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I write for CNNGo (all my articles are here), so when the CNN site launched a TV show, they asked me to be part of the Tokyo episode. And I got to choose the topic! I immediately suggested that we interview my friend Kenzo-A, designer of Goth clothing brands Rituals. To my delight, I got the thumb’s up. Here’s what I wore to the shoot…

Little cake hat: gifted from Agent Lover. So cute, and easy to attach. Remember when my fat cat tried to eat it?
Fake eyelashes: from a Japanese dollar store. I split one in half for the lower lids.
Eyeshadow: “The real gold” gifted from Sugarpill, swept over grey and light blue shadows gifted from Aromaleigh.
Lips: Purple eye pencil to outline, followed by purple lipstick from Daiso (dollar store).
Stickers around the eyes: from Daiso.

orange hair, alice and pirates boots, innocent world dress, h naoto coffin backpack, CNN INTERNATIONAL & CNNGO TV SHOW: TOKYO GOTH FASHION DESIGNER KENZO-A, TAKUYA ANGEL HARAJUKU SHOP, kenzo stigmata rituals gothic fashion show, la carmina, little cake lolita hat, agent lover, pretty lolita girls, japanese harajuku street style book

Gothic Lolita dress: Innocent World, from Closet Child Harajuku.
Long, sheer overcoat: Ozz Croce, from Closet Child Shinjuku.
Orb-print tights: Vivienne Westwood, from Marui Womens Shinjuku.
Swashbuckler boots: Alice and the Pirates, from Closet Child Harajuku.
Coffin backpack: h.NAOTO, from Closet Child Ikebukuro.

kenzo designer, japanese rituals stimata in laforet, CNN INTERNATIONAL & CNNGO TV SHOW: TOKYO GOTH FASHION DESIGNER KENZO-A, TAKUYA ANGEL HARAJUKU SHOP, kenzo stigmata rituals gothic fashion show, la carmina, little cake lolita hat, agent lover, pretty lolita girls, japanese harajuku street style book

It was a bi-polar day… rain-sun-freezing-sweltering. Kenzo-A arrived on his motorcycle and met the CNN crew at the entrance of Takeshita Doori.

CNN travel tv show in tokyo, cnn INTERNATIONAL & CNNGO TV crew: TOKYO GOTH FASHION DESIGNER KENZO-A, TAKUYA ANGEL HARAJUKU SHOP, kenzo stigmata rituals gothic fashion show, la carmina, little cake lolita hat, agent lover, pretty lolita girls, japanese harajuku street style book

(With story producer Alex.) Whenever there’s a TV camera around, passersby will stop and gawk as if there’s a bloody accident. While we were preparing, dozens of people gathered around and took photos. Even the Japanese schoolgirls insisted on posing with me, V-fingers held high!

CNN INTERNATIONAL & CNNGO TV SHOW: TOKYO GOTH FASHION DESIGNER KENZO-A, TAKUYA ANGEL HARAJUKU SHOP, kenzo stigmata rituals gothic fashion show, la carmina, little cake lolita hat, agent lover, pretty lolita girls, japanese harajuku street style book

Kenzo-A and I strolled and chatted about Harajuku street style. He told me about coming here as a teen and being inspired by the Goth/punk clothes worn by youths. The district is much more commercial today (think Forever21 and H&M) but Yellow House and Takenoko are two old-school indie stores that are still standing.

takuya angel boutique, cyber shop in harajuku, crazy japanese clothing, CNN INTERNATIONAL & CNNGO TV SHOW: TOKYO GOTH FASHION DESIGNER KENZO-A, TAKUYA ANGEL HARAJUKU SHOP, kenzo stigmata rituals gothic fashion show, la carmina, little cake lolita hat, agent lover, pretty lolita girls, japanese harajuku street style book

Kenza-A began his career designing t-shirts for Sexy Dynamite London. The boutique was located near Takuya Angel’s shop, and they became fast friends. Kenzo-A suggested that we visit him; unfortunately, he was away, but we showed CNN around the store and tried on Takuya’s cyber-meets-samurai designs.

Kenzo-A hit the nail on the head when he said: “We’re a village people. The Gothic/alternative subculture here is small, and we should all support each other.” I agree wholeheartedly: there’s cattiness in every scene, but in the end, everyone benefits if we share the limelight and help each other out…

The Tokyo episode of the CNNGo TV show aired on CNN International last week, and is now online. Our segment is about halfway in the video above. Unfortunately, they cut out Kenzo-A’s fashion show but I’ll have photos and video of that coming right up, don’t you worry! Check out his Rituals site to see his latest clothing collection.

Did you enjoy the CNN TV show? Have you seen Kenzo’s designs or met him?

Japanese Word of the Day: Itareritsukuseri = graciousness, politesse
Song of the Day: Yoko Nagayama – You’re My Love (1980s Japanese Italo Disco! My heart, my heart.)

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DELUHI LIVE! VISUAL KEI CONCERT IN SHIBUYA-O-EAST. MIX SPEAKER'S INC, TICKETS FOR TOKYO J-ROCK BANDS. japanese heavy metal, hard rock, cute visual kei jrockers, download visual kei music, mp3s jrock, japan jpop events

If I could pin a “Rising Star” badge on any Visual Kei group, my hands would be all over Deluhi. Led by guitarist Leda, the former bassist of Galneryus, the band blends heavy metal thunder and gorgeous melodies in a killer live show. They’ve got the Visual component down. (Cute? Well-styled? Check, check.) And they’ve made their entire discography available exclusively on HearJapan. (All band photos courtesy of Deluhi.)

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HearJapan kindly got us media passes to the Deluhi concert at Shibuya-O-East, a popular locale for Visual Kei acts. Despite the rain, the venue was packed.

Cute ghost shirt: Peace Now, from Closet Child Ikebukuro. (Store photos to come.)
Spiderweb arm warmers: gifted from Sock Dreams.
Goth Alice in Wonderland headband: Spank, bought at Marui One.
Purse: an old Hugo Boss bag.
As for my Takoyaki-chan dangle… you’ll have to wait for my Osaka coverage!

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When Deluhi ran on stage… I admit we gasped. Spiked-out hair, tight black Visual/Rocker garments, chiseled cheekbones. And could they ever play: heavy metal riffs with glam rock synth swirls, which got the audience frantically waving their hands and screaming. An unforgettable sight: a hundred teen girls headbanging, long hair swirling under the flashing lights.

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Vocalist Juri showcased an impressive range that trills and then dips into a growl. And when Leda raised his guitar over the stage and shredded his solo, several girls — I kid you not — threw back their heads and spread open their arms, as if in the presence of Jesus.

Power riffs, poignant melodies… an A+ show that kept us riveted until the last note. For those who haven’t yet discovered Deluhi, start here at HearJapan — you’ll love them, I promise!

blue wig, katy perry, DELUHI LIVE! VISUAL KEI CONCERT IN SHIBUYA-O-EAST. MIX SPEAKER'S INC, TICKETS FOR TOKYO J-ROCK BANDS. japanese heavy metal, hard rock, cute visual kei jrockers, download visual kei music, mp3s jrock, japan jpop events

Unfortunately, after Deluhi waved goodbye, the concert went from the clouds to the gutter. Two unfunny characters took the stage… and promoted a video game for FORTY minutes. Yukiro and I hid in the lockers area and plastered crucifixes on our faces while the salespeople droned on.

Next, headliner Mix Speaker’s Inc sat on chairs and bantered with several members of Deluhi. The chat was somewhat enjoyable but… get on with the music! Mix Speaker’s Inc explained that they “wanted to do something different at our concerts.” Yukiro sneered, “They most certainly did.”

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Finally, Mix Speaker’s Inc got everyone headbanging again. The band wears colorful animal-esque costumes: a black and white cat, a lion, an amazing green Mohawk (above are some cosplayers). They threw out every trick in the performance book: back flips, para para, choreographed dancing, throwing objects, squirting the audience with water guns. Gimmicky, yes, but the spectacle was entertaining and backed by strong singing and tunes.

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But hands-down, Deluhi stole the show. I urge you to check out their sound on HearJapan — the label is releasing their three upcoming singles: Frontier (June 16), The Farthest (July 14) and Departure (August 4). HearJapan is offering Deluhi’s earlier material for only 100 yen per song and their most recent releases for 120 yen each — visit the store to find out more.

I’ve decided to start posting short, off-the-cuff videos on my YouTube in addition to our edited masterpieces. We tried to film an outfit post after the concert (above and here). Unfortunately, the Japanese staff came by to kicks us out of the venue — so it’s only a minute long!

Have you heard of Deluhi or seen them live? Do you agree that they’re one of the most promising bands in today’s Visual Kei scene?

Japanese Word of the Day: Artistic = Geijutsuteki (na)
Song of the Day: Deluhi – Revolver Blast (Hear more from HearJapan.)

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