

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

Every sunny destination has a dark side. Case in point: I was in Mazatlan, Mexico for Day of the Dead.

The press trip included an Art Walk in the Historic District. Oh, the spooky art I encountered!

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

My favorite local gallery was Nidart, known for handmade leather masks. The curving forms and facial expressions are one-of-a-kind.

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

Secret garden in the back, framed by animal and devil masks.

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

What a treat to see the artisans at work. One of the journalists bought this Pirate, for only US $90.

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

Sunglasses: gifted from Erica Anenberg
Sundress: gifted from Sourpuss Clothing (note the skull and crossbones print! I also wore it in Venice, Italy)
Big sunhat: from a Hong Kong street stall

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

I pressed magenta glitter on top of my lipstick, for a candy-sparkle shimmer. I extended my liquid eyeliner outward, so that it peeks through the hole in the sunglasses.

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

Death is everywhere… in local galleries, on the wall of Angela Peralta theater. And she’s never looked better.

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

Despite the dark themes, the art feels uplifting. The colors and active poses reflect the Mexican folk view that life and death are balancing forces.

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

This idea’s expressed in the Catrionas, or elegant skeleton ladies. You’ll see more in my travel videos and Dia de los Muertos coverage, coming soon.

mexican ice cream, mexico sherbet, calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

At the end of the art tour, we took a much-needed stop for handmade sorbet. Guava and tangerine. Yum.

calaveras de azúcar, MEXICAN SKULLS & SKELETON ART: CATRIONA STATUES, CALAVERAS. MAZATLAN ART WALK, NIDART LEATHER MASKS. DAY OF THE DEAD makeup, face paint, Día de Muertos art, goth mexico, DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, MEXICAN graveyard altars. BREAD OF THE DEAD, MAZATLAN MEXICO, SKELETON lady, catriona, la catrina, Mexico ritual honor dead, graveyards, altars, ofrendas, sugar skulls, cempasúchil, sugar skull art, La Calavera de la Catrina, skeleton woman art statues

Have you ever been to Mexico? Do you collect art, or memorabilia of any kind? If so, what?

PS: I’m glad you enjoyed my holiday gift guide. Can you guess what my fat cat’s getting for Christmas? Maybe another cat stroller if he’s nice, or a crib if he’s naughty…

Song of the Day: Morbid Fancy – The Incident

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Dir en Grey is back in the USA — touring with The Birthday Massacre! And I’m giving away TWO pairs of tickets to the Irving Plaza concert in New York, on December 12th.

It gets better. Winners also get a poster each, autographed by Dir en Grey.

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Ready to enter, for yourself or a NYC friend? Let’s do it! (Photos by Rose, whose Seattle live review caused a bit of a stir.)

DIR EN GREY, free concert passes, win concert tickets, dir en grey lyrics, discography, JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands, DIR EN GREY US TOUR 2011! WIN CONCERT TICKETS FOR NEW YORK SHOW W/ BIRTHDAY MASSACRE. JROCK BAND TOURING LIVE. december 2011 concerts irving plaza

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DIR EN GREY, free concert passes, win concert tickets, dir en grey lyrics, discography, JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands, DIR EN GREY US TOUR 2011! WIN CONCERT TICKETS FOR NEW YORK SHOW W/ BIRTHDAY MASSACRE. JROCK BAND TOURING LIVE. december 2011 concerts irving plaza

2) Like my Facebook Page, if you haven’t already.

DIR EN GREY, free concert passes, win concert tickets, dir en grey lyrics, discography, JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands, DIR EN GREY US TOUR 2011! WIN CONCERT TICKETS FOR NEW YORK SHOW W/ BIRTHDAY MASSACRE. JROCK BAND TOURING LIVE. december 2011 concerts irving plaza

3) Comment on my Facebook Wall, telling me who is your favorite member of Dir en Grey, and why.

Contest ends Dec 7th, 2011 at midnight Pacific Time. Winners chosen by random selection, and must provide a first and last name so that they can pick up the tickets at the door. Arr.

DIR EN GREY, free concert passes, win concert tickets, dir en grey lyrics, discography, JROCK VISUAL KEI CONCERTS, US TOUR PHOTOS: KYO, KAORU, DIE, SHINYA, TOSHIYA, japanese rock bands tour dates, touring america and canada, showbox theater pike place market, jrock hair, makeup, stage outfits, visual kei musicians, cute japanese boys, rock stars, j-rockers, cure magazine, photos of japan rock bands, DIR EN GREY US TOUR 2011! WIN CONCERT TICKETS FOR NEW YORK SHOW W/ BIRTHDAY MASSACRE. JROCK BAND TOURING LIVE. december 2011 concerts irving plaza

Don’t forget to read the Seattle Dir en Grey show review, and check out all my Visual Kei and Jrock articles.

Have you seen Dir en Grey or The Birthday Massacre? Were you impressed by their live show? Enter the giveaway before you forget… and regret!

Song of the Day: Dir en Grey – Kodou