Muahah! I love my work as a TV host, especially when it involves travel and my frightening friends. I’ve compiled my clips from the past two years in a new pop culture and travel hosting reel.
Watch my presenting above and on YouTube. I hope the video makes you smile.
The TV work is going well… As you know, I’m currently hosting and arranging a Huffington Post Travel TV series on Coolhunting Weird Wisconsin.
My Norway TV gig (above) was quite the adventure. The video includes moments on Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods for Travel Channel, Canal + France, Discovery/Fuel, Today Show, NHK, CNN and more.
There’s much more to come, including my NHK Kawaii TV episode, which airs in January.
You can see full clips and info on my bio page. If you’re looking for a host and fixer (arranger), please keep the Pirates in mind – info about my company’s services here.
What’s your favorite moment in my TV host demo reel? Which TV shows or networks would you like to see me on next?
Song of the Day: Ken Laszlo – Tonight (that’s the instrumental playing in my presenting reel)
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Hello! How was your trip in mexico? I hope you’ve enjoyed ! :D
LOVED it. lots of coverage to come.
I like how it said “hot goth” beneath your name in one of the clips. XD
haha yes, how accurate :P
Great Reel!
You made me laugh & smile – Sooooooooooo TV Presenter polished & cute – your were purrrrrrfect La Carmina, purrrrfect! Only saddness is it is toooooooo short! More more more!!!!!
There are many more videos here! :)
love that vid. you = beautiful and inspirational
YOU are!! <3
Amazing and so much fun!!! I laughed till I cried!
Fantastic! I can’t wait to watch more videos! I like the way you host!! Very attractive!
You are so well spoken and super friendly! Plus you are so fashionable and know how to enjoy a night on the town! You are like my idol!!! :D Keep up the great work La Carmina and congrats on everything you have accomplished so far!
Thanks for your support!!
You are so pretty La Carmina! I love your videos! I support you all the way! (*^-^*<) ~Yours truly, Robin P.~
wow your french is awesome!
La Carmina you are definitely living the dream!!! <3<3<3<3<3
For my, La Carmina is a great inspiration in almost everything I do
I adore her! She is like so incredible
La Carmina is so awesome!!! :3 It looks like you guys have so much fun over there. I wish i could go to Tokyo, monster cafe is so cool ^___^!
Awesome New Vid!!!
y-yo-you were in Wisconsin!? p A p ) you were in my home city nad i didnt get to see you??? nooooo~
I was there for my Huff Post / AOL travel episode – check out teh videos and photos here.
You speak French ?! And japanese, and English,…..and Chinese? Or no? Wow you are super talented!
You must know a lot about subcultures ^_^ You’re such an awesome host. You deserve your own show on Travel Channel! ManVFood is on too often lol.
haha adam richman is my buddy!
How do you get such opportunities?
It took a lot of years to build up… basically, companies started contact me to be a Tokyo guide on TV shows, finding me through my blog and books. It kept growing, leading to the founding of my TV arranging/hosting business, leading to more work..