Angel’s heart will never break your dreams apart
Will help you never lose control.
Now I need somebody just to hope.
– Siberian Heat, Angel’s Heart (Italo disco, what else?)
Seba and I were twice invited to Luisaviaroma Firenze4Ever, the event that brings together the world’s top fashion bloggers. I still haven’t posted all the photos from last January — ready for more?
Cross pendant necklace: Maria Francesca Pepe (love her triple studded ring)
Lavender pleated cady stretch dress: Versus by Versace (this exact design)
We modeled in the studio next to the luxury boutique. Some of you asked if we could keep the clothes we wore. If only!
In front of the iconic Florence carousel. My leather jacket and thigh-high leather boots are by Rick Owens.
Close-up on Seba’s Visual makeup.
Studs and sandals — rock on.
A Goth girl makeup technique: use purple shades for blush. It highlights your face angularity, while preserving your undead appearance.
On the bed.
K-pop style: Sebastiano wears a Givenchy pin-up t-shirt.
Many thanks to our friends at Luisaviaroma, old and new, for letting us dress up and play!
Which were your favorite looks from our styling labs? Thoughts on how we took designer labels, and gave them a Goth / Asia pop spin?
Click for more Luisaviaroma adventures.
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The dress and boots together give a very cool 1960s look! Thanks for the tip about purple shades for blusher! ♥
I love it! I want an outfit like that!
With the Make up Seba is wearing, he almost reminds me of GaGa o_O Both of you are looking gorgeous of course!
Gaga :) Love!!
Youre beautiful! :D
xoxo hope you’re enjoying the weekend!
Oh dear this dress again~ Its so simple but I absolutely love it. And styled with those amazing boots, the whole ensemble is just gorgeous.
I also love the jacket Seba is wearing in the first photos.
I know, I wish I could keep the dress :(
yes; -like-
super cuuuuute X3
I love that dress!!! XD
I hate when hair Fades. >o< how light are you willing to go? i was thinking maybe light pink or something?
LOVE your eye make-up!!!
I thought your red hair was absolutely brilliant! What I especially loved about it was the subtlety of the dye job, the varied shades of red and black within it. Even though you may not want to do that color again so soon, I think any bright, unnatural color would work really well done that way. If it were me, I’d probably do purple or blue, as unnatural as possible. I’d want to do that too, but I can’t because of my black hair dye–my hair would be completely destroyed trying to get the metallic dye out. Also, my hair is to my waist and no one around me wants me to cut it, so they’d be pretty disappointed if I fried it. When I was 20, I did several different colors, and iridescent purple was totally my favorite. My grandma bought me a floral purple shirt to match my hair, and my brother called me “Sister Purple Hair Surprise” :) Hmm, so I say you should do bright iridescent purple, with streaks of slightly different purples in it, with some of them slightly more blue-based and some slightly more red-based, with some of the latter verging on hot pink. But really you could apply the same principles to any color. Oh, I wish I could do it!
Blue and purples don’t stay in well for me >_<
Super cute! I love this look~
luv the outfit looks great and you look beautiful
So nice~~
ahh lovely looks! hmm, about make-up on men, I don’t know really! It suits yours and Seba’s look/style!
Thanks!! :D
obsessed.. I love
Men in makeup is so damn hot! *3*
: )
i love a guy in make-up, thou it needs to be done right i think
Gorgeous this is fabulous
You two always look amazing, just saying when aren’t you?! :)
It’s what I like! ♥
wow, so sexy!
thanks doll!!
Oh no! I don’t think blue lasted that well for me (I was using the bleach-the-hell-out-of-your-hair and apply-Punky-Color-from-the-local-headshop method). A few years ago, a hairdresser told me that Schwarzkopf made great long-lasting professional grade unnatural colors (I think they had Ink in the name). Of course, she was Schwarzkopf-trained and wanted to dye my hair :) I ended up getting blue extensions done by Hair Police instead. As another commenter said, pink could be good! If it t’were me, I’d do it as bright and unnatural as possible!
I love this dress so much–it really does look like an alternate-reality 60’s dress. It looks pretty yé-yé, like a France Gall dress. I have a Versus by Versace skirt–I think it’s probably early 90’s. It’s got a Theda Bara hobble skirt cut, heavy velvet laced up the sides, with a wide panel of fabric on both the front and back. The front is like a black and white checkered plaid pattern, and the back is some other black and white pattern that I can’t describe. It’s totally brilliant, and I only paid $78 for it–maybe because the zipper is wonky (small price to pay). The best thing is that the consingment shop had a black and white tam that was exactly the same pattern as the front of skirt!!! After I get a new zipper put in the skirt, I’ll take pictures!!! I was pretty excited to see that you had a Versus piece as well! I think it goes to show that goths should be open to non-goth brands, whether it’s Versace or some brand from Target.
ahah you nailed it. Bright and pink!
i so love her jacket and boots!it rocks :)