We’re getting close to the most important day of the year… Halloween! This momentous occasion called for new hair and a Japanese punk fashion photoshoot with my Scottish Fold cat, featuring the handmade knits of CamdenLock Clothing. (Look, Basil Farrow is already licking his lips for trick-or-treat candy.)
My friend Tomomi Fukada sent me this stunning knit half-sweater and leggings, which she made herself. She’s incredibly talented and hard-working; Tomomi was the stylist for Green Day on their American Idiot tour, and runs a cutting-edge Japanese punk clothing label, CamdenLock Clothing.
Punk plaid hat: Putumayo, from Closet Child
Skirt: Spider, Hong Kong Lolita brand
Fishnets: Old and abused, as they should be
Ruffle punk tank top: h.NAOTO’s Candy and Purin, from Closet Child
Tomomi’s CamdenLock leggings are ingeniously designed. Tighten and tie the string at the edge, and they’ll fit anybody. I wore them below the knee (schoolgirl-style), but they’re footless and stretch up to the top of the thighs. Her latest sweater designs, which have been featured in magazines, can be purchased here on Etsy (as well as more Japan Punk boys and girls clothing).
I got a package in the mail from Shrinkle, and screamed when I saw the latest eyeshadows from her makeup company, Sugarpill Cosmetics. Her products are vegan and cruelty-free, so my earless Farrow approves. (I spy another Evil Queen makeup tutorial video ahead…)
I lined and filled in the upper lids with OhMyGoth! Smudgeliner from Annabelle Cosmetics. I swept Sugarpill’s black sparkly Stella over the eyeliner, and under the lids. The shimmery magenta Magentric went above. I finished by dabbing white shadow under the brow and in the inner corners of my eyes.
As for my new hair color… I added cherry red streaks to the bottom layers. They’ll be more visible when I put my hair up.
Smelly cat, smelly cat… (and no, he’s not overweight according to his doctor!)
Basil Farrow is the sweetest teddy bear around. He loves to be squished (look at how he winks in happiness!). For more Scottish Fold cuteness, check out my cat’s blog, Facebook and YouTube videos.
If you’re a fashion or jewelry designer and would like La Carmina to showcase your designs in an outfit post, shoot me an email here. I am very choosy about the items that I feature; I prefer to work with indie companies, and will only showcase something if I personally like it and recommend it to readers.
Wait, don’t go! I’m about to announce an Iron Fist Zombie shoes giveaway with a twist… don’t miss out on your chance to win!
Have you ever done a photoshoot with a pet? How did it go? Basil Farrow loves to pout and model…
Japanese Word of the Day: Ukiuki suru = To be excited
Song of the Day: Takashi O’hashi – Babylon (feat. Jet In Boots) (Currently streaming on Cure Online Radio.)

whaaa^.^ I love the outfit. I am thinking about adding some black to my hair when I color it again next month. Hopfully the schools will not go too crazy >.< I can't wait for next weekend!! Black Veil^.^ Wish you were going.
Heheh thanks! Black should be ok for schools… Ahh, Black Veil <3
This picture is so cute, I don’t know where to begin!
omigosh =,= la carmina XD its awesome its beautiful :DD ♥ lol i really like the colour too :)
just wondering… are u in Japan right now?? :3
I LOVE the new look on you! :) You look AMAZING~
that’s funny! i just put blonde and red in my hair, too!! xD
Oh I love your eyes in this shoot! The black, pink, and white go great together. And Basil is as adorable as ever <3
While I'm thinking about it, does he ever shed all over your clothes? XD Especially in the summer months? I can't seem to keep my cat off my black clothes when he's shedding his winter coat, white fur everywhere it drives me nuts haha XD
Thanks! Yes, he sheds everywhere… it’s part of his charm. :)
Fantastic clothes and love the new hair!
loving the new hair, very sleek!
I think Basil would make anybody like cats! He’s great!
You’re just wonderful! I loved your hair ;3;
I love you japanese girl!
Your new hair is so pretty. Basil looks adorable :]
You look adorable dear la Carmina!!!
And the half sweater is amazinily lovely and super cool.
It must be super comfy and warm to have Basil in arms in the chilly winter night! He’s so cute!!
He’s the best to cuddle on winter nights :)
Wow hair looks great!
Yay! I knew cherry red would look cute (^^)
Yess you guessed right!
basil the pics of you and your mommy are adoreable!
Looking good… Basil Farrow XD Meow! You’re looking good too :) I like what you did to your hair and also I really like your make-up. Is it just me or do you have pretty flawless skin? What do you use on your face?
Hmmm, I never did a photo-shoot with my cats. I should >_> *goes off to plan mischief*
Not all cats are as well-behaved and natural models! ;)
these are definitely some of my favorite pics of you~! ^o^
I’m in love with your new bangs!
love your make up^_^ your kitty is so cuteXD
Love the bangs! <3
beatiful Cat!!
Nope never had that experience of shooting with a pet. – Never had the experience of a shoot either. Unless you’re talking about high school pictures, because that’s the only kind of shoot I’ve ever been to haha.
If I shoot with a pet – I always imagine for some reason it would be with a rabbit, though I would much prefer to do it with an owl. OR MAYBE A PENGUIN! – just gotta get my tux for that one.
So your outfit is wonderful again as usual – the tights and the half sweater really go well together! It’s just all so nice.
AH! And going back to a little red are we? I love it! LMAO @ you reassuring us that he’s not overweight! “and…HEART DISEASE! *Basil shows up* – HAHAHAHAHA I don’t think I’ll forget that 101 cats episode for a while!
Anyway – enjoy Halloween…just another week!
Hahah I know… Heart Disease! V__V #FML
So so so excited for Halloween in Tokyo…
Cuteness! <3
<3 your videos and blog! I'm studying abroad in Tokyo, and your blog helped me with what to do and where to go while I am here.
Basil is such a cutie!! x3 Love what you’re wearing!! :D xxxx
love it!
I love the fuzzy sweater and your make up! basil is adorable
LIKES! :D And Basil´s fur too, of course. ;)
The photos are really great <3
I totally <3 them ;)
Said it on facebook, but I’ll say it again, great photos! The second one you posted is close to a common pose I’ve seen a lot, which often makes for a sexy picture. If you were facing the camera directly as if ready to pounce. These are still wonderful photos but from having seen a lot of other sets, I’m almost surprised you didn’t have a shot like that. Like this leopard is doing, except a head on view – http://thundafunda.com/33/animals-pictures-nature/ready-to-pounce-snow-leopard-pictures.php
Meowwww! haha!
you 2 are adorable<3
wahh <3
wooow!!! is so cuute!!!
love it! Flawless! Kawaii shubby cat
the foto’s are amazing! I love ur fatcat <33
I love, love, love it!
Very cute pictures! Basil Farrow is so adorable!
I took a few pictures with some of my kittens, way back when. It wasn’t a nice photoshoot like this or anything but I got some really precious shots out of it. Pets in photos are the best!
They are; they make for the most memorable photos. :) Glad you got your necklace!
Uraahh Basil is so cute!! <3 I checked out that site where you got those stockings… nice! ;D!!Mohair is extremely comfortable and perfect for a grungy look ya
She’s a fantastic designer. :) Hope you are well!
So sweet pictures. Nice cat. Thanks so much……
great picture! I love the fringes! and hair! Basil is so photogenic!
Great pictures!! One can tell that Basil just adores you!!
my Basil is the best :)
The second one you posted is close to a common pose I’ve seen a lot,
which often makes for a sexy picture. If you were facing the camera
directly as if ready to pounce.