Japanese Lolitas love Gackt. I spotted many a pink frill outside his concert at Saitama Arena. The girl on the left came with her mother (Gackt has many crazed elder fans)!
It takes dedication to wear full Lolita outfits during the stiflingly hot Tokyo summer! I love the Classical Loli look on the right.
Many Lolita teens came in pairs. About 80% of the audience was female and under the age of 25.
But not everyone looked like she came out of a Laforet dressing room. Gackt’s fans come from every style tribe. The only recurrent theme was the official T-shirts from this tour, which sold out fast. (Mosey over to this post for more photos of Gackt concert-goers and cosplayers.)
Off to meet Nathan of HearJapan, followed by an all-night Goth/Lolita/Cyber party… I’m going to wear my new Lolita dress and eye makeup. If you follow my Twitter, you’ll know what I’m referring to!
Song of the Day #154: Sex Virgin Killer (Yukiro has a poster of this band on his wall. Ahhh their hair looks like streams of shooting blood!)

those dresses are so darn cute!!!
that third girl has some amazing pink candy floss hair on her!
those dresses are so darn cute!!!
that third girl has some amazing pink candy floss hair on her!
i love the last three dresses in the second picture from the top. the black, red and maroon ones
i have the poster!
i love the last three dresses in the second picture from the top. the black, red and maroon ones
i have the poster!
i love fashion japan very cool and sexy
bloody kisses my friend missfuneral
make a school for my work in the photograph
bloody kisses missfuneral
Oooh pretty pretty! My favourite would have to be the Classic Loli wearing the white and maroon ensemble. Favourite dress would have to go to the girl wearing the pink dress: third set, first photo.
i love fashion japan very cool and sexy
bloody kisses my friend missfuneral
Best in the world! :D
make a school for my work in the photograph
bloody kisses missfuneral
Oooh pretty pretty! My favourite would have to be the Classic Loli wearing the white and maroon ensemble. Favourite dress would have to go to the girl wearing the pink dress: third set, first photo.
I love high-waisted corset-laced skirts… I almost bought an Innocent World dark purple one but it wasn’t quite worth it.
I want the red shoes in the third set of photos. Really, really badly.
Also, I love how you took photos of all kinds of girls, not just the insanely pretty ones that always show up online. Realistic representation of girls, yaaay!
I want the red shoes in the third set of photos. Really, really badly.
Also, I love how you took photos of all kinds of girls, not just the insanely pretty ones that always show up online. Realistic representation of girls, yaaay!
There’s a broad spectrum of how Lolitas in Japan look and style themselves… I have Alamode Night photos coming up of more cutting-edge Lolita styles.
They're all so cute. My favorite is the last one on the right on the second picture with the maroon. :3
OMG so cute! LOL I'm under 25 and like Lolita fashion AND Gackt :O
I just had a fit… Ahh, all lovely clothes (in both posts, as I am both a cosplayer and lolita), but I'm mostly just going “AH! AH! AH!” in my head because I'm dying to see Gact live… One of these days! ^^
Me too! We're his demographic! :P
The whole day, I was going Ah ah ah! Wait til you see the videos of the girls screaming inside the concert…
There's a broad spectrum of how Lolitas in Japan look and style themselves… I have Alamode Night photos coming up of more cutting-edge Lolita styles.
I love high-waisted corset-laced skirts… I almost bought an Innocent World dark purple one but it wasn't quite worth it.
Best in the world! :D
They’re all so cute. My favorite is the last one on the right on the second picture with the maroon. :3
OMG so cute! LOL I’m under 25 and like Lolita fashion AND Gackt :O
Me too! We’re his demographic! :P
I just had a fit… Ahh, all lovely clothes (in both posts, as I am both a cosplayer and lolita), but I’m mostly just going “AH! AH! AH!” in my head because I’m dying to see Gact live… One of these days! ^^
The whole day, I was going Ah ah ah! Wait til you see the videos of the girls screaming inside the concert…
Yeah,I like Some of these are just too cute for words!
I have to admit, I might just go all screamy when confronted with Gackt in person. in fact he might be the one artist I'd be totally unable to speak to..my mind would likely go blank and I'd drool lol
all the dresses are so pretty, especially the girl in the black and white, second set. but I think I relate to the girl in the bottom left. definitely closer to my own personal style.
Yeah,I like Some of these are just too cute for words!
I have to admit, I might just go all screamy when confronted with Gackt in person. in fact he might be the one artist I’d be totally unable to speak to..my mind would likely go blank and I’d drool lol
all the dresses are so pretty, especially the girl in the black and white, second set. but I think I relate to the girl in the bottom left. definitely closer to my own personal style.
very lovely!
very lovely!
geez! Such a lovely outfits
geez! Such a lovely outfits
Nice outfit, but I like the girl wearing Yukata, for me it is the best outfit that is compatible for the Japanese girls.
Nice outfit, but I like the girl wearing Yukata, for me it is the best outfit that is compatible for the Japanese girls.
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all harry potter fans?
I love the lolita style, wish I had the guts to wear them!
I love the lolita style, wish I had the guts to wear them!