Eeek, my new Coolhunting travel video for Huffington Post is out! I’m really proud of this one; please take a second to check it out.
I had a surprisingly lovely time in Wisconsin, and tasted the infamous Culver’s custard.
Lolita cat dress: Innocent World, from Closet Child
Leather tote bag: gifted from GUNAS
Lady sunglasses: gifted from Lumete
Blue shoes: b+ab, from the It / Izzue store in Hong Kong
In this latest installment, I visit the creepy House on the Rock (where Neil Gaiman set his novel, American Gods).
If you missed my previous Huff Post / AOL travel videos, here they are:
† Coolhunting Weird Wisconsin Ep 1: Bondage Beds At The Don Q Inn
† Coolhunting Weird Wisconsin Ep 2: A Trip To Mars (Cheese Castle)
Pretty pretty please, will you Like / Share / Tweet my video page? Simply go here and click the pink area highlighted above.
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Thank you for making my work possible! I promise to keep surprising you, with new projects and reports… and I’ve got a few giveaways up my sleeve. Stay tuned.
PS: American Gods and Coraline author Neil Gaiman tweeted the link to my travel show… how amazing is he?

too awesome! i want to go to that house :D great job :3
Love the Kitty dress….
Love it!
that is sooo cool! Good 4u :>
Neil is uber amazing! I’m using one of his stories for my technique study in my creative writing class.
Amazing place! :D
omg thats is cool i want to go too
That place is so cool!!! i wanna go!!
Definitely mesmerized~ @w@
awesome! ♥
A very eerie place.
This is great!
his art is amazing, you can really see his soul in his work. the person who criticized his stuff was probably a rigid peon for his company.
very neat! I wanna go there now! ~^^
omg i want to visit now ^_^ great job
I was just at the “House On The Rock” and it is far far from a house. It is at least to the paying public ($28 per person) a managerie of stuff gathered from all over the world and hand made items on site. I was very disappointed in the collection of pneumatic instruments “playing”, if you watch them closely, they are not making hardly any sound, it’s a speaker behind the peices of mechanical instruments that you actually hear. So a little misleading there. Then, who ever was the “Architect” was on something when he drew it up or it was made on the go. The paths from room to room are ridiculously angled, the steep angles does not provide any assistance for the disabled, I found out the hard way. My son had to push me thru the Ramps that made it a bad day for him, not one floor in the place is level, not even where it should be. The ceilings in some rooms are so low that a 5’10” dude can’t even walk thru standing up, you have to crouch down or the head gets whacked. If you like the strange, weird, no common theme kind of things, you’ll love this place. For me, if I’d have known what I was in for I’d have never gone thru the place, although I did enjoy the Japenese Zen settings thru some of the structure, but it looked as if that was done in most part at a later date than the strange rooms randomly put together. I’d say all n all, it really looks as if that’s what they did here, just started building rooms randomly, and when they were done with a room, just cut some more rocks out of the way, and built another room, not even leveling the ground, just either poured CONCREATE, bricks, whatever they had at the time, then linked all the rooms together and called it a “HOUSE ON THE ROCK”.. That’s my lil take on this very over priced 4 -5 hour tour
Thanks for your thoughts!