Sebastiano and I had a packed schedule while in Italy — photoshoots, events, filmings. But we managed to set aside a day for ourselves in Rome (hey, we deserved it!) We’d like to share our adventure with you, along with tips for enjoying a Roman Holiday. Please Like/share if you found this post fun!
Street-snapped for an Uraguay fashion magazine:
La Carmina wears: Black and white top by Spider (Hong Kong), vest by Gramm (from Closet Child Shinjuku), black and white sunhat from Hong Kong, skirt stolen from Kira DNR’s closet.
Seba wears: Blablahospital Japanese punk shirt. Pants and shoes from Mong Kong, Hong Kong.
Tip #1: Dress up for a day of sightseeing. Putting a bit of effort into your outfits — which ideally complement each other — makes the day (and resulting photos) all the more special.
However, we take some practicalities into mind. Sunscreen and hats, to shield our Gothic pallor from the sun. Comfortable shoes are also a plus, if you’re going to be walking all day long (one of us learned that lesson the hard way!)
Tip #2: Start with a cappuccino. While portions are small, the quality of the espresso and milk foam is A++. Many Roman baristas pour the milk into a pretty design.
Closeup on my makeup: eyeshadow shading with black and red. On “lazy days,” I omit lipstick and fake eyelashes.
Tip #3: Eat. A lot. When in Rome — or Italy, or anywhere for that matter — don’t pass up the chance to try the local food. You can enjoy Italian cuisine while staying healthy; here, we’re sharing a salad and tuna sandwich.
Crazy coincidence — our friend Arina (photographer and Tokyo Decadance regular) stumbled upon us at this luncheonette! We had no idea she was in Rome, and vice versa. Somehow, spooky people find each other.
PS: she’s holding CDs by Surgery, a very cool horror/apocalyptic/Industrial band in masks. I interviewed them for Lip Service; you can see it here.
Tip #4: Strike a balance between well-trodden roads, and off-the-beaten-path. Don’t fall into the trap of being “too hip and underground” for the tourist attractions, or you may also miss out. Seba and I visited the Spanish Steps and Fountain de Trevi, but skipped the Colosseum as it was getting late. (Seba’s never seen it before, but I have. It’s colossal. Ha.)
Tip #5: Have a pizza party. Seba took me to his favorite pizza place, which he and his mom discovered years ago. Oh my goodness, the pie was unlike any I’d ever eaten!
The pizza on the left has “8 tastes” — different flavors in each part, including unconventional mussels and anchovies.
Pizza Ciro (near the Spanish Steps) also serves big, rustic, grandma-style Tuscan dishes. Merely thinking of the place makes my mouth water…
Tip #6: Take a time-out to play. We ducked into a shopping arcade to escape from the heat, and ended up browsing in a bookstore. Naturally, Seba headed straight to the kid’s section and became engrossed in this “choose your own superhero” book.
Tip #7: On that same note, cool down. Vacation should be about relaxing, not herding nonstop from place to place (like those infamous Chinese bus tours). Especially in hot weather, take time to rehydrate with a cold drink.
Tip #8: Spend on something special. I never buy silly souvenirs, but if I come across something one-of-a-kind, I veer towards buying it. Who knows when you’ll next be in Rome? I certainly don’t regret spending 16 euro on Little Prince pajamas!
What a lovely Romanza Vacanza we had! What do you think of my travel tips? What would you suggest for a perfect day of sightseeing?
Song of the Day: Misaruka – Merrow Sin
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Kawaii! :3
I really like your style :) Keep up the good work check out my blog (japanese version) or (english version) xoxo Mimi
big kiss!!!
“I actually went to Italy on a school trip back in high school. I’m just looking at these picutres and going “OMG I went there too!!”. xDDD
how cool!
remember me and my sons? thanks for the pic! I’ll send you the magazine (NIU BOOK 5) as soon as it is printed. Nice to meet you!!!!
Love this!! Cute & Fun travel tips for Rome!!
Thank you dear!!!!!!!
Lovin’ the pizza party idea! that one looked tasty!! The little prince PJ’s are so cute!! ^_^
It was such a fun day…
your skirt is fabulous
<3 <3 <3
beautiful to meet you in Rome! I’ll suggest you also the bar at Piazza del Fico behind Piazza Navona for a drink at night and the faboulous Jonathan’s Bar in front of it with the images of the owner repetead in infinite options and a bathrooms that seems and oasis of lush in the center of Rome…To buy ” gothic” clothes Piazza delle Coppelle and near to the Colosseum a few steps under the ground a magnificent shop with all you can imagine and beyond!
Claudia Piazza Cidonio
great to meet you too, lovely!
its a good thing your back in tokyo to cover some real action! XP
That shirt with the Petite Prince is so cute <3 how much you're staying here in Italy? :D
Like that black vest dress.
It looks so beautiful! And delicious :9
I just go back from Italy 3 days ago. Rome is so gorgeous!!I would’ve like to meet you in person there.
I loved it!
Oh my! Did you enjoyed Italy? :3 <3
Now that’s real Italian <3
You two should do more travel tips ♥
we have a post about travel tips for Milan coming up…. and here is one for Venice!
Wow I didn’t see that one! Thanks!
:) My Hong Kong Goth guide is coming right up!
The best pizza I ever had was in Naples, but it didn’t have such an interesting combination like yours did
The two of you look as pretty as ever, but the pizza…I don’t think I could eat that….
Anchovie and mussels too? That pizza is sexy!
Love the pizza in Italy!
And you two look gorgeous as always!
it’s hard to look both goth and summery at the same time, but you pulled it off. love it
Can’t take my eyes off your travel buddy! XD
I appreciate you both for share your great experience with us.