
Category Archive for Tokyo + Japan


Schoolboy cosplay cafe butler restaurant in Tokyo Japan, cafe Edelstein in Harajuku, boarding school boys fantasy dining, Andrew Zimmern Travel Channel Bizarre World TV show, maid cafes where you can take pictures, newest top best maid cafes in Akiba Tokyo Japan for otaku

We’ve reached the final location of the Bizarre World episode I co-hosted for Travel & Discovery Channel. The Tokyo spooks met us at Edelstein in Harajuku — a cafe where the waiters cosplay as awkward teenage schoolboys! (I wrote about this boarding school fantasy in my Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo book.)

Schoolboy cosplay cafe butler restaurant in Tokyo Japan, cafe Edelstein in Harajuku, boarding school boys fantasy dining, Andrew Zimmern Travel Channel Bizarre World TV show, maid cafes where you can take pictures, newest top best maid cafes in Akiba Tokyo Japan for otaku

As you’d expect, we all dressed up to match the school theme. Professor Fearstone (far right) applauds: “Well done, class. I am proud to say we beat the Saitama Grammar for backward children. You’re English is coming on in Beaps and Lounds!”

Schoolboy cosplay cafe butler restaurant in Tokyo Japan, cafe Edelstein in Harajuku, boarding school boys fantasy dining, Andrew Zimmern Travel Channel Bizarre World TV show, maid cafes where you can take pictures, newest top best maid cafes in Akiba Tokyo Japan for otaku

Host Andrew Zimmern drank rose tea and ate dainty cakes with this motley crew. He interviewed each of us about our fashion and lifestyle — and sincerely listened to what we had to say. A great guy. Perhaps I’ll meet up with Andrew again in December, as we’ll both be in Hong Kong.

Schoolboy cosplay cafe butler restaurant in Tokyo Japan, cafe Edelstein in Harajuku, boarding school boys fantasy dining, Andrew Zimmern Travel Channel Bizarre World TV show, maid cafes where you can take pictures, newest top best maid cafes in Akiba Tokyo Japan for otaku

Even if they’re fake, Carmina loves being surrounded by pretty young androgynes, yes she does…

Schoolboy cosplay cafe butler restaurant in Tokyo Japan, cafe Edelstein in Harajuku, boarding school boys fantasy dining, Andrew Zimmern Travel Channel Bizarre World TV show, maid cafes where you can take pictures, newest top best maid cafes in Akiba Tokyo Japan for otaku

It’s risky to be a Japanese schoolgirl. Yukiro almost got felt up in the subway while wearing this outfit. Then, Comte de Sang lifted his skirt as we went up the stairs… tsk.

Fantastic news: Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants will be distributed by Random House, starting in January! The book is available online now, but if you’re having difficulty getting it, the problem will soon be solved. (Also check back soon for a signed book giveaway.)

I’m on Day 3 of 5 of Halloween and couldn’t be happier. Please add me on Twitter to keep track of my dark thoughts, and I’ll try to add everyone back. Hope to see you at my NYC book signing on Oct 31 (info at the end of this post)!

PS: Wrote a CNNGo article about top 10 Asian new wave horror extreme movies! Do you agree with my picks? What’s your fav?

Song of the Day #229: Malice Mizer – Kioku to Sora (video from 1993, with vocalist Tetsu). Inspired by Lemon.


Bunny shinto temple girls cafe in Akihabara, Tokyo, cosplay Yunmao champion cosplayer, most expensive coolest amazing cosplay outfits, Andrew Zimmern Travel Channel Bizarre World TV show, maid cafes where you can take pictures, newest top best maid cafes in Akiba Tokyo Japan for otaku

Everyone has been asking me when my Tokyo appearance on Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre World will air. I wish I knew! At the moment, I’m working with the show writer on my segment. Rest assured I’ll give you plenty of notice before it hits TV screens (on Travel Channel, Discovery and other networks worldwide).

On the second day of the shoot, I met Andrew Zimmern at the Shinto Bunny Temple Girls cosplay cafe in Akihabara. I wore a Baby, the Stars Shine Bright dress and (appropriately) a pink bunny sticker on my cheek.

Bunny shinto temple girls cafe in Akihabara, Tokyo, cosplay Yunmao champion cosplayer, most expensive coolest amazing cosplay outfits, Andrew Zimmern Travel Channel Bizarre World TV show, maid cafes where you can take pictures, newest top best maid cafes in Akiba Tokyo Japan for otaku

The cafe was… not normal. The bunny maid told us there were three instructions: don’t use your cell phone, don’t speak loudly, and keep going forward. We took the elevator down and instead of a cheery restaurant, we found ourselves in pitch darkness. Thank goodness I’m not claustrophobic — because what happened next was as chilling as the trapped-in-a-coffin scene from Kill Bill. You’ll have to wait until the episode airs to find out!

Bunny shinto temple girls cafe in Akihabara, Tokyo, cosplay Yunmao champion cosplayer, most expensive coolest amazing cosplay outfits, Andrew Zimmern Travel Channel Bizarre World TV show, maid cafes where you can take pictures, newest top best maid cafes in Akiba Tokyo Japan for otaku

Cosplay queen Yunmao Ayakawa (left) took part in another segment, and we ended up having dinner together. She ordered a dainty cake and sweet tea… aww! Coming up next: photos from the final location of the Bizarre World shoot.

Maru music, visual kei DVDs and Cds, buy albums by J-rock bands, visual kei artists, VK cosplay contest, marumusic, an cafe new CD BB Parallel World, downloading visual kei band singles PV

La Carmina’s friends at Maru Music are hosting a costume/cosplay contest — come enter! The winner will receive a prize pack from Maru Music that includes Visual Kei CDs, DVDs and posters. You can submit a photo of yourself in costume here, then visit the site to vote for your favorite entry. Hurry: the contest ends November 2.

Maru Music has also just released An Cafe’s fourth full-length album: BB Parallel World — which has 11 Visual Kei tracks and a DVD with five music videos! You can find out more and purchase it from their site.

If you’ve been enjoying these recent blog posts, please Stumble, Tweet and share — domo!

I went to a Steampunk Haunted House in NYC and was mighty impressed. A haunted theater, accordion player, girl in glass box, man in a toxic mask dragging a shovel until sparks flew… don’t miss this.

More festivities ahead — what are your Halloween plans? What will you be wearing?

Song of the Day #227: Still catching up on V-Rock 2009 footage. D’espairsRay Redeemer LIVE is really great.