Cute Japanese girls wearing street fashions? Close, but not quite. Look closer…
… all of these models are males! Tokyo New Tribe did an encouraging report on the changing face of drag fashion in Japan. Thanks to prominent TV hosts and cosplay, people are now more open about crossdressing, and realize that it’s not necessarily indicative of gender or sexuality. Once a month in Shinjuku, a drag event presents the opportunity to meet others.
Style Tribe also snapped Neo Fairy Decora girls at a Popples exhibition in Tokyo. (Wow, I’d love to go to that!)
I’ve done many posts on this 1980s-girly-pastel style before (type “Fairy Kei” in the Google search box on the sidebar for more). Here are some closeups; many of the girls are wearing 6% Dokidoki and Spank! (Coming up: a behind-the-scenes report from a New Tribe photoshoot.)
While at the club night Mr. Black, I met LA pop artist Plasticgod. You may have seen his Lego-form renderings of celebrities — they include Malice Mizer and Dir En Grey (above), and X-Japan (below)!
Plasticgod tells me, “I can’t remember when I first saw J-rock but it must have been in the mid 90s. I remember walking around LA’s Little Tokyo and looking at all the Japanese magazines that I’d never seen before. The J-rock ones stood out with all the amazing outfits and creativity but mostly because I couldn’t believe they were boys. I thought they were cool looking rocker girls!”
“The bands I chose to depict I thought had the best sense of style and seemed to have the best following. My favorite is Malice Mizer; every outfit I’ve ever seen in pictures was an absolute uncoiling of the brain. So inspiring and fun to re-create/parody in my style.” Check out Plasticgod’s distinctive artwork on his website.
Isn’t it nice to see Visual Kei bands inspiring American artists? And for drag and fairy decora fashion to be making waves?
PS: My new CNNGo gallery about how Buddha is everywhere. In a pear, a chair, a scary gold costume…
Song of the Day #327: D – 7th Rose (Do you like the new song and PV? I do.)

I love Japanese fashion. It’s so creative.
I love Japanese fashion. It's so creative.
I think Lego-Yu~ki kinda looks like David Bowie XD
such cute outfits from the fairy decora-chan ^^
makes me want to go make hair accessories!
So so so cute. I received some adorable new accessories… can’t wait to photograph them!
I think Lego-Yu~ki kinda looks like David Bowie XD
Park your Buddha here! I absatively posolutely hate the Mao chair. The pears are kind of cute, though.
I love it!
wish I was there with my camera!!!!!!
It would have been a great photo op!
Aren’t they cute….. good to see the world becoming more accepting of diference
It’s heartening that Japan is pretty open about different lifestyles and cultures… considering that hate crimes like the recent death of the Swedish Goth boy still happen today…
aww piiics <3
such cute outfits from the fairy decora-chan ^^
makes me want to go make hair accessories!
..Oh My! Sooo Happy! Thank you for these!
hehehe thought of you when I saw these! :)
Park your Buddha here! I absatively posolutely hate the Mao chair. The pears are kind of cute, though.
I love it!
wish I was there with my camera!!!!!!
Aren't they cute….. good to see the world becoming more accepting of diference
aww piiics <3
So so so cute. I received some adorable new accessories… can't wait to photograph them!
It would have been a great photo op!
It's heartening that Japan is pretty open about different lifestyles and cultures… considering that hate crimes like the recent death of the Swedish Goth boy still happen today…
..Oh My! Sooo Happy! Thank you for these!
hehehe thought of you when I saw these! :)
<3 Crossdressing in Japanese fashion FTW!
I like how Mana stands out so well. He's BLUE (dabadee dabadaaai dabadee dabadaaai)… that song came in my head.
I agree with Marie. Yu~ki does kind of look like David Bowie. That's a good thing!
Now that I think about it, they kind of look like legos xD
<3 Crossdressing in Japanese fashion FTW!
I like how Mana stands out so well. He's BLUE (dabadee dabadaaai dabadee dabadaaai)… that song came in my head.
I agree with Marie. Yu~ki does kind of look like David Bowie. That's a good thing!
Now that I think about it, they kind of look like legos xD
you must pack me in your baggege next time you visit these cute girls!!!
you must pack me in your baggege next time you visit these cute girls!!!
uwaaa <3 i'm in love with that shirt in the first picture on the left. any chance of knowing where i can find it??
uwaaa <3 i'm in love with that shirt in the first picture on the left. any chance of knowing where i can find it??
SEE: http://crossdressingxxx.blogspot.com
how beautiful legs in different tights-pantyhose!