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HOST CLUB AI: BEST KABUKICHO SHINJUKU HOST CLUBS. JAPANESE KITSCH DECORATION, CRAZY GAUDY LIGHTS INTERIOR. host boys, host hair, kabukicho host clubs, kabuki-cho hair styling, host hairstyle techniques, club ai, best host clubs japan, shinjuku hosts, tokyo host boys, japanese love, visual kei jrock, ari behn, husband of Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Ari Behn og Per Heimly reiser verden rundt og treffer folk som lever mot normalen. I kveldens program oppsøker de det mannlige geishamiljøet i Tokyo, og prøver selv rollen som verter. Prince of Norway, Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

Welcome, ladies… to the gaudiest place on Earth! The Norway TV show (which we Pirates hosted and arranged) filmed inside Club Ai, the popular chain of host clubs in Kabuki-cho (the red light district of Shinjuku in Tokyo, Japan).

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The clubs are run by this mustachioed fellow, Mr Aida. He used to be a host boy, then opened up his own establishment in the 1970s. Now he lives in a gilded apartment packed with kitschy objects, overrun by a menagerie of cats and dogs — including his three giant poodles.

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Mr Aida stole his wife, Akemi, from her boyfriend at the time. Her wig is divine; her skin is as smooth as a baby’s.

host boys, host hair, kabukicho host clubs, kabuki-cho hair styling, host hairstyle techniques, club ai, best host clubs japan, shinjuku hosts, tokyo host boys, japanese love, visual kei jrock, ari behn, husband of Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Ari Behn og Per Heimly reiser verden rundt og treffer folk som lever mot normalen. I kveldens program oppsøker de det mannlige geishamiljøet i Tokyo, og prøver selv rollen som verter. Prince of Norway, Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

I’m not sure who did the interior decoration of Club Ai. But I’m assuming he was on heavy doses of Jesus Juice.

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Famed Norwegian photographer Per Heimly couldn’t stop taking pictures inside Club Ai. So much kitsch and tackiness in one room!

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First Mate Naomi, who does the arranging/locations/translation, was equally snap-happy. (She took most of the photos in this post.)

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Like a good Japanese host boy, TV host (and Norwegian royal) Ari Behn offers Suntory Whiskey to the ladies.

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There were a million places to check my makeup.

HOST CLUB AI: BEST KABUKICHO SHINJUKU HOST CLUBS. JAPANESE KITSCH DECORATION, CRAZY GAUDY LIGHTS INTERIOR. host boys, host hair, kabukicho host clubs, kabuki-cho hair styling, host hairstyle techniques, club ai, best host clubs japan, shinjuku hosts, tokyo host boys, japanese love, visual kei jrock, ari behn, husband of Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Ari Behn og Per Heimly reiser verden rundt og treffer folk som lever mot normalen. I kveldens program oppsøker de det mannlige geishamiljøet i Tokyo, og prøver selv rollen som verter. Prince of Norway, Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

The bathrooms were also jam-packed with lights and gaudy objects.

host boys, host hair, kabukicho host clubs, kabuki-cho hair styling, host hairstyle techniques, club ai, best host clubs japan, shinjuku hosts, tokyo host boys, japanese love, visual kei jrock, ari behn, husband of Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, ARI OG PER, tv show hosts male, PRINCE OF NORWAY. travel host tv, Ari og Per NRK, Ari Behn og Per Heimly reiser verden rundt og treffer folk som lever mot normalen. I kveldens program oppsøker de det mannlige geishamiljøet i Tokyo, og prøver selv rollen som verter. Prince of Norway, Programmer, famous Norwegians, travel tv show, european tv hosts, japanese pop culture, weird japan

Club Ai’s decor highlights the fantasy world of the host club. The female customers want to get as far away from bland reality as possible.

Have you seen the excellent documentary, The Great Happiness Space? (I review it in this post.) Host boys weave a web of romantic lies, but most of the clients are willingly ensnared… and have some venom of their own. Others, however, put all their savings into this substitute experience of love — a bubble that quickly bursts.

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What do you think of Japanese host clubs, and the (false) relationships between the boys and their clients? Is this type of romantic outlet more harmful than not?

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PS: Our TV hosting and “fixing” (arranging, researching) company has been busy. Last fall, I was the presenter for the Tokyo episode of Roam, a Sony Australia-produced TV show starring the Two Tims (of Travel Oz fame). The series will debut in August, on a major international network (to be announced soon!) And I’ll be in the very first episode.

Big hug if you “Like” the Roam Facebook page, which has photos and fun updates on the show. For more about La Carmina & The Pirates, please check out our site. Our services include making arrangements for TV crews that wish to shoot in Japan and worldwide (clients include CNN, NHK, Travel Channel, Canal Plus, Sony Australia, Dutch Pepsi.)

Song of the Day: I’m loving everything on Intergalactic FM. Italo, electro, disco, minimal streams.

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CIAO ITALIA! FIRENZE4EVER, LUISAVIAROMA FASHION BLOGGER EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. HOSTELBOOKERS HOTELS, VENICE & MILAN.  Firenze 4Ever III, june 2011, famous style bloggers, blog conference, europe, luisa via roma, firenze for ever, cheap hotels in italy, hostel bookers review, Nihonjin no shiranai nihongo, Luca Italian student, Sebastiano Serafini actor 日本人の知らない日本語, j-drama, Japanese tv drama, セバスティアーノ セラフィニー, cute boy, yaoi, boys love, Japanese idol, japan tv show, Italian male model, fan video, dorama, bishounen, beautiful boys, young teens, Italian student, anime, manga, jpop

Ciao, Italia! Sebastiano and I will be in Italy in June… on a sponsored trip! Pizza and gelato? Fashion-forward photoshoot in a gondola? You bet your palle (balls).

CIAO ITALIA! FIRENZE4EVER, LUISAVIAROMA FASHION BLOGGER EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. HOSTELBOOKERS HOTELS, VENICE & MILAN.  Firenze 4Ever III, june 2011, famous style bloggers, blog conference, europe, luisa via roma, firenze for ever, cheap hotels in italy, hostel bookers review, Nihonjin no shiranai nihongo, Luca Italian student, Sebastiano Serafini actor 日本人の知らない日本語, j-drama, Japanese tv drama, セバスティアーノ セラフィニー, cute boy, yaoi, boys love, Japanese idol, japan tv show, Italian male model, fan video, dorama, bishounen, beautiful boys, young teens, Italian student, anime, manga, jpop

From June 9-11, Seba and I will be special guests at Firenze4Ever III. It’s an extravaganza for top fashion bloggers around the world, presented by designer boutique LuisaViaRoma.


CIAO ITALIA! FIRENZE4EVER, LUISAVIAROMA FASHION BLOGGER EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. HOSTELBOOKERS HOTELS, VENICE & MILAN.  Firenze 4Ever III, june 2011, famous style bloggers, blog conference, europe, luisa via roma, firenze for ever, cheap hotels in italy, hostel bookers review, Nihonjin no shiranai nihongo, Luca Italian student, Sebastiano Serafini actor 日本人の知らない日本語, j-drama, Japanese tv drama, セバスティアーノ セラフィニー, cute boy, yaoi, boys love, Japanese idol, japan tv show, Italian male model, fan video, dorama, bishounen, beautiful boys, young teens, Italian student, anime, manga, jpop

LuisaViaRoma is flying us to Florence and taking care of us for three days. We’ll be creating and modeling designer outfits in Styling Lab, with the support of international fashion designers (Rick Owens, Gareth Pugh and more). Rumor is, Sarah Jessica Parker will be attending the festivities!

CIAO ITALIA! FIRENZE4EVER, LUISAVIAROMA FASHION BLOGGER EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. HOSTELBOOKERS HOTELS, VENICE & MILAN.  Firenze 4Ever III, june 2011, famous style bloggers, blog conference, europe, luisa via roma, firenze for ever, cheap hotels in italy, hostel bookers review, Nihonjin no shiranai nihongo, Luca Italian student, Sebastiano Serafini actor 日本人の知らない日本語, j-drama, Japanese tv drama, セバスティアーノ セラフィニー, cute boy, yaoi, boys love, Japanese idol, japan tv show, Italian male model, fan video, dorama, bishounen, beautiful boys, young teens, Italian student, anime, manga, jpop

If you’re in Italy… with a pretty male model… who doubles as a translator / tour guide… you might as well do some traveling, right?

Our favoloso friends at Hostelbookers are hooking us up with hotels all over Italy, so that we can share our travel experiences with you! Hostelbookers is a magnifico travel site that provides budget hotels and hostels in over 100 countries, with no booking fee. (Their new site,, lets you plan a budget holiday all in one place. Perfect for young vagabonders.)

Hostels, Youth Hostels & Cheap Hotels at HostelBookers, CIAO ITALIA! FIRENZE4EVER, LUISAVIAROMA FASHION BLOGGER EVENT IN FLORENCE, ITALY. HOSTELBOOKERS HOTELS, VENICE & MILAN.  Firenze 4Ever III, june 2011, famous style bloggers, blog conference, europe, luisa via roma, firenze for ever, cheap hotels in italy, hostel bookers review, Nihonjin no shiranai nihongo, Luca Italian student, Sebastiano Serafini actor 日本人の知らない日本語, j-drama, Japanese tv drama, セバスティアーノ セラフィニー, cute boy, yaoi, boys love, Japanese idol, japan tv show, Italian male model, fan video, dorama, bishounen, beautiful boys, young teens, Italian student, anime, manga, jpop

Can’t wait until June, when Seba and I will be exploring Florence, Milan and Venice. (Staying in this gorgeous hotel by Piazza San Marco, courtesy of Hostelbookers!) We’ll meet up with my cousin, and visit Seba’s family in Northern Italy. And we have Italian photoshoots and TV appearances in the works…

Did you know Sebastiano Serafini plays Luca, the Italian otaku student in the Japanese hit TV drama, Nihonjin no Shiranai Nihongo? (日本人の知らない日本語) His fan Ami made this compilation. I added the titles; the song — sung by Seba — is by Tim. Swoon at the video above and on my YouTube.


Italy, here we come! Got recommendations for places to visit in Florence, Milan and Venice? Please leave your suggestions in the comments — I’d love to check them out.

Song of the Day: Surechigai, sung by Sebastiano in the new video.

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