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KENZO-A RITUALS FASHION SHOW: JAPANESE POLE DANCING, GOTH FETISH BDSM FASHION. gothic japan girl models, spooky goth emo teens, japanese tokyo alternative punk clothes, gothic lolita, guro loli, kenzo, kenzow, stigmata, kera shop arena

Remember when Kenzo-A and I were spotlighted in a CNN International / CNNGo TV show? The camera crew also filmed his Rituals fashion show, a Gothic affair that involved DJ SiSEN and fetish pole dancers. Want to see? Keep scrolling…

Hiderock designer Yokota Hideki, visual kei brand clothing, punk lolita, KENZO-A RITUALS FASHION SHOW: JAPANESE POLE DANCING, GOTH FETISH BDSM FASHION. gothic japan girl models, spooky goth emo teens, japanese tokyo alternative punk clothes, gothic lolita, guro loli, kenzo, kenzow, stigmata, kera shop arena, cute kawaii harajuku girls

The Rituals fashion show was part of a Tokyo Gothic all-night party at Warehouse 702 in Roppongi. Although Kenzo-A was busy with runway preparations, he found time to goof off with his friends in attendance. Hiderock designer Yokota Hideki (right) examines his friend’s latest designs.

tokyo fetish parties, events, goth clubs japan, KENZO-A RITUALS FASHION SHOW: JAPANESE POLE DANCING, GOTH FETISH BDSM FASHION. gothic japan girl models, spooky goth emo teens, japanese tokyo alternative punk clothes, gothic lolita, guro loli, kenzo, kenzow, stigmata, kera shop arena, cute kawaii harajuku girls

Japanese spooks come out at night. I wonder, why are so many scary people Leos with birthdays in August? La Carmina, Kenzo-A, Yukiro Dravarious, Count de Sang, Lady Raisu…

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My incompetent minion, Kanae, was among Kenzo-A’s models. The show also featured PureOne Corset Works (I’ll be interviewing the designer in an upcoming post).

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Hello, cute Japanese Goth girls.

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V-fingers and all-black contact lenses.

JAPANESE POLE DANCING, hot sexy goth pole dancers, japan girls strip club, strip show, tokyo snap, tokyo dandy, japan male street style, japanese mens fashion magazines blog, fetish parties, events, goth clubs japan, KENZO-A RITUALS FASHION SHOW: GOTH FETISH BDSM FASHION. gothic japan girl models, spooky goth emo teens, japanese tokyo alternative punk clothes, gothic lolita, guro loli, kenzo, kenzow, stigmata, kera shop arena, cute kawaii harajuku girls

When the clock struck midnight, Kenzo-A’s fashion show began… with two sexy Goth/fetish pole dancers! Miyu (from Royal Cabaret) and ALK (from Tokyo Dolores) mesmerized us with their spins and acrobatics. I want the leather boots.

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A model marched on the runway with the Rituals by KENZO-A flag spread between his arms. Followed by a procession of familiar faces from the Japanese underground — including DJ SiSen.

kenzo goth fashion show, dj sisen, JAPANESE POLE DANCING, hot sexy goth pole dancers, japan girls strip club, strip show, tokyo snap, tokyo dandy, japan male street style, japanese mens fashion magazines blog, fetish parties, events, goth clubs japan, KENZO-A RITUALS FASHION SHOW: GOTH FETISH BDSM FASHION. gothic japan girl models, spooky goth emo teens, japanese tokyo alternative punk clothes, gothic lolita, guro loli, kenzo, kenzow, stigmata, kera shop arena, cute kawaii harajuku girls

Undead Lolita, tattered skirts, deconstructed jackets, military fetish. How would you describe Kenzo-A’s latest collection?

kenzo goth fashion show, dj sisen, JAPANESE POLE DANCING, hot sexy goth pole dancers, japan girls strip club, strip show, tokyo snap, tokyo dandy, japan male street style, japanese mens fashion magazines blog, fetish parties, events, goth clubs japan, KENZO-A RITUALS FASHION SHOW: GOTH FETISH BDSM FASHION. gothic japan girl models, spooky goth emo teens, japanese tokyo alternative punk clothes, gothic lolita, guro loli, kenzo, kenzow, stigmata, kera shop arena, cute kawaii harajuku girls

The fashion show was great fun — a real family affair! CNN axed the footage due to space constraints, but…

… you can watch the entire experience above, in the video by Telemak Films.

Which Rituals ensemble would you most like to wear? Find Kenzo-A’s Gothic designs in various Tokyo locations (including Kera Shop Arena) or buy from his web store.

PS – Stranded overnight? No problem. In my new CNNGo article, I outline 13 ways to have fun when you missed the last train. Read and share!

Japanese Word of the Day: Mahou no chikara = Magic powers
Song of the Day: Numbed Again / KENZO-A (from Gabriel’s Stiletto) – the song featured in the above video.

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BABY SCOTTISH FOLD CAT, NOT FOR SALE! NEW VIDEO: FOLD-EARED CATS PLAYING, SITTING ON CATIO & COMPUTER, cutest cats in world, scottish folds, coupari, baby kittens breeders, rare purebred cats, pacific northwest, california cattery, catteries

We can all use some more cuteness in our lives… so here’s a new Scottish Fold cat video, starring Basil Farrow!

BABY SCOTTISH FOLD CAT, NOT FOR SALE! NEW VIDEO: FOLD-EARED CATS PLAYING, SITTING ON CATIO & COMPUTER, cutest cats in world, scottish folds, coupari, baby kittens breeders, rare purebred cats, pacific northwest, california cattery, catteries

The footage includes my kitten sprawling out on his catio, his private enclosed outdoor balcony. See the biscuit-headed cat pounce on the carpet, sit on a laptop, and wag his tail as he’s being squished. His feet are too short and sideways for him to fold them under his body, so this is the best he can do (above)…

There’s more on the way, so we invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Yukiro and I have evil plans for shooting a video in Tokyo next week… you don’t want to miss it!

BABY SCOTTISH FOLD CAT, NOT FOR SALE! NEW VIDEO: FOLD-EARED CATS PLAYING, SITTING ON CATIO & COMPUTER, cutest cats in world, scottish folds, coupari, baby kittens breeders, rare purebred cats, pacific northwest, california cattery, catteries

Yes, I’m obsessed with my Scottish Fold, but you would be too if you had this teddy bear baby in your house… Come awww at more photos on Basil Farrow’s blog and Facebook.

Does your cat chase after moths or sit on your computer? Don’t forget to enter to win a t-shirt with Basil’s round face on it!

Japanese Word of the Day: Nioi = Smell
Song of the Day: Savage – Goodbye (I knew something was missing from my life in the past month or so… I haven’t been Italo Disco-ing!)

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