While browsing the Bookoff in West Shinjuku, Seba and I found a Malice Mizer special magazine. We bought it for Yukiro… but not before snapping photos for you!
Boy, did Mana and Gackt look young in the early 1990s.
The magazine’s a dream for fans. Filled with pretty, colored drawings of the band.
Mana has a bit of a Sailor Moon vibe.
Inspired by the Gekka No Yasoukyaku PV (music video).
Sleek stage outfits.
And even a funny chibi comic!
Love how the band took glam rock influences and ran with them.
Can you guess how much this spectacular magazine cost?
350 yen — a measly $3.50!
Are you a Malize Mizer fanatic? What do you love best about the Visual Kei band?
Album of the Day: Mylene Farmer – L’Autre (she’s a big influence on the band)
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This is amazing!!! I didn’t know this existed!
It’s marvelous no?
Great galaxies, I need that magazine. alfsdfasfw
I agree with Leon Michael… (^q^) so awesome! I want eet~ It’s a must have (*_*)
Wow!! Great find, and so cheap!! Love MALICE MIZER, they will never grow old in our hearts, I’ll keep forever listening to them :)
dix love!
I have this one too. I think I bought it for 20€ (~26$) in a convention.
But well… it’s not an unusual price for a magazine in a convention. :3
This book is very interesting, I think.
And by the way, the picture MMxPokémon is really fun. So cute. :3
Yeahhh! :)
ohhh myyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I love it♥
omg amazing find!!!!! I think I recognize a few artists in there, did the illustrations include their names?
I want to buy that!
It’s a great one.
I have that too! And I love the reference to Utena <3
Oh god I would seriously DIE for that magazine. I miss the days of malice and misery )))):
mizeru!! <3
I wish soo much that I was born earlier so I would’ve listened to them when they were active and actually attend to one of their extraordinary concerts! (especially bara no seidou)
Mana and Malice Mizer = ♥
What a gorgeous magazine!!! ♥
hwaa~ malice mizer~ :3
Damn the tea kettel just whistled!
I love great art pcs.! and I love Malice Mizer!!!! XD
Malice Mizer was my very first jrock band. I miss them very much! TTnTT
Awesome, this is a band that made music that never fails to make my heart skip a beat!
Oh malice was the best EVER!!! Im miss sou much kami u.u
i miss malice mizer !!! =(
T_T Elisabeth is in that magazine too~ It’s so beautiful.
yes so lovely!
ahhh youre in vancouver again! lol i still haven’t managed to spot you……again XD
Hands down, Malice Mizer were gods of costuming and performance tableaus, in their niche of the Visual Kei market… it’s the first thing that comes to mind for most when their name is mentioned…
Shoujo mangafied Malice Mizer though… nah, I’d rather see actual images of the band.
Hey! I am a costume design major in university and I was wondering if there was anyway that there is information on the history of Visual kei fashion/costumes? thank you so much!
Hello dear, I don’t have a history but here are some amazing costumes from the 90s, for malice mizer and other bands –
That’s awesome!!!! I wrote a novela based on a malice mizer song once, but all that artwork is simply amazing!!!