youth fashion, street style, tokyo fashion, streetwear, industrial djs, darkwave, ebm, gothic culture, japanese subcultures, weird japan, tokyo best shopping, alternative blog, fashion blogs, trendy hip clubs

The Plasticzooms get better every time I see them. They have really started to develop their own sound in the last year or so, and the singer, Sho, is a sweetheart. He even gave me a triangle necklace he made as a birthday present.

DEATH DISCO FUNERAL: GOTH DEATHROCK CLUB, TOKYO DJS & BANDS. JAPAN CONCERT PARTY & EVENT LISTINGS, SHINJUKU. club marz GOTH PARTY, 13th moon, drop dead festival, deathrock festivals, tokyo decay, death rock, nAo12xu, hardcore clubs, industrial goth NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN GOTHIC & LOLITA SUBCULTURE, FASHION.  japan youth fashion, street style, tokyo fashion, streetwear, industrial djs, darkwave, ebm, gothic culture, japanese subcultures, weird japan, tokyo best shopping, alternative blog, fashion blogs, trendy hip clubs

As for the DJs, nAo12xu played an amazing set including White Ring, the Sixteens and the Soft Moon. EyescreaM also played a pretty good set with lots of New Wave classics. The guest DJ was Asami of Black Triangle Design.

DEATH DISCO FUNERAL: GOTH DEATHROCK CLUB, TOKYO DJS & BANDS. JAPAN CONCERT PARTY & EVENT LISTINGS, SHINJUKU. club marz GOTH PARTY, 13th moon, drop dead festival, deathrock festivals, tokyo decay, death rock, nAo12xu, hardcore clubs, industrial goth NIGHTCLUB. JAPAN GOTHIC & LOLITA SUBCULTURE, FASHION.  japan youth fashion, street style, tokyo fashion, streetwear, industrial djs, darkwave, ebm, gothic culture, japanese subcultures, weird japan, tokyo best shopping, alternative blog, fashion blogs, trendy hip clubs

Asami had a booth at the event, and I bought a black, shark skin, triangle necklace with gold pyramid studs from her. There was also digital art by Cre Izu. For my birthday, I also got a special hand made present, a black patent hexagram t-shirt to match my Docs.

Back to La Carmina’s voice… sighing because I wish I were there! Recently, several people have asked me if it’s safe to go to Tokyo alternative clubs alone. Readers, you can’t find a friendlier group of Goths than in Japan. I urge you to nightcrawl — many people speak English, and I’m certain you’ll have a great experience.

All the info you require is in my Tokyo club listing, which chronicles Japan’s best alt and Gothic nightlife.

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Where’s Sebastiano Serafini right now? Traveling with Visual Kei legends Versailles, as their translator. Tonight, his band DNR will open for them in Italy — what an honor! Soon, he will share stories and photos with you on this blog.

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I’ll be with Seba and DNR soon — being flown to the Luisa Via Roma event in Florence. The organizers put us in this spettacolare hotel near the Duomo… we’ll document every minute of the Italy trip for you!

Are you a deathrock fan? Would you have the courage to go to a Japanese Goth event like this alone? Trust us: the parties look scary, but in fact, they’re fun and accessible.

Song of the Day: The Plasticzooms – Witch

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