

Goths in hot weather, MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

Goths in hot weather, this post is for you! Apologies for the delay in my Mexico travel series. The videos will be up soon.

Here’s a preview of my Mazatlan escapades. In the Centro Historico, you’ll find spook-tacular Mexican handicrafts and architecture from the 1800s.

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

The locals are all-around-the-board nice. Mazatlan is a visitor-friendly area, and you can get by with US dollars.

Dress: h.NAOTO, from Closet Child
Anchor socks: gifted from Sourpuss Clothing
Red purse: Nina Ricci, belonged to my mother until I took it. Here’s a new version of the purse.

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

Rainbow dolls in Pino Suarez market. Can you spot the bloody pig’s head?

Goths in hot weather, goth girl warm weather, mexican goths, MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

Skulls and bones are everywhere in Mexican art.

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

I talk about dark handicrafts and Catrinas (skeleton ladies).

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, Goths in hot weather, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

After a stupendous seafood lunch (marlin dip – amazing!), I staked out the haunted Hotel Belmar.

During the Prohibition, Hollywood stars like Cary Grant came here to let loose. Sometimes, the revelry got out of hand: the Sinaloa Governor was murdered during a hotel ball. Guests have reported inexplicable noises, and visions of a woman in white. Do the ghosts of the past still walk these halls?

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

We walked around and admired the architecture. Colorful facades. Colonial-style arches. Hidden courtyards and plazas.

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

Above two photos by Frank DiMarco, a fellow journalist on the press trip.

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

Sunglasses: gifted from Erica Anenberg
Bracelets: gifted from Fashionology (crosses and skulls galore.)
Skull brooch with ribbon: gifted from BabyClay (check out their Etsy shop – you can request custom designs)
Dress: h.NAOTO, from Closet Child in Tokyo
Big floppy sunhat: from a street stall in Hong Kong

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

See those two yellow spires? That’s the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, known as the most beautiful church in northwest Mexico.

MAZATLAN tourism, centro historico, plaza machado, plaza mazatlan, old mazatlan houses, mexico tour ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL DISTRICT ARCHITECTURE. PINO SUAREZ MARKET, DAY OF THE DEAD MEXICAN ART & SKULLS, food market, souvenirs, mexico dolls, dia de los muertos, sugar skulls

The cathedral was finished in 1899, and you can see Gothic and Baroque influences throughout. Light shines through stained glass, forming an outerworldy glow. Locals come here to light a candle, and pray among the gold statues and carvings.

Have you ever been to Mexico? What do you love best about the food, culture and people? Let me know in the comments.

Also coming up: New York Fashion Week reports!

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unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

NY Fashion Week is utter madness! For a sneak peek at my outfits and escapades, follow me on Twitter.

Let’s continue the Italy coverage. Why is Luisaviaroma Firenze4ever’s motto: “It’s Magic?” Because there’s no better word to describe a moment like this.

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

For day 2 of my Styling Lab, I wore a Unif black stretchy dress with long, sheer cape sleeves. (Ah, it’s only $76 on this site!)

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

Posing up high with Seba, I spread my arms and felt like I was flying.

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

The silver pointer ring added dramatic flair. The lace tights (similar to these) are my own, and the creeper shoes are very La Carmina, no?

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

Hair by Aveda; makeup by MAC. Such a feeling, to model in front of Florence’s Duomo.

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

Sebastiano Serafini’s photos were featured in Luisa’s newsletter.

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

My hair has a Barberella vibe, curled and pinned to the side.

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

I love Seba’s clockwork-steampunk silver bracelet, by Andrea Giunti.

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

Gorgeous architecture (and the male model’s not bad either!).

unif JERSEY AND CHIFFON CAPE DRESS, long sheer sleeves, little black dress, fashion week, fashion bloggers, top fashion blogs, luisaviaroma, modeling in italy, italian male model, sebastiano serafini, seba dnr, LUISA VIA ROMA, FASHION BLOGGERS inspiration, FIRENZE FOREVER, LUISAVIAROMA FIRENZE4EVER: FAMOUS TOP FASHION BLOGGERS, new york fashion week 2012, FLORENCE ITALY. luisa via roma, bryan boy, bagsnob, bryanboy, andy torres, style scrapbook, blonde salad, chiara ferragni, fashion squad, top fashion blogs, fashion blogging conference, fashion industry calendar, fashion shows, mac makeup, long fake eyelashes

This is one of my favorite photoshoots to date — how about you? Do you like our makeup and hair choices, and how our style’s evolved over time?

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