Ladies and gentlemen, presenting our new hair… dyed red in support of Japan! Big kiss to our friends at Toni & Guy, who also styled us for the NOH8 campaign.
I asked for long razored layers and V-shaped bangs, like the Munsters. My hair is highlighted with black, saffron and red.
Pearl and bow headband: gifted from Soho Hearts
Vampire sleeves jacket: gifted from Lip Service
Dead bunny t-shirt: gifted from Skelanimals
Crucifix gem necklace: gifted from Diablo (a brand Seba models for)
Red and black skull tights: gifted from Artisan Socks
Sunglasses: gifted from Sunglass Warehouse (more photos here)
Red skull ring: from Closet Child, Tokyo
Red apple ring: a gift from my mother
Here are the Before photos. My hair was in dire need of a cleanup; the tone was starting to match the browning foliage at the Orlando Hotel!
Sebastiano is wearing a t-shirt and hat by Stand Up The Fragile. He is the main model for this Japanese clothing company, and also designs for it.
Striped jacket: Muji, stolen from my suitcase
Panda bear necklace: gifted from Soho Hearts
Seba loves Whole Foods; there’s nothing like it in Japan. Making his own “salada” and drinking a large skim cappuccino… big smile!
Onwards, to the Toni & Guy Academy in Santa Monica. I enjoyed listening to the student discussions and being their guinea pig. Everyone was eager to work on an alternative hairstyle.
Ta da: red hair for Japan! Seba’s dyed tips are quite bright under the light.
Later, we met my friend Doe Deere of Lime Crime Makeup, and introduced her to the joys of M Cafe.
She and Mark recently moved to LA, and are loving the change.
Isn’t it funny how we match?
Seba and I carried the Japan flag everywhere we went, to show solidarity. It’s a hard time for everyone… I’m grateful for all your comments.
Thanks to Lip Service for blogging about our activities to help Japan. We’ll be featured in an LA Weekly slideshow and interview, and will post more photos and reports ASAP!
Japanese Word of the Day: Sakura zensen = Cherry blossom front, as the trees go into bloom. (Sad that I’ll be missing it this year.)
Song of the Day: Fred Ventura – Wind Of Change (My life has gotten so Italo Disco lately… che palle!!? Translation: what balls!?)

Geez, LaCarmina and Seba look great together.
Geez, LaCarmina and Seba look great together.
LOVING your new look!!
You’re sooo~ gorgeous both! :o <3
They did so well. Your hair looks amazing!
Matches your name – Ruby! :)
BAM! Awesome haircut, THE BOTH OF YOU. :D
ahha BAM!
*Happy squee.*
I am so happy to see you include Doe Deere in your blog!
I follow her blog as frequently as yours; it made my morning to see two of my favorite inspirations together.
& perhaps this was covered before, but are Seba and yourself a couple? ‘Don’t mean to pry. xD
Aww thank you! We knew each other in NYC, and here is another post we did:
As for the second part, hmm…. O_O;;; haahah
I’m quite sure they are dating teehee
I think they don’t want to say it publicly though and that’s cool of them
I love both your hairs soooooOoOoOOooOoooo MUCH !!!!! <3 <3 <3 X3
LA la <3 <3 <3
I’ll soon post many exciting hair photos from another party – maybe they’ll inspire you :)
I love your new hairstyle *_*
<3 Thank you! I'm happy about the change.
it suits you, I like a lot that bangs I wore it many years ago too, Seba also looks really cool
i had those bangs :-) grown out now tho
very nice hair !
great choice with the hair!
awww, your v-shaped bangs are gorgeous x)
Fabulous! We wish you the best as you fundraise! SE
You and Seba look so cute, love your new haircuts <3
Type your comment here.You two look adorable, and I am absolutely LOVING the bangs <3
A nice job mate!
Love your new hair Carmina!!! :D xxxxxx
You always dye your hair such pretty shades. @~@ Aigoo.
LOVE your new hair. Getting a new haircut next week and I think I want bangs now ;)
Go for it!! <3 The stylist dyed the lower layer of the bangs black, for contrast, and then gradually point-cut the bangs into the V-shape. :)
So cool. I think bangs would make my face look less oval. I’ll see what my hairdresser suggests ^^
It could look great on you!
Maybe not the place for it.. but, I’ve heard some controversy about Lime Crime so I’ve always steered clear of it for that reason. I seem to trust you just cause you seem so sweet La Carmina! So please, any comment on that?
There’s always drama about anyone on the net… ;) I trust my own personal experiences with people, face to face. I’ve known Doe’s sister for some time (we went to university together), and we have many mutual friends…
Wicked wonderful!
Wicked wonderful!
Your new hair rocks^.^ The colors are amazing!
Hopefully I will see you again soon.
I hope so too!! : My Tokyo TV plans were postponed so I’m not sure when I’m back there.. but hopefully soon.
I am sure that when everything calms down and the US media finds something else to over-exaggerate about (lol) Things will be good^.^v Give it a month or 2. I will still be here! he he
Once the TV shows pick up again, and fly me over there… I will be back!
wow~ I like your new hair :) v bangs are surprisingly good on you!
Aaaaww~ so cute! ♥ (≥ ω ≤)
You look awesome!!!
Are those sweet potato fries? Reg and I have wondered if those have crossed the ocean to Japan yet… bet they’d be popular…
Those are yam fries from M Cafe :) I don’t think I’ve seen them in Japan..
love the red hair and the bangs
I really like the bangs. (^_^)☆
love it~! <3
わぉ。looks great. I have a big weekend in Berlin planned with Tokyo friends, hop on a plane!
loove the loong red hair on u this is one of the best looks on u me thinks ^.^
Lovely twins! X3
The bangs suit you soo well!
I love the new hair and I love free things.
I really like your new hairstyle ^_^ very daring and unique. Sadly, I’m not brave enough to do that to my hair =3=
LOL Sebastiano teaching you nice Italian words XD
hehe yeah, there’s a lot of Boh and Ehyyy going on!
I loveee your hair.
Your hair is so Kawaii!!!
I love your new hairdo!
I’m absolutly digg’n this hairstyle and outfit. Great Choice!
Thanks! <3
nice hair!
I love it! I’m thinking about getting some red highlights in my hair but I’m not too sure about how it’d look with dark hair.
I love it! I’m thinking about getting some red highlights in my hair but I’m not too sure about how it’d look with dark hair.
I think red contrasts very well with dark hair!
i love ur bangs and the colour
Aaaw, La Carmina, you’re so pretty. <3
yep ur soo beautiful…..
Beautiful people doing beautiful things
we demand more videos!!!!! 8D oh and Sebastiano seems like such a fun guy to hang out with! XD such a cute accent too<3
haha more videos coming right up!
your hairstyle now is like Waka from Danger*Gang! haha :)
I like how the dye goes from darker on top to lighter at the bottom~~^^
<3 Yeahh they did a great job!
♥ the hair and the accessories! Red suits you.
Carmina your hair looks amazing!!! i have seen red hair but i LOVE this shade!!!
wooow! youu aree soo cutee ^w^!
in the last pic Seba’s glasses looks photoshopped on :3
I didnt even notice that till you pointed it out! They do look like a cut and paste…why does he always cover his lovely eyes!!!! Why Seba?!
go la carmina! looks amazing!
YES!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Colour & V-Fringe… ^_^ ALL!! <3
The do, looks fab, great and creative way to show support for Japan at all times! :)
The do, looks fab, great and creative way to show support for Japan at all times! :)
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