

GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA MACHINES, MAKING EYES BIGGER IN ASIA. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

Japanese subculture beauty and fashion seems to come from a different planet! Here are images from Ageha, the gyaru (gal) and hostess style magazine.

GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA, CIRCLE CONTACT LENS, CRAZY NAIL ART. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

Big eye makeup, false eyelashes, a twisted or curled hair set, and sparkly everything.

GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA MACHINES, MAKING EYES BIGGER IN ASIA. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

Ageha Magazine has step-by-step tutorials for how to make your eyes look as big as possible. The gist: fake top and bottom lashes, eye-shadowing techniques (white on the inside corners), circle contact lenses with giant irises… and of course, Photoshop.

GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA MACHINES, MAKING EYES BIGGER IN ASIA. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

One easy way to get the look: purikura (sticker picture machines). The new “Lady by Tokyo” has classier options and a matte finish.

JAPANESE GIRLS WITH BIG EYES: PURIKURA STICKER PHOTO MACHINES. FAKE EYELASHES & CIRCLE CONTACTS, JAPAN MAKEUP TECHNIQUES FOR LARGER EYES. GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA MACHINES, MAKING EYES BIGGER IN ASIA. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

After choosing the photos, Cotton Bale and I decorated them with bows, stars and cat-noses.
My Pirate striped top is gifted by CamdenLock Clothing, who also sent me this knit punk set.

GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA MACHINES, MAKING EYES BIGGER IN ASIA. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

All the purikura machines emphasize eye-enlargement.

GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA MACHINES, MAKING EYES BIGGER IN ASIA. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

And very white skin.

GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA, CIRCLE CONTACT LENS, CRAZY NAIL ART. MAKING EYES BIGGER IN ASIA. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

Bling-bling nail art is another gyaru must. (In fact, I’m getting my nails done today for a magazine photoshoot!)

GYARU JAPANESE GIRLS, BIG EYE MAKEUP IN AGEHA MAGAZINE. TOKYO PURIKURA MACHINES, MAKING EYES BIGGER IN ASIA. Big eyed makeup techniques, false eyelashes huge eyes, japanese secrets tricks make eyes big, eyelid surgery japan asia, asians double eyelids, sticker picture machines, tokyo purikura

Here are more big-eye Japanese girl photos.

What do you think of the gyaru look? Thoughts on Asian standards of beauty, and the techniques for big eyes and white skin? Let’s have a discussion in the comments.

PS: Thanks to the Seoul Times for featuring me.

Song of the Day: Perfume – Chocolate Disco

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Viva Mexico! I’m thrilled to share my Day of the Dead adventures with you — starting now. Gracias to the Mazatlan Tourism Board for making this special series possible.

I’m wearing gorgeous hair accessories gifted by BabyClay — love the feathers and hand-sculpted clay. The new collection, BabyVuDo, is available on Etsy, and you can request a custom design.

The ringlet hair is inspired by Milady in the Three Musketeers.

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The bird claw and crucifix jewelry is gifted by Fashionology. A lovely collection of silver rings, necklaces, earrings and cuffs, inspired by art and nature.

My makeup is “classic La Carmina” with dark shading, white highlights and fake lashes. Don’t forget the trademark nail art.

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My film crew and I shot three videos about Mazatlan’s dark art/culture. We began with a hotel tour.

Red purse: vintage Nina Ricci, from my mother’s closet. She wore it in the 1980s.
Goth top: h.NAOTO, from Closet Child
Skirt: Fernopaa, from Studio Alta Shinjuku
Epic boots: Alice and the Pirates, from Closet Child

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We arrived in Mexico on Halloween — hence the undead look and RIP tombstones.

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Real horrorshow, eh?

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We’re currently editing the videos; can’t wait to show you the glorious architecture and beaches. (The dress is gifted by Sourpuss Clothing.)

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So many golden moments.

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The journalists on the press trip stayed in different hotels. Luckily, we had rooms at the spectacular Riu Emerald Bay. It’s an all-inclusive resort that opened only two years ago.

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Animal-shaped towels on the bed.

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Fresh coconut juice by the pool.

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And every room has a balcony that overlooks the ocean. Now that’s heavy metal. (Bracelets gifted by Fashionology.)

Next, I’ll post photos of my Halloween outfit, and show you how we celebrated: tequila-style.

Have you ever been to Mazatlan, or anywhere in Mexico? Or celebrated Day of the Dead?

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