Announcing a charity auction with all proceeds going to Japan! Iron Fist generously donated a prize pack of clothing, bags and shoes — worth HUNDREDS of dollars. Winner gets the whole stash, and 100% of the funds goes to help Japan’s victims. Please read on for the details, and how you can help…
The disaster in Japan continues. Last week and yesterday, Sendai was hit with more aftershocks — full-fledged earthquakes around magnitude 7. As of yesterday, 27,000+ are dead or missing and 147,000 homeless (and the numbers keep climbing.) I was heartbroken when I saw CNN footage of the areas near Fukushima: abandoned animals in the streets, starving and scared.
Alternative/punk clothing company Iron Fist wants to help. So they generously donated a prize pack for me to auction off, with every cent going to Japan relief!
It’s a win-win situation. The person who pledges the most to charity receives the following (pictured above), in your size:
† Ladies Bela’s Dead Zip Hoody
† Ladies Frakattack Platform shoes
† You Ripped My Heart Out – wolf Hardshell Bag
† My Rotting Heart Hardshell bag
† DigiSkull Hardshell Bag
(These items are from the latest collection — and you can share the bags with your friends!)
HOW TO ENTER the Japan charity auction:
† There’s a blue auction box on the upper right corner of my blog (in the sidebar). Just click Bid and enter an amount (remember, it’s all for charity)!
† Be sure to include your email address (it’s not publicly visible).
† The person who places the highest bid wins the entire prize pack. And the winner donates the final bid DIRECTLY to Doctors Without Borders or Animal Relief Kansai. (Just show us proof that you did.)
† DWB has medical teams on the ground in Sendai, and ARK is working around the clock to help the abandoned, starving animals. Both are well-respected charities, and I highly encourage supporting them.
Shoes: gifted from Iron Fist
Big button coats: samples from my uncle’s factory in Hong Kong
Holy tights: from Hong Kong
Black flower headband: gifted from Soho Hearts
Rose hair fascinator: gifted from Gloomth
I hope you’ll take part in the Iron Fist auction for the earthquake and tsunami victims. Every little effort counts. Even Tweeting about the auction is a way to remind others of Japan’s plight. So please, please, please — spread the word, place a bid, and do your best to help Japan.
Big hug if you press the “Like” button below this post, and Tweet the following:
IRON FIST zombie shoes + clothing auction ~ 100% of proceeds to help #JAPAN! Pls RT + bid via @LaCarmina blog > #charity
To take part in the auction, press the Bid button on my top right sidebar widget. If you have trouble, leave a comment in this post or contact me.
Ready? Set? Let’s bid high and get the word out!
Song of the Day: Girugamesh – Crying Rain (The Visual Kei band is playing a few East Coast concerts (NYC, Philly, Springfield VA), Apr 25-27. Details here.)

scrawled I love your coat in the first Images!!! where from?
Uncle’s factory in Hong Kong. Nameless samples.
Great! :D
the necklaces are awesome !
I love your tights !!!
I love your tights !!!
0__________0 i……. love………….. ironfist *****runs to auction
Woo hoo!
you look so beautiful here*_*
<3 <3
you look so beautiful here*_*
Nice work!!! <3
Yay! Please help me get the word out!
i like the necklases<33
<3 <3 I love Iron Fist's designs.
I work at Hot Topic and we carry Iron Fist so Im putting it on my stores FB :-)
once again you have managed to create the coolest of the cool, amazing “_(ć’,)_/”
I just hope for everyone to stay safe … <3 <3 <3 stay safe minnasan !!!
We’ll do all we can to support!
thank you!
Love your new Holy Tights!
Is it bad that I’m living in an affected area and want to bid for all the Iron Fist goodies?
Aww, please bid! It’s all for a good cause — all the money goes to Japan!
I know it’s for a good cause. I’m currently living in Kesennuma-shi, Miyagi. Most of my town was heavily damaged in the tsunami. I also happen to be an avid fan of Iron Fist products. I’ll have to see what my funds are looking like. I could still swoop in and outbid everyone. ;) Ganbare Tohoku.
You’re amazing. Sending support… I can’t begin to imagine how it must be over there V__V
It’s slowly getting better. Slowly is the key word. They’re trying to restore power and water to people, but many (including my students) have lost their homes and are living in shelters and schools. It’s going to take a long time and a lot of support to get things back to normal. I’ve been extremely fortunate to not lose any material possessions, but I have lost friends and acquaintances. My goal now is to help people in my town in the few remaining months I have left in my contract (I’m an American, here teaching English through a program).
I know it’s for a good cause. I’m currently living in Kesennuma-shi, Miyagi. Most of my town was heavily damaged in the tsunami. I also happen to be an avid fan of Iron Fist products. I’ll have to see what my funds are looking like. I could still swoop in and outbid everyone. ;) Ganbare Tohoku.
I bid on the Iron Fist stuff for a great cause! Was outbid within an hour. Will try again.
you’re awesome!! Thank you so much. Please keep the bids coming – the auction lasts for a few more days :)
nice tights ^^
I want to layer the tights next time, with colors underneath. :)
Wow! I love those shoes!!
Beautiful!!!! ( = _ = ) <3
Can I bid on Basil? :D
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