Right! Ready for some bonzer photos from the Australian TV shoot? I met the Aussie travel hosts at Don Quixote in Shinjuku. I strive to always mix it up; never repeat your looks. So I wore something Candy Spooky Theater inspired…
Cyber Wa dress: Ozz On, from Closet Child. Such a unique design; it mixes a traditional Japanese print with gauze and lacing. The corset top is hooked onto the skirt. I wore a black lace lingerie tank top under.
Flower hair clips: from Daiso, the 100 yen store
Ring: a gift from a while back.
Cute fat cat necklace: gifted from Cheeky Jezebel, creators of adorable jewelry. I also wear their accessories in this outfit post.
Makeup: I did a cat eye with black liquid eyeliner, and put long spider-like eyelashes on my bottom lids.
I was the Tokyo guide for The Two Tims: a pair from Australia (both named Tim). They’re currently on a trip around the world, capturing material for their upcoming TV show produced by Sony Australia. I’ll let you know when the Tokyo episode airs (probably next year).
The Tims wanted me to show them Tokyo’s underground scene. After some “establishing shots” and an intro, I took them to Bar Zin, the Visual Kei bar in Kabuki-cho. The Nazi uniform on the wall was quite the shocker to them! I explained that in Japan, fashion and imagery are (for the most part) purely Visual and have no socio-political significance… remember Gackt’s Nazi-like uniform at his recent concert?
This evil lair serves absinthe, and is covered in skulls and Jrock memorabilia. You can see more of Bar Zin in our video tour.
I decided that this joint wasn’t extreme enough. So I took the Australians to Guinea Pig, a fetish bloody horror bar… I’ll have a full post of photos coming up! As you can see from the camera shots, there was a thrilling moment with a live snake.
TV filming can be exhausting because we’re always “on” and moving from place to place. Next, we met shibari (rope tying) artist Hajime Kinoko. The Tims had never been to Tokyo and were mesmerized. Bright lights, big city.
We went to a few little Golden Gai bars (the famous traditional Shinjuku drinking district, near Hanazono Shrine). Met up with The Fashionate Traveller at a rip-roaring punk bar run by a Japanese “Mr T.”
I have more photos and stories from the travel TV shoot coming up… stay tuned for the Japan Cosplay Festival and Seileen’s record release party!
LA friends: you have exciting events ahead of you!
† Friday, Oct 15: New Noir presents Tokyo Social Club, a party at Royal/T maid cafe. Ping-Pong, DJs, a special “Num Num” menu, and cake. (Tickets are 20% off with discount code PINKO, and Naomi will be there!)
† Friday, Oct 15: celebrate the 14th anniversary of Das Bunker, LA’s terrific Industrial dance club. Tactical Sekt will be performing. See nightcrawling photos here.
† Thursday, Oct 28: Tune in Tokyo has its 2nd Anniversary Jrock Live, featuring Mari Iijima, Dig Jelly, Stephanie Yanez and Po Lo, Do Not Feed the DJ, and Asuka & Alee. Here’s info and photos from the Purikura party I hosted.
Absolute last chance to win a gold, customized Pirate necklace! You and I will be the only people on the planet with the Jolly Roger jewelry… so please enter in this post (it only takes a moment).
Finally, may I ask for a 1-second favor? Could you please vote for my blog in the Canadian Weblog Awards? Just click here. In return, I’ll get these host boys to sing you a love song!
Japanese Word of the Day: Iikagen = Irresponsible
Song of the Day: MUCC – Rojiura boku to kimi e

Love it all and love you! Best wishes for your projects.
♥ Love!!
♥ Love!!
Your make up looks really nice in this post, and voted :)
Much appreciated! ^_^
Much appreciated! ^_^
Your make up looks really nice in this post, and voted :)
your sexy enough, the dark lighting, red velvet and skulls just add to it
your sexy enough, the dark lighting, red velvet and skulls just add to it
zombie pixie!
zombie pixie!
You rocked that outfit. Wow!!
That cosplayer is almost spot on for R. Dorothy Wayneright!! <3<3<3 She was the best character in "The Big O!!"
Hahah wait til you see the amazing costumes at the Japan Cosplay Fest… coming up.
Now I can’t wait!!
Now I can’t wait!!
Hahah wait til you see the amazing costumes at the Japan Cosplay Fest… coming up.
You rocked that outfit. Wow!!
That cosplayer is almost spot on for R. Dorothy Wayneright!! <3<3<3 She was the best character in "The Big O!!"
Love it. :)
Love it. :)
i once saw a store selling all about NAZI. sale person wering nazi uniform,too. big NAZI flag on a weird !!
i once saw a store selling all about NAZI. sale person wering nazi uniform,too. big NAZI flag on a weird !!
They’ve been using Nazi symbolism and uniforms since the 80’s for shock value, especially in early visual kei bands. Also remember that Japan was an Axis power in WWII along with Germany so to them it’s not quite as bad.
They’ve been using Nazi symbolism and uniforms since the 80’s for shock value, especially in early visual kei bands. Also remember that Japan was an Axis power in WWII along with Germany so to them it’s not quite as bad.
Voted for your blog, it’s my all time favorite so ^-^
^__^! I’m motivated to keep posting!
^__^! I’m motivated to keep posting!
Voted for your blog, it’s my all time favorite so ^-^
“fashion and imagery are (for the most part) purely Visual and have no socio-political significance”
Ahh and that’s why I love it. Be honest, if you saw people wearing clothing conforming or in support of a socio-political philosophy, you’d go freaking blind from the boredom. It’s just sad to see people wearing clothing “to conform, or be a part of, or be with” – JUST BE YOURSELF and REPRESENT YOURSELF FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, PLEASE!
Those 2 guys seemed cool, hope you had fun with them though the first bar may have sucked. I also hope it was more “fun” then “work,” for I honestly can understand what it’s like to move around and have a camera follow you. And I know what it’s like to be the cameraman – HAHA oh boy pack yourself with 6 gallons of water, you’re going to need it!
And that one picture (2nd to last) – I got so confused for a moment, I thought The Two Tims went all “Japanese host” on me LOL. “Oh WOW La Carmina got them that hooked on Japan huh – she deserves some kind of award for that” LOL.
Oh and I voted for your blog – naturally. Wonderful outfit by the way! Take care!
hahah! Funny story- the Australians thought all the host boy photos were of the same person. They couldn’t tell them apart! Very nice guys… it was great to work with them.
hahah! Funny story- the Australians thought all the host boy photos were of the same person. They couldn’t tell them apart! Very nice guys… it was great to work with them.
“fashion and imagery are (for the most part) purely Visual and have no socio-political significance”
Ahh and that’s why I love it. Be honest, if you saw people wearing clothing conforming or in support of a socio-political philosophy, you’d go freaking blind from the boredom. It’s just sad to see people wearing clothing “to conform, or be a part of, or be with” – JUST BE YOURSELF and REPRESENT YOURSELF FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, PLEASE!
Those 2 guys seemed cool, hope you had fun with them though the first bar may have sucked. I also hope it was more “fun” then “work,” for I honestly can understand what it’s like to move around and have a camera follow you. And I know what it’s like to be the cameraman – HAHA oh boy pack yourself with 6 gallons of water, you’re going to need it!
And that one picture (2nd to last) – I got so confused for a moment, I thought The Two Tims went all “Japanese host” on me LOL. “Oh WOW La Carmina got them that hooked on Japan huh – she deserves some kind of award for that” LOL.
Oh and I voted for your blog – naturally. Wonderful outfit by the way! Take care!
Thanks for the mention!! Twas a bit of fun :) I really like Ozz On/Ozz Croce and own a few pieces myself – although my fave stores used to be in the Shinjuku subande, the’ve now gone! But there’s a new Algonquins store down there instead, so I can’t complain too much!
And the bar for anyone who’s interested, is called Hair of the Dogs
Ah, that’s the name – a great place!
Ah, that’s the name – a great place!
Thanks for the mention!! Twas a bit of fun :) I really like Ozz On/Ozz Croce and own a few pieces myself – although my fave stores used to be in the Shinjuku subande, the’ve now gone! But there’s a new Algonquins store down there instead, so I can’t complain too much!
And the bar for anyone who’s interested, is called Hair of the Dogs
Voted for your blog and you look amazing in the Cyber Wa Dress!
<3 thanks darling
<3 thanks darling
Voted for your blog and you look amazing in the Cyber Wa Dress!
i never heard of this bar. I just go to starcafe a few times when i am in japan. I feel like home there , because it looks like a living room =)
Star Cafe rocks! I’ll try to go and take photos next time.
Star Cafe rocks! I’ll try to go and take photos next time.
i never heard of this bar. I just go to starcafe a few times when i am in japan. I feel like home there , because it looks like a living room =)
That outfit is freaking rapid!
The wine coloured one, really cool *thumbs up* :)
Thanks! It’s a different look for me…
That outfit is freaking rapid!
The wine coloured one, really cool *thumbs up* :)
Cyber Wa!! aww amazing, looks beautiful!!
I already love this post, lots of cool places! c:
Btw! I voted already… well, yesterday I found the link on facebook!!
Yo go go la carmina
love love
Thank you! <3
Thank you! <3
Cyber Wa!! aww amazing, looks beautiful!!
I already love this post, lots of cool places! c:
Btw! I voted already… well, yesterday I found the link on facebook!!
Yo go go la carmina
love love