

Leopard print dress, animal print clothes, leopard dresses, gold bracelet, fashion bloggers, outfit posts, urban rush, shaw tv, fiona forbes, morning talk show, vancouver tv, breakfast show, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

Pirates, I’m going to be appearing on a TV talk show: Urban Rush! On Feb 2nd, I’m the main guest for the Vancouver-based morning show. I’ll be talking about my upcoming New York fashion week trip and more, in a 10-minute interview.

Leopard print dress, animal print clothes, leopard dresses, gold bracelet, fashion bloggers, outfit posts, urban rush, shaw tv, fiona forbes, morning talk show, vancouver tv, breakfast show, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

If you’re in Canada, tune in to Shaw TV on Feb 2nd; it airs at 5pm, 7pm, 11pm. For those outside, I’ll put up the clip on YouTube — check back and subscribe to my channel, so you won’t miss it.

valentino red, red valentino, diego dolcini feather shoes, designer cool footwear, coolest shoes, amazing shoes, lolita dress for sale, redvalentino, BACK TO ITALY! LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

It’ll be fun to reminisce on my travel and fashion adventures. Here are bonus photos from Luisaviaroma 2011. I’m wearing a Dior dress, and inspecting the racks at the RED Valentino pop up store. The leopard print dress is similar to this one.

valentino red, red valentino, diego dolcini feather shoes, designer cool footwear, coolest shoes, amazing shoes, lolita dress for sale, redvalentino, BACK TO ITALY! LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

I like to step out of my usual Japanese street style brands, and play with something unexpected.

valentino red, red valentino, diego dolcini feather shoes, designer cool footwear, coolest shoes, amazing shoes, lolita dress for sale, redvalentino, BACK TO ITALY! LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: JANUARY 2012. TOP STYLE BLOGGERS STYLING EVENT, FASHION BLOGGER PARTY. luisa via roma, firenze 4ever, best fashion blogs, styling lab, music bloggers convention, valentino red, valentino pop up store, valentino dresses, designer italian fashion, designer clothing store, fashion bloggers make money, affiliate programs, firenze 4 ever 5th edition

Such as… these scrumptious Diego Dolcini feather shoes! (The pumps are for sale here.)

Check back my blog for the TV clips, and you can view the previous ones here.

Fall 2012, New York Fashion Week, NYFW, fashion bloggers free clothes, gifted items, c/o, fashion social media, iphone apps, polyvore bloggers live, fashion show, instagram, pose app, outfit posts applications

PS: Thank you to iFashion Magazine, By-Bo Hong Kong and the lovely Conversations with Bianca for interviewing me. All my press coverage is here.

What do you think I’ll wear on the TV show? If you could interview me, what would you ask?

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BALMAIN TUXEDO JACKET, POP PHONES, CAROLINA BUCCI BRACELET, FAUSTO PUGLISI  BELT, PIERRE BALMAIN WHITE JACKET, CATERINA GATTA DRESS, VINTAGE PRINTED CREPE DE CHINE TOP SKIRT, ASIA FASHION BLOG, latest 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

Hello, hello, baby, you called? I can’t hear a thing I have got no service, in the club, you see, you see.
Wha-Wha-What did you say, huh? You’re breaking up on me.

BALMAIN TUXEDO JACKET, POP PHONES, CAROLINA BUCCI BRACELET, FAUSTO PUGLISI  BELT, PIERRE BALMAIN WHITE JACKET, CATERINA GATTA DRESS, VINTAGE PRINTED CREPE DE CHINE TOP SKIRT, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

A fashion blogger’s paradise: LuisaViaRoma let me style and model clothing from their boutique. Here’s what I wore (it’s one of my favorites from my Styling Lab):

Black and white, wool cloth tuxedo jacket: Pierre Balmain (get it here)
Vintage printed crepe de chine skirt and top: Caterina Gatta
Blue belt, satin on leather: Fausto Puglisi (similar to this)
Woven neon bracelet: Carolina Bucci (buy it here)
Retro handset accessory: Pop Phones

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, VIONNET DRESS, HIGH HEELS. GOTHIC MAKEUP & EYESHADOW, ASIA FASHION BLOG, MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, vionnet CREPE DE CHINE DRESS, CASADEI scarpe, CASADEI peep toe pumps, neon high heel shoes, neon heels, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

My blue lips match my blue crepe-de-chine dress by Vionnet.

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, VIONNET DRESS, HIGH HEELS. GOTHIC MAKEUP & EYESHADOW, ASIA FASHION BLOG, MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, vionnet CREPE DE CHINE DRESS, CASADEI scarpe, CASADEI peep toe pumps, neon high heel shoes, neon heels, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

Il Duomo (Florence’s famous cathedral) has an eerie glow at night.

Ruffled leather jacket: Alexander McQueen
Neon peep-toe pumps: Casadei (get them here)
Gold nappa clutch: Rochas (they also have a tote)

rick owens mens jacket, monk fashion, ANDREA GIUNTI necklaces, ALEXANDER MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, VIONNET DRESS, HIGH HEELS. GOTHIC MAKEUP & EYESHADOW, ASIA FASHION BLOG, MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, vionnet CREPE DE CHINE DRESS, CASADEI scarpe, CASADEI peep toe pumps, neon high heel shoes, neon heels, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

Seba did a Gothic monk look — appropriate, for the dark cathedral. He’s wearing Rick Owens everything, and necklaces by Andrea Giunti.

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, VIONNET DRESS, HIGH HEELS. GOTHIC MAKEUP & EYESHADOW, ASIA FASHION BLOG, MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, vionnet CREPE DE CHINE DRESS, CASADEI scarpe, CASADEI peep toe pumps, neon high heel shoes, neon heels, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

Do you prefer my Firenze4Ever photos from this year, or 2011? You can see all my Italy and Europe coverage in this category.

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, VIONNET DRESS, HIGH HEELS. GOTHIC MAKEUP & EYESHADOW, ASIA FASHION BLOG, MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, vionnet CREPE DE CHINE DRESS, CASADEI scarpe, CASADEI peep toe pumps, neon high heel shoes, neon heels, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

A peek at what goes on behind the scenes. I’m grateful for my assistant Sara, who helped me in and out of high heels.

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, VIONNET DRESS, HIGH HEELS. GOTHIC MAKEUP & EYESHADOW, ASIA FASHION BLOG, MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, vionnet CREPE DE CHINE DRESS, CASADEI scarpe, CASADEI peep toe pumps, neon high heel shoes, neon heels, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

Thanks to Luisaviaroma, Sebastiano and I stayed in a 5-star hotel, the Savoy. The doorman wore a top hat!

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, VIONNET DRESS, HIGH HEELS. GOTHIC MAKEUP & EYESHADOW, ASIA FASHION BLOG, MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, vionnet CREPE DE CHINE DRESS, CASADEI scarpe, CASADEI peep toe pumps, neon high heel shoes, neon heels, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

Our window overlooked the antique carousel, near the Piazza della Repubblica. V-fingers to that.

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, VIONNET DRESS, HIGH HEELS. GOTHIC MAKEUP & EYESHADOW, ASIA FASHION BLOG, MCQUEEN LEATHER JACKET, vionnet CREPE DE CHINE DRESS, CASADEI scarpe, CASADEI peep toe pumps, neon high heel shoes, neon heels, NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, milan fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

PS: Thanks to We are Hype, a new community site for fashion lovers, for featuring me in an interview and Lookbook. And to Moov Magazine for interviewing me about fashion and business.

bryan boy, bryanboy, fashion bloggers in italy, chinese magazines, chinese fashion blogs, china bloggers, sohu, VERSACE DRESS, RICK OWENS LEATHER JACKET: NEW 2012 WOMENSWEAR & MENSWEAR LUXURY COLLECTIONS, designer fashion buy online, shopping for couture, photos spring summer 2012, autumn winter 2012, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. Fashion ready-to-wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, watches and fine jewellery, fragrances for Women and Men

Also, major Chinese website Sohu featured me in an article about top fashion bloggers. If you spot me in press, can you kindly let me know? Send me an email or a tweet, thanks!

Do you like the Italian and international clothing brands that I’m wearing? How do they compare to the Japanese / Goth designers I usually feature?

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