Be careful what you wish for… You wanted more Tokyo fashion and pop culture videos? You got em – and there’s a queue of YouTube silliness to be posted!
Two hours after landing in Tokyo, an undead Victorian Lolita doll (La Carmina) and her fellow spooks take over Wizard of the Opera, a Phantom-themed restaurant in Ikebukuro.
Descend into the catacombs to hear incongruous Disney songs! Prance around in the gilded bathrooms! Marvel at the Repo! the Genetic Opera posters! Pace the deserted streets of Harajuku to dance all night at Tokyo Decadance!
You’ll see much more Tokyo dining madness in my book, Crazy Wacky Theme Restaurants (Mark Batty, July 2009). Look out for the ghoulish characters above in the restaurant photos!
Intrigued by Tokyo’s bizarre theme cafes? Keep checking this blog and my YouTube channel for updates. Tomorrow: Tokyo Decadance photos!
Song of the Day #101: Dulce Liquido – Liquid Dreams (the last song in the video)

LOL! love your style in this video!
It must have been great! Those chamdeliers must have been great!!
Just like your company, especially Zoe!!
I was surpsrised when heard Yukiro talk when he entered!
I didn't expect that, I thought he was the silent type!!! :)
LOL! love your style in this video!
It must have been great! Those chamdeliers were fantastic!!
Just like your company, especially Zoe!!
I was surpsrised when heard Yukiro talk when he entered!
I didn’t expect that, I thought he was the silent type!!! :)
Oh man, in the next video, you’ll hear Yukiro talk a lotttttt…
Oh man, in the next video, you'll hear Yukiro talk a lotttttt…
“it was a white dress, looked really pritty, then I splashed blood all over it to make it better” LOL
that fruity pink stuff in the cups looked appetizing
LMAO@ the name intro music. This is so ACE!
spooky bathroom interval rocks.
when can we expect to see The Tea Party?
Soon, soon! There's also the Midnight Mess commercial and another Death Cookbook episode…
Those were cocktails with names such as “Flight of the Valkyries” and “Carmen.”
“it was a white dress, looked really pritty, then I splashed blood all over it to make it better” LOL
that fruity pink stuff in the cups looked appetizing
Those were cocktails with names such as “Flight of the Valkyries” and “Carmen.”
LMAO@ the name intro music. This is so ACE!
spooky bathroom interval rocks.
when can we expect to see The Tea Party?
Soon, soon! There’s also the Midnight Mess commercial and another Death Cookbook episode…
Wow that restaurant looks so cool. I definitely need to visit it now. o.o
Ahh The Repo! Theme restaurant I had been waiting since you mentioned it. Now I have wait for your book! Your dress and hair-ware was amazing, I think I wound up liking that better than the restaurant lol. I'm still excited about the premise of the theme restaurant but I guess I'd have to see some the waiters/waitresses. BTW Yukiro looks amazing
Haha, the restaurant food is gorgeously decorated but not the most appetizing fare you'll find in Tokyo… Wait til you see Yukiro's other outfits (coming up soon)!
Wow that restaurant looks so cool. I definitely need to visit it now. o.o
ahhh that must've been such good times!
haha! i lol'd at you in the bathroom xD
Ahh The Repo! Theme restaurant I had been waiting since you mentioned it. Now I have wait for your book! Your dress and hair-ware was amazing, I think I wound up liking that better than the restaurant lol. I’m still excited about the premise of the theme restaurant but I guess I’d have to see some the waiters/waitresses. BTW Yukiro looks amazing
Haha, the restaurant food is gorgeously decorated but not the most appetizing fare you’ll find in Tokyo… Wait til you see Yukiro’s other outfits (coming up soon)!
ahhh that must’ve been such good times!
haha! i lol’d at you in the bathroom xD
OMG!! Repo! is beast, i love it, love your outfit too by the way, i like to alter my clothes too to make them cooler and more me
lol you took Basil?
haha I wish! I simply thought he belonged up there. ;D
OMG!! Repo! is beast, i love it, love your outfit too by the way, i like to alter my clothes too to make them cooler and more me
lol you took Basil?
haha I wish! I simply thought he belonged up there. ;D
Great video! And adding Dulce Liquido at the ending is a very neat idea :)
I'm sure his adventurous spirit was with you lol. I love the vid but its a bit hard to understand at times :-( were you the only patrons dressed in this manner at the theme restaurant?
As usual, we were the only ones dressed crazily…
Wait til you see the Mad Hatter Tea Party one! ;D
Great video! And adding Dulce Liquido at the ending is a very neat idea :)
Wait til you see the Mad Hatter Tea Party one! ;D
I’m sure his adventurous spirit was with you lol. I love the vid but its a bit hard to understand at times :-( were you the only patrons dressed in this manner at the theme restaurant?
As usual, we were the only ones dressed crazily…
God the bathroom scene was funny xD I like Yukiro's outfit (: that dress you “spilled” blood on, is cool. I remember doing that to mine hahaha. and the intro… xDDDDD i rofl-ed so hard xD hmm, i wonder if people could bring in the VK scene to Vietnam xD
I've never been to Vietnam and know little about the youth/music culture… but sure, why not! :)
God the bathroom scene was funny xD I like Yukiro’s outfit (: that dress you “spilled” blood on, is cool. I remember doing that to mine hahaha. and the intro… xDDDDD i rofl-ed so hard xD hmm, i wonder if people could bring in the VK scene to Vietnam xD
I’ve never been to Vietnam and know little about the youth/music culture… but sure, why not! :)
Hmm, well the Vietnamese do know about the Jap subculture but not too much of Vk. Only a minority of Vk people actually exists xD well im not vietnamese but i study here. its really funny when i dress crazy out to town, everyone just stares O.O
Hahah even in Shinjuku, my friends and I get stares! It’s kind of ironic that the hosts, with their shiny suits and mile-high hair, are the ones who throw dirty looks. :D
hahahahah well my friends say: Who cares? wear whatever we want! we’re young xD anyway, I am thinking of bringing in some Vk clothing from Japan and also make some on my own. And Im thinking of collaborating yours in as well, could I send an email to you directly and maybe we could talk about this more?
Hmm, well the Vietnamese do know about the Jap subculture but not too much of Vk. Only a minority of Vk people actually exists xD well im not vietnamese but i study here. its really funny when i dress crazy out to town, everyone just stares O.O
Hahah even in Shinjuku, my friends and I get stares! It's kind of ironic that the hosts, with their shiny suits and mile-high hair, are the ones who throw dirty looks. :D
hahahahah well my friends say: Who cares? wear whatever we want! we're young xD anyway, I am thinking of bringing in some Vk clothing from Japan and also make some on my own. And Im thinking of collaborating yours in as well, could I send an email to you directly and maybe we could talk about this more?
God the bathroom scene was funny xD I like Yukiro's outfit (: that dress you “spilled” blood on, is cool. I remember doing that to mine hahaha. and the intro… xDDDDD i rofl-ed so hard xD hmm, i wonder if people could bring in the VK scene to Vietnam xD
I've never been to Vietnam and know little about the youth/music culture… but sure, why not! :)
Hmm, well the Vietnamese do know about the Jap subculture but not too much of Vk. Only a minority of Vk people actually exists xD well im not vietnamese but i study here. its really funny when i dress crazy out to town, everyone just stares O.O
Hahah even in Shinjuku, my friends and I get stares! It's kind of ironic that the hosts, with their shiny suits and mile-high hair, are the ones who throw dirty looks. :D
hahahahah well my friends say: Who cares? wear whatever we want! we're young xD anyway, I am thinking of bringing in some Vk clothing from Japan and also make some on my own. And Im thinking of collaborating yours in as well, could I send an email to you directly and maybe we could talk about this more?