
Category Archive for Fims + Videos


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I’m often asked: what’s it like, being on travel TV shows? What goes on behind the scenes? I’m going to attempt to answer these questions by bringing you more photos from the NRK Norway documentary shoot, which took place last October-November in Tokyo. (Photos by Naomi Rubin, my First Mate fixer.)

Every show requires weeks of planning. Naomi and I bring our ideas to the producers, and when they’re approved, we make precise arrangements with the locations and people involved.

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In this case, the producers had heard of a bar where a real-life Ariel swims in a giant tank. We found Mermaid Fusion, a hostess bar in Roppongi, and got permission to bring in our cameras at an exact date and time. (Schedules are tight and days are long, while working in the field.)

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We didn’t have time to scout out the location beforehand. Thankfully, the lighting was adequate — and what a scene! Clad in a gilded bikini and mask, a Japanese swimmer gulps air from the top of the tank

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Then she submerges herself into the abyss, gracefully flipping her limbs through the water. Beautiful.

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The Prince of Norway, host Ari Behn, wanted to be a “mer-man.” After much cajoling, we convinced the Mermaid Bar owner to let him enter the tank. The murky water and narrow but deep space is harder to swim in than you’d think.

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Ari has a magnificent tattoo of a winding snake. The tattoo artist used a meticulous dotted effect, which I’ve never seen before.

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We also cast the girl who Per is romancing (she’s a hostess at the bar). The lines aren’t scripted, but the scenes and storylines are prepared in advance.

Soon, I’ll upload clips from the Norway TV show, so you can see the action yourself!

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PS: I did a guest post for The Diplomat, an Asia-Pacific current affairs magazine. It’s about how artists can work together and get their creative juices flowing, to help Japan’s recovery. The article is after the jump and here.

Got any questions about what goes on in a travel television program? Or TV shoots in general? Leave a comment, and I’ll do my best to fill you in.

Song of the Day: Every New Dead Ghost (An underrated Goth rock / post punk band.)

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dance dancing revolution dance paradise video game kinect motion detector xbox wii dance studio demo funny silly Dance Central Xbox 360 electro dance hero evolution of dance lady gaga poker face costco best buy walmart emo teens goth lacarmina la carmina sebastiano serafini セバスチァーノ セラフィニー lol cute full-body motion-sensor technology VIDEO: DANCING AT BEST BUY! DANCE PARADISE, XBOX 360 KINECT, MOTION SENSOR DETECTOR DANCING VIDEO GAME, putumayo top, soho hearts accessories, skull headband.

Ready to laugh until your belly splits open? Unveiling our epic dance video, filmed at Best Buy! Come watch it below and on YouTube.

La Carmina and Sebastiano prove there’s no better place to have an impromptu dance party than LA’s Best Buy. The pair test out the XBoX Kinect “Dance Paradise” motion detector game, where you mimic the moves on the screen and are rated. As you can see, we did very well… and attracted quite the fashionable audience!

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Skull headband and bow bracelet: gifted from Soho Hearts
Punk top: Putumayo, from Closet Child
Heart thigh-high socks: from a sock stand in Ikebukuro, Japan

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Naughty Seba is always trying to take upskirt photos of me. The things I put up with…

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Our Orlando Hotel room quickly gets messy. (Do you remember our hilarious video about our hotel stay? Two forks, two knives!)

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Closeup on the sparkly skull ring, panda bear necklace, and bow bead bracelet — all gifted from Soho Hearts. We’re huge fans of the cute jewelry and accessories brand, and may have a charity collaboration in the works with them! Keep your eyes peeled for more info.

Thanks for your huge response for our HOPE charity t-shirt project to benefit Japan. They’ll be available for sale ASAP, promise.

Did our silly dance video make you LOL? Have you ever tried out video games in public — and attracted a crowd of gawkers?

Mandarin Word of the Day: Fei pan de maoo = Fat cheeked cat! Oh Basil Farrow.
Song of the Day: Whatever we’re dancing to. Can anyone name the song?

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