We can all use some more cuteness in our lives… so here’s a new Scottish Fold cat video, starring Basil Farrow!
The footage includes my kitten sprawling out on his catio, his private enclosed outdoor balcony. See the biscuit-headed cat pounce on the carpet, sit on a laptop, and wag his tail as he’s being squished. His feet are too short and sideways for him to fold them under his body, so this is the best he can do (above)…
There’s more on the way, so we invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Yukiro and I have evil plans for shooting a video in Tokyo next week… you don’t want to miss it!
Yes, I’m obsessed with my Scottish Fold, but you would be too if you had this teddy bear baby in your house… Come awww at more photos on Basil Farrow’s blog and Facebook.
Does your cat chase after moths or sit on your computer? Don’t forget to enter to win a t-shirt with Basil’s round face on it!
Japanese Word of the Day: Nioi = Smell
Song of the Day: Savage – Goodbye (I knew something was missing from my life in the past month or so… I haven’t been Italo Disco-ing!)

he’s so adorable! I can’t believe he sits on the computer like that! its too cute! xDn
he’s so adorable! I can’t believe he sits on the computer like that! its too cute! xD
aww I love your kitty. I just bought a second copy of ‘Cutie Yummy Time”. I accidentally got my first copy wet while I was cooking and the pages stuck together. Its my favorite cookbook. I use it at least once a week
You’re amazing – thank you so much!! <3
i want one sooo bad
i want one sooo bad
Basil is soooooooooo freakin cute.
Basil is soooooooooo freakin cute.
:D :D :D
I HAVE ONE OF THOSE!!!!!nnnnnThe computer I mean hahahaha. It’s a pretty good computer! But that’s usually my higher end computer which I use for projects and such, I want to get a slightly better one soon.nnBut of course I would want a Scottish Fold now, just to squeeze it’s big round face. Oh boy it looks just so much fun to kind of squeeze it. nnI remember when I was in India, I actually visited a friend’s house who had….7 cats – just roaming around their house. Some cats were actually stray cats who came to live with the family, the others were actual cats which they had since the beginning. nnSo all the cats had such different, crazy personalities – it was crazy! One cat enjoyed fighting to the death – and oh my god it was gross he had like patches of fur just missing and you can see blood underneath -ugh and almost think it was like that bloody teddy bear from yesterday – except opposite of adorable. His name was “Dustro” (pronounced Dushtro) which derives from the Bengali word: Dustumi (u09a6u09c1u09b8u09cdu09a4u09c1u09aeu09bf). It means “trouble.” So he’s been named trouble-maker with a little twist on the name haha.nnThen there were 2 cats that loved sitting on your body – resting on your shoulders, sitting on your lap. nnThen another cat was the most elusive sadistic cat I’ve ever seen..she stood by trees often waiting for the right moment to get a bird and eat it voraciously. nnThen another cat was plain good and gentle while the other cats didn’t leave much of an impression. nnYep that’s what I gotta say about cats. Will I get a cat…mmm…probably not anytime soon since I got a bit too many things to worry about myself. But I would love to have an OWL! (When the U.S. Federal Government is not looking).
The computer I mean hahahaha. It’s a pretty good computer! But that’s usually my higher end computer which I use for projects and such, I want to get a slightly better one soon.
But of course I would want a Scottish Fold now, just to squeeze it’s big round face. Oh boy it looks just so much fun to kind of squeeze it.
I remember when I was in India, I actually visited a friend’s house who had….7 cats – just roaming around their house. Some cats were actually stray cats who came to live with the family, the others were actual cats which they had since the beginning.
So all the cats had such different, crazy personalities – it was crazy! One cat enjoyed fighting to the death – and oh my god it was gross he had like patches of fur just missing and you can see blood underneath -ugh and almost think it was like that bloody teddy bear from yesterday – except opposite of adorable. His name was “Dustro” (pronounced Dushtro) which derives from the Bengali word: Dustumi (দুস্তুমি). It means “trouble.” So he’s been named trouble-maker with a little twist on the name haha.
Then there were 2 cats that loved sitting on your body – resting on your shoulders, sitting on your lap.
Then another cat was the most elusive sadistic cat I’ve ever seen..she stood by trees often waiting for the right moment to get a bird and eat it voraciously.
Then another cat was plain good and gentle while the other cats didn’t leave much of an impression.
Yep that’s what I gotta say about cats. Will I get a cat…mmm…probably not anytime soon since I got a bit too many things to worry about myself. But I would love to have an OWL! (When the U.S. Federal Government is not looking).
Basil is so fun to squish. And he looks a bit like an owl, with the round head and big eyes! So you can get an owl-cat…
I want a schottish fold ;-;
I want a schottish fold ;-;
Cute Basil =^.^=
Cute Basil =^.^=
So cute :Dn
zomg my cat does the same thing, i can’t leave my laptop open or he’ll just lay on it XDn
zomg my cat does the same thing, i can’t leave my laptop open or he’ll just lay on it XD
He loves computers…
So cute :D
whos is we?n
The birds are just teasing him. Such a cute cat! ahhh! Big paws.n
oh, that is cute! ~ ( ^O^ )n
he is so cute! I’d love to get a Scottish Fold. :3n
he is so cute! I’d love to get a Scottish Fold. :3
oh, that is cute! ~ ( ^O^ )
The birds are just teasing him. Such a cute cat! ahhh! Big paws.
big fat sideways-feet bear!
whos is we?
hes so cuten
Cats sitting on laptops seems to be a world conspiracy. Beware. XDn
Cats sitting on laptops seems to be a world conspiracy. Beware. XD
hes so cute
basil so very very very cute……n
basil so very very very cute……
Maoooooo. :)
Bas, you are just so cute! I did mention you in one of my blogs on WordPress, by the way. I’ll have to do a more in-depth piece soon. I wish you were my teddy bear, then I could sleep at night. My kitty was the only thing that could help me sleep sometimes.
Bas, you are just so cute! I did mention you in one of my blogs on WordPress, by the way. I’ll have to do a more in-depth piece soon. I wish you were my teddy bear, then I could sleep at night. My kitty was the only thing that could help me sleep sometimes.
Maoo thank you!
big fat sideways-feet bear!
He loves computers…
Maoooooo. :)
You’re amazing – thank you so much!! <3
Basil is so fun to squish. And he looks a bit like an owl, with the round head and big eyes! So you can get an owl-cat…
:D :D :D
Maoo thank you!
So cute! :Dn
Adowable caaaaaat awwwwwwwww mines eveannMore lazy lol and this year only she got pregnent n4 times lol I can’t seam to know what to do whith thousenKittens :D there 14 in total looooool
Adowable caaaaaat awwwwwwwww mines evean
More lazy lol and this year only she got pregnent
4 times lol I can’t seam to know what to do whith thouse
Kittens :D there 14 in total looooool
So cute! :D
He seems sad.. i don’t understand people who have cats but are so scared of losing them that they keep them locked up inside.. you probably take really good care of him .. but i think he wants to go outside, i let my cat outside,ufeff he’s 4 years old and has always been good with coming back and staying safe. :)
He seems sad.. i don’t understand people who have cats but are so scared of losing them that they keep them locked up inside.. you probably take really good care of him .. but i think he wants to go outside, i let my cat outside, he’s 4 years old and has always been good with coming back and staying safe. :)
It really depends on the cat… Basil was always an indoor cat before he came to live with me, and he REALLY could not survive outside hahah, he has no skills! He’s happy to go out on his catio, which I think is a good compromise. And he’s always upside down with a happy face, and gets all the attention he wants!
It really depends on the cat… Basil was always an indoor cat before he came to live with me, and he REALLY could not survive outside hahah, he has no skills! He’s happy to go out on his catio, which I think is a good compromise. And he’s always upside down with a happy face, and gets all the attention he wants!
LOL! My cat sleeps on my laptop!nBasil looks cute as always – When I’m reading your blog, and my cat is by my side he always look an extra time on the screen when there’s pictures of Basil!n…I think my cat is in love with Basil! xD
LOL! My cat sleeps on my laptop!
Basil looks cute as always – When I’m reading your blog, and my cat is by my side he always look an extra time on the screen when there’s pictures of Basil!
…I think my cat is in love with Basil! xD
Awww! Your cat should add him on Facebook!
i think becuz his ears are short and going back he appers sad but he’s notn
they don’t like it when their water is near their food? cats can be so pickyn
they don’t like it when their water is near their food? cats can be so picky
Yup, cats don’t like to drink water…
i think becuz his ears are short and going back he appers sad but he’s not
Yeah, he’s a happy bear :)
aww soo cute! my cat walks around on my dads laptop and delets stuff, same with my sister and me LOL!n
aww soo cute! my cat walks around on my dads laptop and delets stuff, same with my sister and me LOL!
Yup, cats don’t like to drink water…
Yeah, he’s a happy bear :)
Awww! Your cat should add him on Facebook!
He is a freakn’ beast!!!!!!!n
He is a freakn’ beast!!!!!!!