Cell phone photos reveal a lot about our lives, don’t they? Objects that catch our eye, moments we choose to capture. Here’s a peek into my Apple iPhone camera roll.
I passed by a Vancouver shop and snapped these glittery, decora cell phone covers. Practical or not, the best cases are made for iPhones. Which one is your favorite?
Here are a few teasers from the magazine cover photoshoot I did for a Goth magazine (more news to come). Glitter Machine specializes in body painting and alternative photography. You’ll fall over when you see the kawaii-cyber and Goth pirate looks they created on me!
Before the shoot, Isolde from Avant Garde Hair put my red locks into giant pin-up rolls. It’s too bad I’ll miss Vancouver’s burlesque festival (I’ll be in Hong Kong).
Much to Sebastiano’s chagrin, literally 90% of my iPhone photos are of my baby, Basil Farrow. Have you cleaned your Scottish Fold’s ears today? (Many more cute pics on his cat blog.)
I Tweet a lot of Hello Kitty photos. Here are images of Taipei’s Hello Kitty maternity ward, from a Sanrio book. Cute or scary?
Seba isn’t the only one who makes disturbing drawings. Left: something I drew as an emo teen. Not the greatest time in my life. Right: Do you think this increases my chances of winning the lucky draw?
Sometimes, I Tweet retro-Carmina images. I still dress the same as when I was six. And talk about Goth for life… compare the happy pumpkins my fourth grade class made with my bloody murder!
I traveled widely, even before starting this blog. Left: inside the Cyberdog London store (cybergoth clothes at Camden Market) around 2004. Right: I saw Grace Jones perform at a private fashion week party in NYC, a few years ago.
Sometimes, I use Twitter to help make gut-wrenching, life-changing decisions. At Daiso, the Japanese dollar store, I couldn’t decide between the kawaii stationery. Almost everyone on Twitter urged me to get the Happy Skulls, so I did.
I leave you with some Hong Kong fashion magazine snaps — much more to come from my trip to HK and Macau. Please add me on Twitter to join the fun; I follow back.
PS: Will you kindly take a second to Like my blog by clicking the buttons below? Thank you for your kind messages — I read them all!
Song of the Day: Grace Jones – Slave To The Rhythm

I think the Hello Kitty babies are cute =^.^=
I love the Hello Kitty goodies in your boutique! :)
I love the Hello Kitty cases!
I have one… it’s not glittery though …
I like the cupcake one!!
a really unique pumpkin i’d say;]
Heheh :)
hahaha aaawwww supercuuuuuuwwwtttt
The hello kitty ward kinda gave me the creeps…..
hahah :)
cute basil!
love all
OOh I want an iphone, just to buy the sparkle covers!! ♥
Hellraiser pumpkin. lol
That drawing with the guy with the long arm reminds me of Tyrant from the first resident evil game.
Heheh :) I always had a bloody mind
I love the pumpkin. Wish we had Halloween on mainland Europe <.<
PS: We all have had a dark period in our lives, my self-made plastic accessories still decorate my wall (I was some kind of weird decora emo guy. Oh #confessions).
I think we all did…
“Love this ones!!!”
I don’t know if I could stand having a decora cover lol… I like to keep my iPhone in my pocket so I can take pictures. The main reason I splurged for the iPhone 4 was because of the camera XD
I do have the Hello Kitty x Tokidoki collab case for it though :3 it was so worth the price, I love it.
I have the iPhone 4 and love it.
Blech, yaoi is not my thing. xD
hahah best comment :)
Blech, yaoi is not my thing. xD
Hi I really love your glossy fashion magazines spread as I am really addicted to woman’s gorgeous glossy fashion and beauty magazines their sweet aroma and glossy feel entices me to want more of the same each month.