I’ve been a busy bee! “The wheels are in motion,” as Seinfeld would say. Why don’t we catch up on press and talk about the controversy over novelty “circle contact lenses”? Let’s do it!
I can’t say enough nice words about Andrew Zimmern, host of the Bizarre Foods TV show on Travel Channel / Discovery. You may recall that I was his guide to weird theme restaurants in the Tokyo episode. I was amazed to see that in his Chow and Again blog for Mpls St. Paul Magazine, Andrew Zimmern gives me a shout-out: “My friend Carmina (her friends get to drop the La when addressing her royal hipsterness) pimps us out on her blog and if you don’t subscribe to this woman’s Facebook, blog, and Twitter feeds you are really missing out, kids.”
And then he takes the niceness even further in his Travel Channel blog! Andrew discusses the Tokyo episode and says it’s too bad the show changed its focus from strange subcultures — “exotic alternative lifestyles like La Carmina and her posse” — back to bizarre foods. As a result, the episode had to be re-tooled a lot of our footage was cut.
Andrew Zimmern laments: “I wish you could have seen the original program in all its glory. For example, the theme restaurant act was not originally about the restaurants, it was about the people that I dined with. Cross dressing, fetish party going, club crazy, hipster chic and phenomenally great company, La Carmina and her friends adore Tokyo because it’s the world’s trend setting capital, a city where you can be whatever you want.”
Speaking of eccentric fashion and theme restaurants… I did an interview with Hong Kong food website Asian Palate. I talk about how I became a foodie, and the oddest Tokyo theme restaurants such as “bonsai-shaped cake delivered by ninjas.” You can read the full interview here and after the jump. (And there’s more about my Theme Restaurants book on this page.)
I uploaded a recent TV segment on YouTube: “La Carmina interviews Rituals Gothic designer Kenzo-A about the evolution of Harajuku fashion for CNN. They shop along Takeshita Doori and visit Takuya Angel’s store to try on clothes. This segment appeared on the Tokyo episode of CNNGo TV and aired on CNN International.”
If you like the episode and want to see more, please subscribe to my YouTube channel — many more on the way. You can see photos and the entire CNN TV show in this post.
Now for some controversy… or not. Are novelty “circle” contact lenses from Japan — which give the appearance of big cute eyes — dangerous to consumers? The FDA has not approved them because of concerns that the lenses could harm the eyes.
Some of you on Twitter said it’s nothing but media hype. Others shared stories of eye damage from colored lenses. And the rest of you suggest common caution: as with normal contacts, don’t wear them for long and care for them properly.
What’s your opinion on “circle” wide eyed contact lenses like Geo? Have you tried them? I personally have never worn novelty lenses because my eyesight is horrid and I must be very careful with my eyes…
Japanese Word of the Day: Kanzen = Perfection
Song of the Day: GO!GO!7188 – Kinkyori Renai (The band that performs the song in our CNN segment.)
Asian Palate interview: An Inside Look at Japan’s Wackiest Food Trends
La Carmina is not one to shy away from the camera. An international travel host, blogger, and author who published her first book at the age of 19, La Carmina knows everything there is to know about Japan and it’s quirky culture. The self-made star recently published her third book centered on Asia’s growing obsession with themed restaurants. The Asian Palate team stopped by for a chat with the author of Crazy Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo.
AP: So tell us La Carmina, how did you become a foodie?
LC: My parents are from Hong Kong, so I was born a foodie! When I was a child, I often travelled around Asia with my family, where I fell in love with spicy Szechuan noodles, sashimi, bibimbap… I also had the good fortune to grow up in Vancouver, Canada, a hub for diverse and delicious food. My eating horizons expanded when I moved to NYC to attend Columbia University. When I was 19, I inked my first food book deal.
AP: What happened next?
LC: I enrolled in Yale Law School but realised my heart wasn’t there. I began blogging about my passions — Jpop culture and food – and that led to two more books: Cute Yummy Time for Perigee/Penguin USA and Crazy Wacky Themed Restaurants for Mark Batty/Random House. Next, I got into food-related TV work: cooking cute bentos on The Today Show and taking Andrew Zimmern to a jail-themed restaurant for Travel Channel. The more I travel, the more I realize there’s so much I have yet to taste — and I’m raring to dip my fingers in the bowl.
AP: Tell us more about this themed restaurant craze.
LC: Imagine sitting in a jail cell and being attacked by screaming monsters. Or eating a bonsai-shaped cake delivered by ninjas. How about having a French maid fall to her knees and call you Master as she spoon-feeds you curry? These are only some of the wild and weird theme restaurants found in Asia, especially Japan. They’re full-fledged fantasy experiences that allow diners to pretend they’re in Wonderland, or Dracula’s castle, or the land of the fairies.
AP: Sounds bizarre…people like this why?
LC: It’s an exciting way to escape mundane life and have a memorable evening with your friends.The very first theme restaurant opened in Tokyo about ten years ago; it was a haunted jail experience. Maid cafes also appeared around this time to cater to Akihabara’s anime and manga-obsessed “otaku”. The trend took off fast: there are now dozens of theme eateries in Japan, as well as in Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan and other parts of Asia.
AP: Do you think style takes place over substance in these restaurants?
LC: Initially, the focus was on the entertainment and not the food. However, as more theme restaurants appeared and the competition stiffened, the quality of the meals has improved immensely.
AP: You are recognised for your eccentric Harajuku fashion…how does this interact with food and what are the results?
LC: I’m a “creature of the night” – and I love putting up silly videos on my Youtube channel. So I thought, why not create a cooking show with dark twist? That’s how my popular web series, Death Cookbook, began. In every episode, the Cooking God (played by a giant yellow inflatable bear) helps me make an all-black recipe (such as black sesame ice cream) and defeat my enemies in stovetop battles. Come check it out; I’m sure you’ll have a good laugh!
To find out more about La Carmina, visit

I think the problem with a lot of casual contacts is that people don’t take the time to learn how to wear them properly. They don’t realize that wearing contacts is very delicate and you need to do the proper steps to keep your eyes healthy. For example, my friend bought a pair of contacts at an anime con (bad idea, I know). They didn’t come with any cleaning or care instructions, and she didn’t bother to find any before she popped them in her eye. She ended up not being able to take them out, sleeping with them still on, and then her godmother had to help her get them out. By the end, her eyes were swollen are red and very unhappy. Since then, I’ve told her how to get them out properly (you slide them to the outside corner of your eye and gently pinch them out) and how to take care of them, but what about all those people who don’t have a friend who wears contacts? Wearing contacts, of any kind, for too long can dry and damage your eyes, sometimes to the point of blindness. Certain brands are lower-quality as well.
For anyone who wants the circle lenses, I would definitely go to a place that sells contacts (most glasses shops will have an contact lens specialist) and learn everything you can about contacts 0before- you buy them. Visiting an optometrist to discuss your eye measurements would be a good idea too. I’ve bought coloured lenses off the Internet and had no problem with it, but make sure they’re from a reputable source. After all, your eyes are the only pair you have.
Oh my gosh!! What a nightmare. Eyes are so delicate >__<
Someone on Facebook also said to make sure the brands are genuine, since there are tons of knock-offs… X__X
I love watching your channel and everytime I see a video from you, it makes me want to move to Japan.
Go!Go!7188 song! I love that music! :D
:D <3
i saw this LOL on tv
I saw it, was so happy to recognize you!
I have seen this on TV and I was like, “Go Carmina!!! >D” haha
I don’t listen to people when they say that visual kei, gothic lolita, cyber punk, etc. scenes in Japan or dying. This is proof that isn’t not.
how come i can never catch these thingson tv??????
awesome!!! congratulations! <3 ^^
ugh i love ur kitty
HAHA, I do like the look of those, they make prescription versions I thought…
im just wanna say i love your style, i love your cooking and your personality,you are my idol thank you (^_^)!
^__^ Thank YOU! ♥ ♥
My eyesight is also horrible! So I try my best to stay away from anything my eyes could probly not handle. However a friend of mine bought and wore circle lenses. (She was obbsessed with them) But she always complaing of her eyes being itchy, burning, and all together irritated. I’m not sure what brands they were.
I think everyone should take common caution! Its just…. Common sense! And Even if its just media hype it never hurts to listen. Nor to ask questions.
Also I just want to say I love your outfits!!!!!!
All of my friends who wear novelty lenses complain about irritation, and end up taking them out at the end of the night… but they still wear them ahah!
You know, I just saw the news story about circle lenses last night. I had been planning to buy some for the first time, then I found out that it’s actually illegal to purchase them in the States. Wasn’t even aware of that fact. So I won’t be buying any until that fact changes.
In Japan, they took certain things off the market as well…. I guess a lot of people suffered damage >_<
Cool as always! ^0^!
Gotta love AZ
Great show and I love Kenzo -A-
Haha, the news just like waay over hyped that.
They just want you to spend like 500 dollars on lenses from the places the movies get theirs professionally made.
I mean, just get a brand that you know is safe.
It’s the people who go down to Santee Alley in Downtown LA and buy some for knock-offs for 10 bucks that go blind.
I’ve met a bunch of people who wear contacts, whether they spent 80 or 20 dollars on contacts their eyes are still fine, just after a few hours they burn like crazy.
Its just like don’t be stupid; when it rips buys new ones, and make sure they are clean.
and just because the FDA thinks its not safe, who cares. I don’t trust them when it comes to food, so why should I do it now.
I saw this on the news the other day about the contact lenses that make your eyes bigger, My two cents: Apparently cosmetic contact lenses are illegal here in America, and all I have to say to that is: BULLSHIT!, Cigarette’s cause cancer, cancer kills, and there not illegal yet, but cosmetic contact lenses cause blindness and infection and there illegal! Just like anything else, it is up to the persons personal decision to wear the contact lenses whether they know the risk or not. =/
Awesome! Good for you! :)
All this time we’ve had these special FX contacts and now they say they could be dangerous?
I think the problem with a lot of casual contacts is that people don't take the time to learn how to wear them properly. They don't realize that wearing contacts is very delicate and you need to do the proper steps to keep your eyes healthy. For example, my friend bought a pair of contacts at an anime con (bad idea, I know). They didn't come with any cleaning or care instructions, and she didn't bother to find any before she popped them in her eye. She ended up not being able to take them out, sleeping with them still on, and then her godmother had to help her get them out. By the end, her eyes were swollen are red and very unhappy. Since then, I've told her how to get them out properly (you slide them to the outside corner of your eye and gently pinch them out) and how to take care of them, but what about all those people who don't have a friend who wears contacts? Wearing contacts, of any kind, for too long can dry and damage your eyes, sometimes to the point of blindness. Certain brands are lower-quality as well.
For anyone who wants the circle lenses, I would definitely go to a place that sells contacts (most glasses shops will have an contact lens specialist) and learn everything you can about contacts 0before- you buy them. Visiting an optometrist to discuss your eye measurements would be a good idea too. I've bought coloured lenses off the Internet and had no problem with it, but make sure they're from a reputable source. After all, your eyes are the only pair you have.
love love love circle lenses they make your eyes sparkle, haven’t hurt me so far so i think they are fine
I love watching your channel and everytime I see a video from you, it makes me want to move to Japan.
Go!Go!7188 song! I love that music! :D
:D <3
i saw this LOL on tv
I saw it, was so happy to recognize you!
I have seen this on TV and I was like, “Go Carmina!!! >D” haha
I don't listen to people when they say that visual kei, gothic lolita, cyber punk, etc. scenes in Japan or dying. This is proof that isn't not.
how come i can never catch these thingson tv??????
awesome!!! congratulations! <3 ^^
ugh i love ur kitty
HAHA, I do like the look of those, they make prescription versions I thought…
im just wanna say i love your style, i love your cooking and your personality,you are my idol thank you (^_^)!
My eyesight is also horrible! So I try my best to stay away from anything my eyes could probly not handle. However a friend of mine bought and wore circle lenses. (She was obbsessed with them) But she always complaing of her eyes being itchy, burning, and all together irritated. I'm not sure what brands they were.
I think everyone should take common caution! Its just…. Common sense! And Even if its just media hype it never hurts to listen. Nor to ask questions.
Also I just want to say I love your outfits!!!!!!
You know, I just saw the news story about circle lenses last night. I had been planning to buy some for the first time, then I found out that it's actually illegal to purchase them in the States. Wasn't even aware of that fact. So I won't be buying any until that fact changes.
It seems a bit slow on the uptake for something that has existed for so long in Asia already, but I suppose I have to echo what everyone else seems to be saying! As long as you buy them from credible suppliers, look after your eyes and don’t wear them all the time, then it’s OK!
Cool as always! ^0^!
Gotta love AZ
Oh my gosh!! What a nightmare. Eyes are so delicate >__<
Someone on Facebook also said to make sure the brands are genuine, since there are tons of knock-offs… X__X
Great show and I love Kenzo -A-
^__^ Thank YOU! ♥ ♥
All of my friends who wear novelty lenses complain about irritation, and end up taking them out at the end of the night… but they still wear them ahah!
In Japan, they took certain things off the market as well…. I guess a lot of people suffered damage >_<
Cool video! and I love your cat *-*
Haha, the news just like waay over hyped that.
They just want you to spend like 500 dollars on lenses from the places the movies get theirs professionally made.
I mean, just get a brand that you know is safe.
It's the people who go down to Santee Alley in Downtown LA and buy some for knock-offs for 10 bucks that go blind.
I've met a bunch of people who wear contacts, whether they spent 80 or 20 dollars on contacts their eyes are still fine, just after a few hours they burn like crazy.
Its just like don't be stupid; when it rips buys new ones, and make sure they are clean.
and just because the FDA thinks its not safe, who cares. I don't trust them when it comes to food, so why should I do it now.
You should do a makeup tutorial on your eye makeup @:22 I’d appreciate it ^_^
I saw this on the news the other day about the contact lenses that make your eyes bigger, My two cents: Apparently cosmetic contact lenses are illegal here in America, and all I have to say to that is: BULLSHIT!, Cigarette's cause cancer, cancer kills, and there not illegal yet, but cosmetic contact lenses cause blindness and infection and there illegal! Just like anything else, it is up to the persons personal decision to wear the contact lenses whether they know the risk or not. =/
His makeup is gorgeous!
Awesome! Good for you! :)
All this time we've had these special FX contacts and now they say they could be dangerous?
love love love circle lenses they make your eyes sparkle, haven't hurt me so far so i think they are fine
It seems a bit slow on the uptake for something that has existed for so long in Asia already, but I suppose I have to echo what everyone else seems to be saying! As long as you buy them from credible suppliers, look after your eyes and don't wear them all the time, then it's OK!
Cool video! and I love your cat *-*
You should do a makeup tutorial on your eye makeup @:22 I'd appreciate it ^_^
Hey, you know I’ve been wearing crazy lenses and circle lenses for years – and they’re NOT novelty! By that I mean, I wear mine in prescription!! Yes, I have bad eyesight too, am short-sighted – and yet am able to get lenses in most styles that I want (I’m -2.00). See here for the various ones I’ve worn over the years, including circle lenses:
Circle lenses are like other lenses – of course you have to keep them clean, only use them before their use-by date…and if they irritate when you first put them in, take them out again!! Sometimes they need another rub with lens solution/saline to get a bit of grit off, or re-soaking and try again another time. I’m sure there probably are cheap nasty brands out there, but like anything, check your supplier and the reviews they get.
NICE blog post about your crazy lenses. Hehe whenever I see crazy eyes I think of you!
I know you thought you couldn’t get circle lenses in strong prescriptions, but I just had a look at the site I got mine from – and there are quite a few that go up to -10! There are some -10 in categories GEO medical, Hyper Size Seeshell Cosmo, G & G, DollyEye, Hana SPC…and that’s just one store!
I understand you feeling reticent – just saying, if you want to try them, you can :)
Thank you!!
His makeup is gorgeous!
Hey, you know I've been wearing crazy lenses and circle lenses for years – and they're NOT novelty! By that I mean, I wear mine in prescription!! Yes, I have bad eyesight too, am short-sighted – and yet am able to get lenses in most styles that I want (I'm -2.00). See here for the various ones I've worn over the years, including circle lenses:…
Circle lenses are like other lenses – of course you have to keep them clean, only use them before their use-by date…and if they irritate when you first put them in, take them out again!! Sometimes they need another rub with lens solution/saline to get a bit of grit off, or re-soaking and try again another time. I'm sure there probably are cheap nasty brands out there, but like anything, check your supplier and the reviews they get.
I don’t get why people complain about circle lenses being dangerous to your eyes. ANYTHING you wear on your eyes, whether it be glasses, normal contact lenses, regular coloured contact lenses, or circle lenses, can be dangerous to the eyes. It’s all the same thing. I own 15 pairs of circle lenses from different brands besides Geo, all in different colours, and about 7 pairs of the crazy contact lenses (Manson white-outs, white-outs with the black rim, pink, red, Mangenkyou and regular Sharingan, etc.). Change the solution weekly, clean them well before each use, and put them on only after you wet your eyes with eye drops. I have to do this because my eyes are dry from when I wake up, and the solution burns if my eyes are not moisturized beforehand.
People say not to wear circle lenses for more than 8 hours at a time, but I’ve worn them for longer than that, and they were fine. I just bring eye drops because the water content in them is not as rich as regular contacts. I only have to rewet them every 5 hours or so. DO NOT sleep with them on either. I’ve done this, and my eyes were red and burning, and let me tell you, MAC mascara is not kind to you when it’s wet with tears.
I wear glasses, but I also wear circle lenses because they are more unique than regular contacts. I, personally, like looking like a ball jointed dollie, so to hell with everyone who says I look like I’m on LSD haha!
Don’t be afraid to wear them, people. Just take proper care of them, know how your eyes are before wearing any contacts, and DO NOT sleep with them on. You don’t want to kill your eyes now, dear.
I’m appalled at how some people don’t care for their eyes. There was a disgusting giant blow-up chart of eye damage at my optometrist’s office, and that freaked me out!
I think they purposely have that up to scare the patients into taking care of their eyes! xD
They SHOULD!! It’s like taking care of one’s skin… you can’t go back once the damage is done!
People are LAZY! LOL Speaking of which, it’s time to bathe~ ;D
those circle wide eyed contacts look amazing…but I doubt that they are that good for your eyes…I have great eyessight, but I’ve never tried novelty lenses of any kind.
I don't get why people complain about circle lenses being dangerous to your eyes. ANYTHING you wear on your eyes, whether it be glasses, normal contact lenses, regular coloured contact lenses, or circle lenses, can be dangerous to the eyes. It's all the same thing. I own 15 pairs of circle lenses from different brands besides Geo, all in different colours, and about 7 pairs of the crazy contact lenses (Manson white-outs, white-outs with the black rim, pink, red, Mangenkyou and regular Sharingan, etc.). Change the solution weekly, clean them well before each use, and put them on only after you wet your eyes with eye drops. I have to do this because my eyes are dry from when I wake up, and the solution burns if my eyes are not moisturized beforehand.
People say not to wear circle lenses for more than 8 hours at a time, but I've worn them for longer than that, and they were fine. I just bring eye drops because the water content in them is not as rich as regular contacts. I only have to rewet them every 5 hours or so. DO NOT sleep with them on either. I've done this, and my eyes were red and burning, and let me tell you, MAC mascara is not kind to you when it's wet with tears.
I wear glasses, but I also wear circle lenses because they are more unique than regular contacts. I, personally, like looking like a ball jointed dollie, so to hell with everyone who says I look like I'm on LSD haha!
Don't be afraid to wear them, people. Just take proper care of them, know how your eyes are before wearing any contacts, and DO NOT sleep with them on. You don't want to kill your eyes now, dear.
those circle wide eyed contacts look amazing…but I doubt that they are that good for your eyes…I have great eyessight, but I've never tried novelty lenses of any kind.
NICE blog post about your crazy lenses. Hehe whenever I see crazy eyes I think of you!
I'm appalled at how some people don't care for their eyes. There was a disgusting giant blow-up chart of eye damage at my optometrist's office, and that freaked me out!
I think they purposely have that up to scare the patients into taking care of their eyes! xD
They SHOULD!! It's like taking care of one's skin… you can't go back once the damage is done!
People are LAZY! LOL Speaking of which, it's time to bathe~ ;D
I know you thought you couldn't get circle lenses in strong prescriptions, but I just had a look at the site I got mine from – and there are quite a few that go up to -10! There are some -10 in categories GEO medical, Hyper Size Seeshell Cosmo, G & G, DollyEye, Hana SPC…and that's just one store!
I understand you feeling reticent – just saying, if you want to try them, you can :)
Thank you!!
I wear regular prescription contacts, but not circle lenses. I have gotten mistaken as an ulzzang before (they also wear these lenses), and I think it’s because I have naturally BIG eyes for an Asian :3 Even if I don’t have 20/20 vision, I am glad to have my huge eyes– without the expensive circle lenses^_~
ulzzang – hahah! Same, I have huge eyes and double eyelids… no Photoshop or surgery going on, I swear! :P
I wear regular prescription contacts, but not circle lenses. I have gotten mistaken as an ulzzang before (they also wear these lenses), and I think it's because I have naturally BIG eyes for an Asian :3 Even if I don't have 20/20 vision, I am glad to have my huge eyes– without the expensive circle lenses^_~
ulzzang – hahah! Same, I have huge eyes and double eyelids… no Photoshop or surgery going on, I swear! :P
those circle wide eyed contacts look amazing…but I doubt that they are that good for your eyes…I have great eyessight, but I’ve never tried novelty lenses of any kind.