

los angeles new years parties 2012, new years eve 2012, LA goth clubs, best vip clubs hollywood, JAPAN earthquake charity FUNDRAISING, HONG KONG GOTH STORES, FASHION MODELING IN ITALY. crazy makeup, weird tokyo bars, shinjuku clubbing

What a wild year! As New Year’s Eve approaches, let’s take a moment to reminisce. Do you remember my travels and adventures, from last January to June?

I rang in 2011 in Los Angeles, at a Hollywood alt party with Seba and friends. We had a crazy time in LA, with gigs that included modeling for Lip Service.

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In March, I was about to go to Japan for two TV hosting jobs (German and Belgian travel shows), and help bring the NOH8 Campaign (a photo-protest against inequality) worldwide. The earthquake struck the week before my flight – and needless to say, everything got cancelled.

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First and foremost, I made sure my friends were safe. Seba flew to LA, and we threw ourselves into charity projects for Japan. I also interviewed Black Veil Brides about their experiences during the quake.

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Seba and I released a benefit t-shirt with Like Atmosphere, and a panda bear necklace with Soho Hearts. All funds go to helping Japan; you can learn more about the designs here.

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Since the disaster shifted my work away from Japan, I broadened my focus to dark culture and travel worldwide. First stop: Hong Kong (where we stayed in a Roomorama apartment) and Macau (for the Galaxy resort opening!)

Favorite memories include visiting the Charlie Brown theme cafe, and baking cute panda bread at my cousin’s cooking school.

Read all my HK and Macau articles, including Gothic Lolita shop recommendations.

hong kong nightlife, hong kong street signs, city photos hong kong china, neon japan, la carmina real name, lacarmina age, lacarmina age, photoshoots, los angeles new years parties 2012, new years eve 2012, LA goth clubs, best vip clubs hollywood, JAPAN earthquake charity FUNDRAISING, HONG KONG GOTH STORES, FASHION MODELING IN ITALY. crazy makeup, weird tokyo bars, shinjuku clubbing

This year, my TV hosting work blew up. The Norway host club documentary aired, and won the equivalent of a Grammy award. (Catch up on my video clips.)

dj sisen, cybergoth tokyo nightlife, neon japan, la carmina real name, lacarmina age, lacarmina age, photoshoots, los angeles new years parties 2012, new years eve 2012, LA goth clubs, best vip clubs hollywood, JAPAN earthquake charity FUNDRAISING, HONG KONG GOTH STORES, FASHION MODELING IN ITALY. crazy makeup, weird tokyo bars, shinjuku clubbing

I wasn’t able to make it to Wave Gotik Treffen, due to a conflict with a fashion event in Florence. In the next post, I’ll share photos from the second half of 2011: Italy, Tokyo, Wisconsin, Mexico and beyond!

Bonus photo: my extreme makeup for a 1980s Italo Disco party in Milan. The heart sweater is from Mongkok in Hong Kong. Radical.

Did you know I’ve been running this blog since September 2007? You can see the Archives using the drop-down menu on my right sidebar.

What did you accomplish in 2011? Do you feel you grew, or challenged yourself this year? How so?

Song of the Day: Duran Duran – Girl Panic!

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Happy Nightmare before Christmas, my spooky ones!

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Basil Farrow and I are spending the holidays with “Santa Seba,” in Vancouver. We’re always busy — so it’s nice to slow down, take a breath, and enjoy the moment.

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There’s lots to be grateful for. Especially this fuzzy-face.

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Animal companions give us so much, don’t they?

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Give your loved ones an extra snuggle today, from both of us. Maoo maoo!

PS: Santa Seba gave me a nice present just now. What do you think he’ll bring you tonight?

Album of the Day: Rammstein – Mein Land

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